Lin Nian was walking by the small river in the afternoon. The road was covered with dandelions that had not grown yet. The wilting white flowers were swaying in the wind. Occasionally, a few white flying catkins drifted towards the sparkling sun reflecting the setting sun. in the river.

After leaving the Regent Hotel, Lin Xian went to the coffee shop to discuss resignation and monthly salary. Lin Nian was left alone to wander around the CBD area. Mandy proposed to drive Lin Nian for a ride but he refused. , the reason is that he wanted to walk home alone after a long absence.

In fact, he was walking home. Lin Nian also took the subway after leaving the hotel. The reason why he rejected Mandy was because he saw the red Ferrari at the door of the Regency Hotel. He didn't really want to be married to a good-looking guy. The girl driving a nice car passed right under the eyes of the neighborhood - there was always a sense of betraying the intangibles of being a young boy and eating.

But he actually didn’t completely lie to Mandy when he said he wanted to walk home. He did get off the subway four or five platforms away from home and walked on foot. It was only at noon that he saw the familiar river in the evening.

Lin Nian had walked this road home by the river many times, but this was the first time he noticed the scenery on the street, including foxtail grass, dandelions, and a few sparse trees on the other side of the river. The sunlight reflected on the glass of the rising office building was dazzling. Occasionally, a few windows were opened to reveal the young people in the office building holding Starbucks coffee cups, looking at the CBD area and looking forward to the future.

People say that when you really leave a place, you will remember the beauty of the place, from the big buildings in the city to the smallest plants and trees. Lin Nian has lived in this city for 16 years. It can be said that he grew up here, but now he has to go to the other side of the ocean because of an admission notice.

Logically speaking, Lin Nian should be very sentimental now, and maybe he would pick up a few dandelions and blow on them because of the situation, but he didn't feel sad at all. This may be the inherent momentum of young people - something that young people rarely see when saying goodbye. I will look back and feel nostalgic, and I will only burst out with passionate expectations towards the unknown ahead.

Lin Nian is also a young man. Soon a plane ticket will send him to a place called Kassel College. Is he looking forward to it? maybe.

Looking around after decades of walking, Lin Nian didn't feel too sentimental. It was as if he had never lived here before, just like a traveler who occasionally came to this coastal city and stayed there, and suddenly wanted to stay here today. As we set off on our journey, everything seemed so natural and so natural.

Inexplicably, Lin Nian felt a sense of familiarity.

It seems that once upon a time, this scene appeared. It was him who left his homeland and traveled a long distance to a distant place. There was also someone accompanying him beside him.

It's really strange. I was born and raised here, so how could I have been able to travel at will once upon a time?

Lin Nian shook his head to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts. He looked at the setting sun and felt lost for a while. He remembered that it was said in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" that if no one is buried here, you don't belong here.

Maybe Lin Nian's memories of this city are just trivial things, and he doesn't have very deep memories. If he really wants to say that the only thing worthy of attachment is Lin Xian, who depends on him for life.

People say that the sky for young people has no limit, and their hearts fly to distant places. However, people are always afraid of heights, so they always need some traps.

But now Lin Xian at the other end of the kite string is going away with him. What reason does he have to be sad for this city and those so-called old friends like Mandy said?

It seems that he is really indifferent when it comes to the joys and sorrows of separation and reunion. Lin Nian thought to himself as he watched the sunset completely set at the end of the river.

He no longer thought about so many things, and instead quickened his pace, because he had to rush to eat hot pot tonight.


Lin Nian finished walking the path by the river but did not continue his journey home. He got on the bus at the end of the path and got off at the subway station. He took the subway all the way to the station dozens of kilometers away from home.

After leaving the subway station, the cold wind blew into his collar. Lin Nian tightened his clothes and looked up. It may be due to the urban environmental pollution in recent years. There are no stars or moon tonight, but the street lights on the street look like the moon. One by one it rose.

He was walking on the side of the road with his mobile phone in one hand and the other. The cold wind threw the fallen leaves on the street in front of him and kicked them away. The avatar of the class group on the iPhone had begun to jump. After clicking on it, messages appeared one after another. Brush, it’s all about the hot pot dinner. You tell me: have you arrived and how long will it take to arrive? Haha, looking back, I am actually behind you.

Su Xiaoqiang's organizational skills, Zhao Menghua's leadership, Chen Wenwen's influence, and the efficiency of the three major talkers in the class are really impressive. It is estimated that everyone in the class will be here tonight except for those students who really live a bit far away and have something to do.

Lin Nian sniffed and felt that he could smell the aroma of the hot pot base through the screen of his mobile phone. The weather was now decent enough. A chopstick of hot pot dipped in the late spring breeze seemed to bring together the two seasons of spring and summer. Swallow it hot.

In the end, he decided to attend this class reunion. At least having a hot pot meal as a farewell was much better than holding a special farewell ceremony for classmates who had transferred to another school. Each class representative stood up to address the transferred classmates in a very elegant way. The solemn feeling of saying goodbye to the body made Lin Nian almost observe a moment of silence.

So after thinking about it, it seems that tonight's hot pot meal is the best occasion to say goodbye. Everyone is eating hot pot and singing songs, so it doesn't hurt to say goodbye suddenly. Watching his classmates pouring water into the group, Lin Nian couldn't help but feel something real.

It turns out that I still have a so-called "social circle" in this city. Isn't life just a patchwork of all kinds of happy and sad things that happen in large and small circles?

His life before the age of sixteen was composed in this coastal city, the orphanage, and the rented house. It does not appear to be a legend, but it feels endless aftertaste.

"How long does it take to arrive? Don't let me go, brother, someone will die." Mingfei poked Lin Nian on time on QQ, as conscientiously as an alarm clock on a mobile phone, playing music for you on time even when the phone is turned off.

"On the road, there are still four or five streets." Lin Nian looked up at the street sign and replied.

"Four or five streets? Did you walk here? Don't your feet hurt?"

"Do you want to rub it for me?"

"Hurry up, it's hard to start dinner when there are not all the people around."

"You guys eat first. If you're late, I'll wash the dishes for you. I'm a professional at washing dishes."

"You are cruel." Lu Mingfei stopped talking. At least he felt relieved knowing that his friend had not given up.

Lin Nian put away his iPhone and rubbed his temples. Do you think he wants to walk? The starting price of a taxi at night is 10 yuan. If you go four or five streets to eat at the traffic lights and then go around, you will probably have to jump the clock. How can he bear it? If you can take a car, who would be willing to blow the cold wind and act cool on the road? There was no beautiful girl by his side.

Maybe God heard the voice in Lin Nian's heart, so a beautiful girl was sent to him, along with a good car.

Horns blared on the street next to Lin Nian, and the headlights stretched his shadow on the road ahead. It wasn't until the black business Benz stopped next to him that he realized what he was doing and turned around, lowering the rear window. What was revealed at the end was a beautiful face with rather arrogant eyebrows, and the surprise of the encounter was written on this face at this moment.

"Lin Nian? It's really you."

"Su Xiaoqiang? What a coincidence." Lin Nian was a little surprised.

He saw the girl's clear eyes behind the car window, illuminated by the white street lights.

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