Elena grinned slightly and said, "Don't think about this unless you return to your mother's womb and give birth again. Ancient power is a very strange thing. It is like a rule written on the cornerstone of the world, but many studies Through its ancient existence, it is believed that it has its own consciousness in a surprisingly unified way, that is to say, although it is a concept and a rule, it has its own ideas and its own 'meaning'."

"I can't understand." Li Huoyue said lightly, "Power is power, rules are rules, how can thinking be produced?"

"I also think it's quite nonsense, but it can't be said to be thinking. It's hard to explain the twists and turns. Why those researchers unanimously believe that the ancient powers have 'intention' is also an unknown mystery." Ye Liena shrugged, "In short, your guess is not bad. Lin Nian does have a power involving 'ancient power'."

Lin Nian couldn't stand when he heard these words. He raised his head and looked at Elena in astonishment, as if waiting for the other party's confirmation.

"Don't look at me like that. Even if this is true, it doesn't mean that you can liberate the power of the ancient power. It is an extremely unstable power. The "Zongheng" similar to the "Hetu Luoshu" leaked is enough. It has become your fourth chain. Even if you unlock the fifth chain, you may only be able to exert one million, ten million or even one billionth of its power?"

"The fourth chain?" Li Huanyue asked about this word.

"You don't need to know too much. It's useless to know things you shouldn't know, lest you have to forget them later." Elena glanced at Li Huanyue and said.

Li Huoyue suddenly felt a chill, which was the horror that spread from the bottom of her heart. Elena looked at him. Although there was no malice in those pale golden eyes, her indifferent gaze was just like that. It was like looking at some kind of white paper that could be painted on at will. It was not like looking at a person at all, which made her feel uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.

"The fourth chain is related to the ancient power?" Lin Nian stared at Yelena, seeming to be a little shocked by this secret.

"Didn't I say that the fourth article is not the spirit of speech, but it has an effect beyond the power brought by the spirit of speech." Elena said with a smile, "Just like Zhao Xinsheng, you want to use that power , there must first be a medium that is sufficient to carry its power - the twelve gospel works forgiving the suffering and weakness pave the way for this."

"What is the fifth chain?" Lin Nian thought for a while and asked, "Since you can't tell me the fourth chain, then it's okay to tell me the fifth chain, right?"

"I can really tell you this." Elena tilted her head.

"Say it." Lin Nian was startled for a moment, but he didn't expect Elena to be so cheerful.

Li Huoyue also concentrated her attention, her ears quietly perked up under her hair, and she looked at Elena holding her breath.

Then the two of them watched Yelena make a standard turn and punch, her fist was received at the waist and then punched out. Her beautiful little face was full of ferocity, "The power of the fifth chain is: with one person's power 'Power', blow up the whole fucking world!"

".?" Li Hueyue didn't understand.

Lin Nian understood that this guy was going crazy again, saying some weird lines, and he really shouldn't expect her to spoil anything.

"Alright, alright, you will always know when the time comes." Elena waved her hand, "Although I can't tell you what the fifth chain is, but to make up for it, you were out of syncope after one shot that night. , it’s a pity that you didn’t see the whole process, right? Now I can show you the power of the fourth chain!”

"Why are you so kind-hearted all of a sudden? Didn't you say that knowing too much about the fourth chain will only increase the risk of the chain being uncontrollable?" Lin Nian looked at Elena and felt that she must not be so kind-hearted.

"That must be because the risks are gradually becoming controllable, or I have found a controllable method - remember what I told you before on the beach, about unlocking the fourth chain. , can you steal the power of the chain in advance to give the emperor a Spree death on the wild dog on the side of the road? "

Yelena punched quickly, and her pink fists smashed into afterimages in the air. She looked extremely powerful, but compared to her relaxed and beautiful face, she always had a sense of comedy like a cartoon anime character.

"So how are you going to show it? Are you going to show me the memory of that night?" Lin Nian asked.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

While they were talking, the sunlight above Lin Nian and Li Huoyue was suddenly obscured by shadows. The environment they were in now was the virtual Shibuya SKY bleachers. This was the top floor of the skyscraper, with reflections everywhere. The glass covering the entire city was as high as 229 meters on the 47th floor. However, outside the glass, they actually saw a rolling water curtain exceeding their height, slowly pushing from the distant horizon.

It was a flood, an unimaginable 100-meter tsunami that swept away everything. The houses and buildings built by humans looked so ridiculous under this force. Countless human lives were swept into the wall of water and disappeared. All human beings were lost in the big ocean. All the footprints left on the ground were cleared to zero.

Elena stood on the edge of the terrace. Lin Nian and Li Hueyue suddenly noticed that she had snow-white dragon scales drilled out of her body!

This was the first time that Lin Nian saw the girl showing signs of dragon transformation. She took a proper horse stance. Even the master Li Huoyue could not find any fault with her posture. Of course, she could not find any fault, because the opponent's posture was exactly the same as her skills and habits. The strength of each muscle and the tightness and looseness of each bamboo leaf-shaped scale perfectly imitated the characteristics of Li Huoyue's extreme fighting!

