"I have lived in secret for an entire century, hiding alone in the darkest shadows until now. I am a vampire. This is my story-"

Lin Nian was cracking melon seeds and looking at the phone intently. A sexy and low narration sounded in the earphones. The first episode of the season's main TV series "The Vampire Diaries" was playing on the phone. The phone case was pink, so it was obvious that the phone belonged to someone else. The blond loser who is already lying on the table pretending to be dead is the only one who has popular American TV series downloaded on his phone all the time.

The exam is still going on, and the elite students in the classroom are scratching their heads and scratching their heads at the test paper. Some people are writing with the spirit of pulling until death as long as they can't stop writing. Something unheard of.

But there are also a few people who have accepted their fate, from "how to do it" at the beginning to "how to edit it" just now and now to "how to copy it".

Copy a lot of articles from around the world to see if you can copy them (not the original intention)!

There are only two kinds of students in the world, those who cheat and are put on the list of shame, and those who have never been caught cheating, which means they have never cheated.

No one wants to be the first type, so the students in Kassel, who claim to be elites, naturally began to hide their cheating interpretations. For example, a student in the fifth row and second column who has studied psychology is currently looking at his paper attentively. , every time I look at it for a while, I will nod a few times as if I have some enlightenment, and then immediately lie down and start writing, opening and closing the scroll vertically and horizontally like a god.

——If you observe carefully enough, you will probably find that this student's paper seems to have an extra paper. If you look more closely, you will find that what he carefully examines each time is not actually a test paper, but one that is typeset and printed out one day in advance. Cheat sheet.

Other people's cheat sheets were made as small as possible, and they wanted to use a microscope to write on the rice grains to fill the entire textbook. However, this student did the opposite and directly printed out the cheat sheets on test paper size paper, with all the answers. I hid it in the question stems of the first application question and the second essay question on my typewritten cheat sheet. I took a stapler and stapled the cheat sheet and the paper together to "review the questions" openly. After the test, I just tore up the cheat sheet. Just drop the paper and that's it.

A more creative student who was proficient in alchemical magic spent a night carefully modifying his mechanical watch. Through precise operations, he stuffed the miniature essence cheat sheet into the watch. He only had to quietly turn the mechanical shaft of the watch. You can see the different parts of the cheat sheet.

Then simply take advantage of the female student's gender advantage and directly write the key words on the original tattoo with the same color pen. Unless you know this in advance, no matter how carefully you check, you will not be able to find out the clues, let alone the tattoo. The position is a bit sensitive. If you, an old comrade who is more than 100 years old, stare at our girls' legs looking for cheating marks, wouldn't it seem a little inappropriate?

The Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing his magical powers.

Although the students in Kassel are known as the elite of mixed races, the elites often use cheating methods that are so advanced that you can’t even imagine. If it weren’t for the fact that the principal’s exam paper didn’t have multiple-choice questions, they could design it for you even with cello music scores. A new Morse code came out.

After all, Principal Angers is only a human being, not a god. As long as he doesn't engage in some clumsy cheating techniques in front of him, he will usually not be discovered. Behaviors such as throwing paper balls and cheat sheets can basically be counted as throwing a few times and getting caught a few times.

"Five rows and five columns Derksen, please hand in the paper ball you threw to your neighbor along with your two papers."


The paper ball and paper were handed over to the podium. Angers crumpled the paper ball and raised his eyebrows. He glanced at the two students in front of him and threw the paper back to him: "If you are bored in the next exam, you can hand in the paper in advance. Don't wait for the exam." Win the competition to see who can draw the most beautiful ship."


"Go back and continue answering questions."

In the last row of the lecture theater, Lin Nian lowered his head and suddenly hit the table sill as if he had been hit by someone. There was a loud and clear bang, and all the students in the classroom subconsciously turned to look at him.

Lin Nian raised his head and rubbed his forehead. He sat up with a depressed expression on his face. He sighed, put his phone back on the table and reluctantly picked up the ballpoint pen.

Caesar and Mandy on the side sat up unknowingly, and their expressions became slightly more serious. If the former failed the class today, judging from his usual grades, his grade points may not be enough for him to enter the school at the end of the semester, while the latter From now on, there will be an extra retake class inexplicably on Wednesdays, which are usually a busy day. Both of them have reasons why they must not fail the class!

