"Take off your clothes." Gloria said.

"Take off your pants too." She added after a moment.

"Isn't this appropriate?" Lin Nian, who was shirtless, lifted up his belt and looked around at the "eager" senior commissioners. After leaving the conference room, he came to this empty room. At first glance, the layout seemed a bit... Like a small movie with an average duration of two hours, I am afraid that someone will ask him his measurements as soon as he comes on.

"Aren't you wearing underwear?" Gloria paused slightly and seemed to understand something: "I can turn around."

"No, I don't have that kind of hobby." Lin Nian decisively chose the latter between integrity and reputation. He took off his belt and stripped down to only a pair of gray boxer briefs.

"Oh, you can keep your long johns. The weather has been quite cold recently." Gloria nodded slightly.

"Tell me earlier." Lin Nian pulled up his long johns again.

The senior commissioners in the room couldn't help laughing. One of them came over with a pile of clothes and handed it to Lin Nian. Gloria on the side said, "From now on, these clothes cannot be changed for twenty-four hours." .”

"Hospital gown?" Lin Nian held a white thin cotton short-sleeved hospital gown in his hand and looked at Gloria: "Am I going to pretend to be a patient and lurk around the victim?"

"In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the interim commissioner please call the victim 'Marita' from now on." Gloria watched Lin Nian put on a full set of hospital gown, stepped forward and put on a miniature wireless headset for him: "Your operation code name is' Beta', remember to respond promptly when you hear the summons in your headset."

"'Beta'? Can I be called 'Shuke'?" Lin Nian told a cold joke that had a small audience.

"No, the operation code name was set by Minister Schneider. The instructor who coordinates with you is code name 'Alpha', and the logistics team leader's code name is 'Gamma'. These necessary information need to be kept in mind before taking action." Gloria said to Lin Nian I straightened out the wrinkles in my clothes.

"Remember, the headset does not have a shut-off function, so we can hear every word you say during the operation. Please be careful in your words and actions." Gloria took a half step back and put her hands behind her back.

"Has anyone made a joke before?" Lin Nian touched his ear with his right hand to make sure the headset didn't leak out.

"If you mean that you received a call from your girlfriend during the mission, and the conversation between you and me was heard by the entire execution department, then that should be considered true." Gloria took out the iPhone from Lin Nian's windbreaker and put it into the storage. He took another Nokia from the box and handed it to him.

"My name is still 'Lin Nian' during the operation? Don't I need to change it?" Lin Nian glanced at the identification band tied to his wrist.

"To avoid revealing your secret, there have been incidents in the past where the commissioner always reacted late after being called because he was not familiar with his name, which led to his secret being revealed." Gloria turned around and waved, and a girl ran over and put Lin Nian's original name in the storage box. All clothes and belongings were taken away.

"Where are the weapons?" Lin Nian found that his hands were still empty.

"Glock or Colt?"

"Anything is fine."

"What about short-hand weapons, daggers or short swords? I have read your resume. Japanese swords are too conspicuous and should not be brought into the hospital."


"Okay, the weapons will be delivered to your bedside table on time. The padlock's password is your birthday and is authorized for use in emergencies. If someone asks you what is locked in your bedside table, you should answer general belongings and electronic equipment." Gloria nodded: "Have you ever been sick before?"

"Get ill?"

"You are pretending to be a patient, so you have to act like one. The medical record says that you are a diabetic, a disease of affluence. The usual symptoms are 'three more and one less', polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria and weight loss. Remember to pretend Like some, and you can also contact us while going to the toilet." After speaking, Gloria took half a step back and looked Lin Nian up and down: "You are quite thin in your clothes. You are indeed a very good undercover candidate. It’s much better to remember that pec monster.”

"Breast muscle monster?" Lin Nian didn't react. After a while, he saw Gloria smiling and shaking her head and realized that he was talking about Caesar.

"Remember your personal information, you are an 18-year-old male, a junior at Dalton High School, a single-parent family, with a 47-year-old mother who works as a corporate department manager, so your family is wealthy and can be considered middle-class. He lives in Brooklyn, New York. Excellent academic performance, gentle personality, good at sociability." Gloria flipped through a notebook and read about Lin Nian's 'character setting'.