The blood mist gushed out from the gaps between Yelena's scales, and circulated into her body with her tiny but long breaths. Her eyes were as bright red as a red-hot iron. All the characteristics of the Twelve Gospels began to manifest in her body, and then a strange phenomenon that Lin Nian had never seen before occurred.

An indescribable field fell from the sky, like a galaxy waterfall, hitting the blonde girl in front of them. Even though it was invisible, Li Huoyue and Lin Nian could not help but take a few steps back to avoid the terrible pressure that was so surging that it made people unable to breathe.

It was not dragon power, nor was it murderous intent. It was pure pressure, like a surging sea tide, like yellow sand filling the sky, like a storm sweeping across the sky. It instantly shattered all the glass on the terrace in 360 degrees. In the crisp explosion, the fragments fell down the hundred-meter building, leaving only the sea breeze blowing in from all around, blowing the grass seeds on the apron on the terrace into the sky!

The snow-white dragon scales on Yelena's body began to crack under the pressure. Those bamboo-leaf-shaped dragon scales seemed to have endured some unimaginable pressure and began to shatter from the inside out, and even the Simide living skin under the dragon scales began to tear. Those cracks were extremely small, but they contained a pattern, winding around her body, forming a cloud pattern mark filled with blood.

Yelena's collarbone and shoulders spread all the way to the sharp corners of her eyes. The blood and white lines were as bright and eye-catching as the flower shapes made of gold and jade jewelry, which reminded people of the flowers that ancient beauties used to decorate themselves. But where did the gentleness of this girl's temperament come from? Compared with the flowers, those lines were more like the battle lines that warriors smeared on their cheeks with mud or blood before fighting!

Lin Nian had an illusion when looking at Yelena in this state, that is, she was just like a hydrogen bomb that had reached the critical point, or a solar star that was more powerful than a hydrogen bomb and was about to explode. If it became a light, it would burn his eyes. It was constantly exploding in the cracked dragon scale petite body. Even if there was no real sound, he could hear the deafening, thunderous roar!

That was the sound of power, the ultimate expression of power blooming but being suppressed.

That was the appearance of the fourth chain being completely liberated.

Hundreds of meters of sea tide rushed from afar, with great momentum, and the shadow covered the terrace of the building. Almost the whole world was filled with the sound of surging sea water, and nature howled and roared to promote its sovereignty over this planet.

Lin Nian looked at the sea curtain that was higher than the high-rise buildings and was heading to destroy Tokyo. He felt insignificant for the first time in a long time. Even though he was the supreme power and speed among the hybrids, he could only witness everything that happened in this natural disaster.

"Lin Nian!"

Yelena called out his name. In the doomsday scene, she actually laughed out loud. Her molten iron eyes were full of violence and confidence. "Remember one thing, Lin Nian, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed by you. If there is, it means that you are not strong enough!"

"Do everything you can, this is the secret of the ultimate 'power'." She said.

She slowly pushed out her left hand and posed the posture of the right collapse fist of Bajiquan, which Li Huoyue and Lin Nian were very familiar with.

At the same time, she read out the name of this power.

The sound of the wind and waves was so loud that Lin Nian and Li Huoyue could not hear it clearly.

The tide had already reached them, and the clouds covered the sun, like an endless wall of sighs, destroying most of Tokyo and rushing towards them.

Yelena suddenly threw that punch.

Neither Li Huoyue nor Lin Nian reacted, the punch had already been thrown.

The explosion that should have resounded through the world was also silent, like a pantomime.

Because if this was reality, their eardrums would have been destroyed the moment the sound arrived, because they were too close to Yelena. This punch destroyed not only the wall of sighs in front of them, but everything around her was an attack target and would be killed indiscriminately.

The tsunami wall, which was more than 47 floors high, exploded to the left and right sides, and a hole that was just enough to accommodate the SKY building appeared in the center of the tsunami wall. The upper half of another building close to the height of SKY also disappeared instantly, as if it was wiped out by a rubber hammer.

Everything along the way made way for the invisible "road", and the huge ground layer that was lifted up by the earth was also blasted into two halves, collapsing and shattering towards the center of the hole. The remaining city of Shibuya was directly cleared to form a clean road, a magnificent trench, as if God stretched out his hand from the clouds and dug a straight gully on the ground of the city with brute force.

A road opened up by pure power.

The terrace under their feet also exploded, and the upper half of the skyscraper was directly blown into pieces at that moment. Lin Nian and Li Huoyue fell under the influence of gravity.

Lin Nian subconsciously wanted to grab Li Huoyue, but Li Huoyue grabbed his wrist first.

He turned his head to look, and in that doomsday scene, he actually saw a trace of fear on the woman's face - a deep fear of the blonde girl standing on the top of the sky, with broken dragon scales and blood mist all over her body, looking down at them.

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