"The academic community believes that the nomadic tribe where Attila, the leader of the Huns in ancient Eurasia, originally belonged to was the nomads recorded in ancient Chinese documents. Ancient Rome was a mixed nation. There were roughly three original ethnic groups, namely Etruscans, Sabines and Greeks, so in 418 AD, when the 12-year-old Attila was sent to the Roman court as a hostage, it is conceivable that he would inevitably become an anomaly, a special one among European nations. existence, just like us.”

In the curved lecture theater, an old man with silver-white hair holds his pocket in his left hand and holds a textbook in one hand as he strolls down the aisle between the desks and chairs. His straight black suit supports his tall and straight figure, and a ring full of energy hangs on his right eye. The monocle has an academic atmosphere, and the ravines carved by time on the face below seem to be planted with bottles of nameless tombstones.

The lecture hall was completely silent and only the sound of rustling paper and pen could be heard. This is probably the class environment that all the faculty and staff of Kassel College dream of. You must know that in a meritocratic genius college, there is always no shortage of pretentiousness and self-identification. The students of the Savior and World Star want to set "rules" for these people and force them to abide by "discipline". This is an unscientific thing.

But now the white-haired old man in the lecture theater has done it, and he has maintained this status quo not with harsh punishments or promises of hospitality. Anyone who enters his classroom at any time will find that they used to be arrogant and arrogant. Geniuses with lofty ambitions are as docile as sheep, even if the shepherds are not holding pointers and hounds.

Hilbert Jean Angers.

This is the name of the white-haired old man, the teacher of "Dragon Family Genealogy" and the most respected and respected current principal of this Dragon Slaying Academy.

"When he was young, Attila performed very well in the court. Even though his status was limited, genius would never be buried in any era, and he quickly entered the eyes of the top secret party officials at the time. For example, Pope Leo I, the chief member of the Senate Avinus, and the commander of the Praetorian Guards Trigejius are all descendants of the dragon-slaying family. They not only control the prosperous Western Rome, but also specialize in alchemy and dragon literature. , and has extremely high attainments in spiritual science." Angers said: "For a young man who appears to have excellent bloodline, the secret party's first decision is naturally to cultivate him. Even if he is a hostage, between humans and dragons, He was still a human being during the war - but unfortunately, the Pope made the wrong decision at the time. Before Attila realized his identity, he had already figured out all the details of the human hybrids at that time. This It can also be regarded as one of the main reasons why Western Rome was later defeated by the whip of God."

"So Attila didn't know he was a dragon king before he became an adult?" Someone in the lecture theater asked a question based on the lesson plan explained by Principal Angers.

"That's a good question." Principal Ange slightly pressed down the textbook with two fingers and glanced at the person asking the question. At a glance, he saw the blond hair whose color surpassed the warm yellow light of the lecture theater: "But if you are not on the If you had slept through class, maybe you wouldn't have asked this question now, Caesar Gattuso."

In the last row, Caesar Gattuso slowly lowered his raised hand and scratched his head. The students' kind laughter came from the classroom. Angers also smiled lightly and answered the question just now. : "The Dragon King will forget a lot of memories when he wakes up from his slumber. This is a very common thing. It has happened many times in history. I should have mentioned in the first class of my freshman year that dragons are immortal."

Before he finished speaking, a knock on the door interrupted Ange's explanation. Everyone looked at the door of the lecture theater. The door was closed during class. The principal preferred to call himself the dragon slayer instead of the dragon slayer. It is a well-known fact that one of the things an aspiring educator dislikes the most during a lecture is being interrupted, so few would risk upsetting the principal by knocking on the door of "Dragon Family Genealogy" during class. , unless there are major emergencies.

There was no emotion on Ange's face after the lecture was interrupted. He didn't even turn around but raised his hand holding the textbook: "Which student in the front row is willing to open the door for the students who are late?"

Late classmates?

The first-year students in the lecture theater were stunned. They looked around each other to see if any faces were missing. They had been attending classes at Kassel College for more than half a year. With their mixed-race memories, they were different from ordinary people. Everyone probably knew how many students there were in this course, but no one found the bold guy who was "absent from class" before the door was opened.

After hearing what Angers said, a smart African-American young man sitting near the door climbed over from behind the desk to the door and turned the door handle. As soon as the door was pushed open from the outside, a gentle apology was heard: " Sorry, I woke up late this morning, my alarm seemed to be broken and didn’t go off.”

Walking in from outside the classroom was a face that was unfamiliar to all the students in the lecture theater. No one had seen this young Asian boy in their usual classes. Even though he was unfamiliar, he was particularly impressive at first sight. Just like the historical episode Angers mentioned before, the young Dragon King Attila was sent to the noble court of Europe. Under the different faces, he showed the common beauty of human beings, but this was not the case. However, he became an outlier among everyone and attracted all the attention.

“Actually, during class, I have always been curious whether your first class at Cassel College will end with being absent from class. After all, in a sense, this represents the students’ attitude towards college life. "Principal Ange turned around and looked at the Asian boy at the door with a smile. His eyes were full of scrutiny, but it was not the harshness of questioning a criminal, but the kind of care he appreciated when he was caring for Baoyu.

"Sorry, Principal Ange." Lin Qingnian, who was holding the textbook, bowed his head slightly to apologize.

"It doesn't look like you haven't done any homework. At least you know the name of the teacher who teaches this course." Principal Angers smiled generously, and laughter echoed in the lecture theater: "Go find a seat and sit down. , Lin Nian."