"I need to have a good relationship with the victim. I mean 'Marita'?" Lin Nian memorized all Gloria's words.

"It's not necessary. The girl has undergone surgery for knee bursitis, so she can't leave the bed for the time being, so she may take the initiative to talk to you. You need to be able to negotiate with the most basic skills." Gloria said, "We are based on We contacted the other party as FBI and successfully persuaded the other party's parents to cooperate with our operation. In addition to her parents' visits, there will only be one nurse in the hospital to take care of her daily life. This nurse is also one of ours and is necessary. You can ask him for help."

"Will the prisoner really take the bait? The other party should know that 'Marita' has been heavily surrounded, so will he take the risk to attack?" Lin Nian took the book in Gloria's hand and read all the information carefully. Again.

"There is a high probability that the prisoner does not understand the composition and history of the secret party. He thought that we were still pursuing the FBI for several years. This is due to the asymmetry in intelligence. The FBI people were in front of the 'A' class hybrid. Like a child holding plastic handcuffs, he has lost his sense of awe after committing crimes the previous seven times. He should now consider himself a more advanced creature and use the power brought by his bloodline to defy all the laws established by mankind. This kind of We have seen too many people, too many, and their pride and self-esteem will not allow them to retreat under the siege of mere 'human beings'. What they want to do is to commit crimes in a high profile again, and then leave quietly and trample all ethical systems on them. Under the feet of his new power and violence." Gloria said calmly.

"It means we only have one chance to really take action."

"When he appears, we will close the net and kill him with one strike." Gloria said.

Lin Nian read all the information silently in his mind and asked, "Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

"That's about it. Remember to follow the instructions of the 'instructor' during the mission. You are not allowed to take off the headset under any circumstances. When encountering the enemy, choose to delay instead of fighting. In critical moments, you need to hold on for twenty seconds to win." Gloria Instructions.

"What if he insists on hurting that girl?" Lin Nian asked.

"This is your business. Those twenty seconds are your 'examination questions'. We are only responsible for all the trouble after twenty seconds." Gloria said lightly.

"If this mission is completed, can I leave an impression on your minister?" Lin Nian asked.

Gloria paused and looked at Lin Nian. After a long silence, she suddenly said: "16? 17?"

"16." Lin Nian realized that the other party was asking his age.

"At this age, I am still afraid of being different and falling into the trouble and pain of being isolated by my classmates." Gloria looked at Lin Nian's young and immature face carefully and said with a smile: "But you are standing here now, Isn’t it enough for you to have one foot in the dragon battlefield, ready to face dangerous hybrids?”

"Why is it enough?"

"'S' level, you seem to be craving for more." Gloria said softly. She got close to Lin Nian and straightened her sleeves: "You are still too immature and young now. Maybe you need to spend more time. It takes time to realize that what you need to do now is not to prove yourself but to understand yourself, who you are, how to live, and why you live."

Lin Nian didn't know how to answer her words, but he vaguely remembered that for some reason Miyamoto Isshin seemed to have said the same similar words to him, and he said them so seriously.

Is it because you are too young? he does not know.

"Don't be too nervous. You are an 'S' class, and you have been recognized as an elite, so I think you have enough capital to be qualified for this mission. If you succeed in this mission, I guarantee that you will give the entire The execution department was deeply impressed." Gloria raised her head slightly and looked at Lin Nian seriously: "But don't be eager for quick success and do your own job well. Many people are optimistic about you, and now I am optimistic about you."

"I know." Lin Nian said nothing more.

At this time, the door of the room was also opened. Instructor Ryder poked his head in and took a look at Lin Nian, who was wearing a hospital gown. He nodded slightly to Gloria, indicating that the other teams were ready.

"Stand by at any time." Gloria stood behind Lin Nian and nodded.

"Then let's start taking action." Ryder clapped his hands, and everyone in the room suddenly moved and rushed out. For a moment, it was like a huge machine pressed the start button, and countless gears rolled and meshed. There is no airtight between them.

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