Lin Nian tilted his head and turned the ballpoint pen while looking at the paper on the table and yawned. He scanned it a few times carelessly, then started writing and drawing. The two barnacles living on the blue whale rolled up their sleeves and started writing. He was about to copy, but before he could even lift his pen, Lin Nian suddenly stood up, grabbed the paper and walked towards the podium.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to look back at Caesar Gattuso, who had been ignoring him. His eyes glanced at the other person's chest muscles that even his school uniform couldn't cover, and he whistled.


Both Caesar and Mandy were still holding their golden brushes in mid-air. They watched silently as Lin Xueshen handed in the paper and slipped out of the classroom while whistling the whistle song "twisted_nerve" from "Kill Bill 2" (dubbing available here) ), but halfway through, he inexplicably jumped up as if he had been pushed by someone, and jumped out of the classroom directly.

Caesar and Mandy watched the 'S' class run away. If they saw it correctly, did Lin Nian draw a big bastard on the paper just now?

Even Ange, who was in front of the podium, clutching Lin Nian's paper, fell silent.

"Xiao Nian Nian, do you feel like you don't have many friends in school?"

"That's enough! It's only been a long time, look what evil you have done!"

On the cobblestone road leading to the library, "Lin Nian" swung his earphones in his hand and jumped up and down with a cup of newly bought milk tea. When he passed by a junior schoolmate, he would act out of character and turn sideways to say hello to a gentleman. The posture makes many young freshmen girls feel passionate about it, and the sophomore and junior girls want to nibble on the tender grass.

However, seeing this scene, the real Lin Nian was about to explode with shame. His face and ears were red, and his whole body was about to be steamed with hairy crabs. It was obvious that all of "Lin Nian's" actions were not his original intention. , and he was completely unable to interfere with his own body.

"You tricked senior sister into entering the examination room, whistled to the student union president, and inexplicably chatted with the head of the Shan family about what kind of boys you like on the line. Are you trying to kill me?" Lin Nian shouted incompetently and furiously.

"You can't die by playing, and you said 'playing'. Since it's 'playing', why don't I just have fun? I finally came out to have fun. I didn't use your body to kill people and set fire. Isn't it already very good?" Have you lost face?" "Lin Nian" or the blond girl who controls Lin Nian's body happily sips milk tea and walks in circles on the cobblestone road. She is surrounded by bright red flowers, exuding the freedom of spring. odor.

In the field of vision that only she could see, the real Lin Nian was following her with his head lowered, embarrassed by the cancer attack, and with an angry face: "Murder and arson will be sentenced to death, but now I will soon be sentenced to social sex." It’s a death sentence!”

"Miracle and magic are not free. I told you what the 'price' was when I cheated, and you accepted it. Now you can't go back on your word midway. I'm not a free person like 'Wind Spirit Moon Shadow' "Plug-in, it's a very cheap 'price' to let you have fun for a day." The blonde girl put her hands behind her back and wanted to put the milk tea on her chest to cushion it, but found that her body had no breasts, so she could only give up with regret. idea.

"Then do you need to treat me like this? How should I explain to the people around me tomorrow what you did today?" Lin Nian glared at the blond girl wearing his vest with hatred.

"Just say that you took the wrong medicine. This kind of thing will be over in a fool's errand. Can't you just let me play with you once? I'm going to grow grass every day when Tmall watches the live broadcast in your head." Eh!" The blond girl complained as she threw the finished milk tea onto the lawn.


In the eyes of others, the 'S' class walking on the cobblestone road stumbled for no reason and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he spread his hands and hooked one foot behind to maintain his balance, and staggered back to his feet. Straight.

"Pick it up carefully. Why are you busy with so many things?" The blond girl, who received a heavy blow to the head from Lin Nian, turned around helplessly and picked up the empty milk tea.

This scene happened to be seen by Professor Manstein who was passing by not far away. He stood still and nodded with an expression of "This is what my students should be", then walked quickly towards his own room with a satisfied look on his face. office.

"It's really the uncle who owes the loan, and the granddaughter who borrowed the loan." The blond girl who threw the empty milk tea into the trash can muttered, rubbing the back of her head.

"Huh? Xiaonian?" At this moment, at the end of the cobblestone road, a familiar voice and title sounded to Lin Nian. The blond girl occupying Lin Nian's body and Lin Nian beside him subconsciously raised their heads, only to see a stack of documents in their arms. Lin Xian walked towards him with a smile.

"Don't you have classes this morning? Why are you playing here?"

"Ah, this." The blond girl's controlled expression suddenly became subtle.

Something bad happened.

Lin Nian's heart skipped a beat.

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