Angers' next sentence ended this sudden episode, but at the same time it caused quite a commotion in the classroom. Many surprised eyes turned to the boy holding the textbook next to the podium. After repeated observations, many people immediately I connected it with the photos in the posts on the Night Watch forum, and recognized that the guy who was late was the quasi-'S'-class student who had caused a lot of noise recently. Someone had heard that he would go with the freshmen. I heard the news about the class, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon today.

"Thank you, principal." Lin Nian looked calm. He was prepared to be scolded before arriving late, but in general, he didn't have much worry about it. After all, freshmen will always be forgiven if they make some mistakes when enrolling. In contrast, what you should worry about is the quality of the teacher's first impression of you.

It seemed that Hilbert Jean Angers was not a rigid person. When he first saw him, Lin Nian even thought he had entered the wrong classroom.

This is not a mummy mother, this is simply Larry, the lobster lifeguard.

He clearly remembered that his roommate Fingel had gossiped about him. The current president of Cassel College was more than 130 years old, but the old man in a suit in front of him had a bulging bicep. From the looks of it, Principal Angers is really, as Fingel said, a good man who can move around with his arms undressed. I don’t know how he maintains himself. Does he rely on daily injections of steroids and sheep placenta?

Lin Nian carried his book and walked all the way to the back of the lecture theater under the spotlight, and found a row with the least people to sit in. It is worth mentioning that there was only one blond boy sitting in this row. He was attracted by that row at first sight. She was attracted by a head of golden hair, and the color in her eyes was as soft as being dyed by a warm yellow lampshade.

The blond boy looked sideways at Lin Nian's face, which reminded him of those sharp-edged white sculptures in Shilan Middle School's art class. The combination of beauty and toughness was like an artist's lyrical poem about ideal beauty. After looking at Lin Nian, the boy smiled slightly. He raised his eyebrows and raised his hand to open the seat next to him to indicate that Lin Nian could sit down.

All the students in the lecture theater glanced at this scene with their peripheral vision but said nothing. Lin Nian was slightly startled but did not reject the kindness. He nodded and thanked in a low voice, then put the textbook on the table and sat down.

"The orientation meeting will end here, students. The morning class lasts for fifty minutes. We only have about twenty minutes to continue teaching." Angers patted the textbook and attracted everyone's attention. He came back and asked with a slight smile: "Can any classmate remind me what we just talked about?"

"The Dragon King is an unkillable existence." Lin Nian said, and everyone's attention was attracted again. He compared the textbook with the blond deskmate and turned to the designated page. Then he looked up and saw this scene and explained: "I was standing outside the classroom. After a while, I took note of the topic that the principal interrupted me, which is what I should do."

"A very good upbringing." Angers praised without hesitation: "Yes, we are talking about the rebirth of the Dragon King."

"Isn't it death?" someone asked.

"Conceptually speaking, the Dragon King is an 'unkillable' thing. The more noble the existence, the harder it is to kill. When they have a premonition that they are about to die, they will make a bone bottle in advance and hide their remains in it. After waiting for a long time, he will break out of the coffin again and usher in a new life, and he will definitely become stronger." Angers walked down the aisle holding the textbook: "Attila did not realize his identity as the Dragon King when he was a hostage at the age of 12. While suffering discrimination in the palace, he learned human culture. He even thought about escaping but failed. Every time he was caught, he was publicly humiliated and punished until he regained his past memories, which belonged to the tyrant. With iron fist and fury, the Western Romans paid the price for their ignorance and contempt.”

"City, treasure and princess? Very dragon-like." The blond boy next to Lin Nian whispered.

"Are you referring to the Western Roman princess Honoria who proposed marriage many times after Attila led his troops back to Western Rome in history?" Lin Nian also asked in a low voice.

"It seems that you studied history well." The blond boy smiled and tapped the white textbook with his pen: "It's hard to imagine that the dragon king in reality would be as greedy for princesses and treasures as the dragons in knight novels. Do you think that after the modern dragon king wakes up? Will the first thing you do is steal the princess?"

"We are in the 21st century and there are no princesses for him to grab. As far as I know, the two most famous princesses in the contemporary era are the eldest daughter of Prince Fumihito of Akishino Palace in Japan and Princess Beatrice, the granddaughter of *** ." Lin Nian took a pencil and immersed himself in some handouts in the textbook to sketch and annotate: "Those two people are about the same age as us, and they can be regarded as young and old, but I don't know what the Dragon King's criteria for choosing a mate are. If it is appearance, If so, then the first place he should go to after waking up is to go to Disneyland."

"The insight is very unique. I have also been to Disneyland, but I went there secretly. I didn't stay long, but I saw Snow White and Cinderella inside." The blond boy immediately continued to express that he knew about such a thing as 'Disneyland' exist.

"I will propose to the school board that we spend more money to arrange executive board patrols at Disney parks around the world every year to prevent the dragon king from abducting the princesses as soon as he wakes up." Angers coughed twice on the podium. Interrupting the passionate discussion about Disneyland between the two boys in the last row: "Although I do not prohibit academic discussions among students, is it too magical realism to talk about Disney princesses in the dragon slaying class? Do you think so? Lin Nian, Caesar?"

Lin Nian, who was in the last row, paused for a moment, turned to look at the nonchalant smile on the face of the blond boy next to him, and suddenly some confusion about the other person's identity was solved.

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