The temporary combat conference room was across the street from the North-South Memorial Hospital, and it took about five minutes to get there and back. Even though he was running at full speed, it was already three or four minutes later when Ryder arrived at the lobby of the inpatient department.

Standing at the foot of the steps outside the inpatient department, he saw a large amount of blood flowing down the steps like spring water, gathering on the ground to form a pool of blood that wetted the uppers of his shoes, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood. .

"Alarm cleared. The murderer is dead." Gloria observed Ryder rushing to the scene on the wireless channel and whispered.

"The 'S' class has defeated the enemy?" Ryder's low tone was filled with horror as he walked up the blood stairs step by step towards the lobby of the inpatient department.

He rushed out of the combat conference room just before Lin Nian and Caesar took action. Naturally, he had no way of knowing what happened in these few minutes. He couldn't even imagine how a 16-year-old temporary commissioner could deal with a three-meter-tall monster. A vicious and dangerous hybrid.

But when he walked into the lobby of the inpatient department, he had to believe that it all happened.

People can lie, but corpses can't.

The murderer's majestic body lay there quietly, with dazzling blood still flowing around the hilt of the knife deep in the eye socket. Ryder could almost imagine how the fatal blow was completed, the knife that penetrated the head clearly. The strength comes from thrusting? No, if you want to penetrate the back of this monster's head, you have to at least hit it.

First pierce the dagger into the eye socket, and then punch or kick forcefully penetrate it, that's how it should be, kill with one blow, cruel and experienced.

While Ryder was frightened, he also alertly held the firearm filled with live ammunition at his waist and leaned over to check the murderer's body. After confirming that there was no pulse or breathing, he felt relieved and jumped over him towards the lobby of the inpatient department.

Nowadays, the hall of the inpatient department is full of temporary specialists from the logistics department. They have set up cordons to control the chaotic crowd, and are helping the trampled and accidentally injured patients to the emergency room. It is a coincidence that the incident happened right there. In the hospital, even ambulances are omitted. Doctors from the outpatient department building don their white coats and trot to the inpatient department to pick up patients.

"What are the casualties of the commissioner? Where are the 'S'-class people?" Ryder scanned around and found no trace of Lin Nian or Caesar.

"'Dagger' has five broken ribs and is suspected to have injured internal organs. He is now being sent for a CT scan. As for the 'S' class, he suffered some flesh injuries. If you go further inside, you can see him." Gloria paused. The voice suddenly deepened: "And...'White Pigeon' is dead."

Ryder exhaled, looked gloomy and was silent for a while, then said, "I'm listening."

"The body was found in the toilet. Do you remember the first gunshot in the hospital? It was Bai Ge's shot, but the next second her throat bone was crushed. Her blood class is 'B' , cannot deal with this kind of enemy."

"Take the body and send it back to the academy first," Ryder said softly.

"After a while, I saw that the 'S' class could say a few words as little as possible. Although he violated the action instructions, he did an outstanding job, which is what everyone expected."

"Is this what everyone expects?" Ryder couldn't help shaking his head and laughing at himself. The execution department has always been the most proud department of Kassel College. It is famous for its efficiency, cruelty and calmness, but look at what happened today. What? One commissioner died and another was seriously injured. It was two temporary commissioners who really stood up to resolve the battle. One controlled the field and the other killed the enemy. Today, the proud Executive Department lowered its flag at half-mast in front of the two temporary commissioners.

"I'm not the kind of person who sticks to rules. I can see the facts that are right in front of me." Ryder took a deep breath, gathered himself, and walked through the crowd towards the depths of the inpatient department. He found a temporary ambulance that had been arranged in a ward on the first floor. He saw an 'S' class student in the institute.

Lin Nian sat calmly on the hospital bed in the temporary rescue center. His legs and joints were covered with bandages. Dark red blood overflowed from under the bandages to show the amount of bleeding. On another bed It was their protection object 'Marita', who was sleeping quietly at this time and was fine.

"Instructor." Caesar, who was leaning by the door, was the first to see Ryder walking in and called out. Ryder didn't say anything but raised his hand to signal and walked in front of Lin Nian.

"How's the injury?" Ryder looked down at Lin Nian.

"Muscle strain, skin cracks, some ligaments damaged, some excessive blood loss, but other than that there are no major problems." Lin Nian said and glanced sideways at the busy doctor in the corner: "But I have never lost before. Blood, so I wasn’t sure whether mixed-race people could receive blood transfusions, so I refused the doctor’s request for blood transfusions because I was afraid of getting AIDS.”

"As long as the blood types match, there will be no serious problems and there will be no rejection. The blood of the mixed race is stronger than you think." Ryder sat on the hospital bed opposite and took off the long knife from his waist: "Say Tell me."

"say what?"

Ryder looked up at Lin Nian: "I was not in the war conference room just now, so I didn't see your actions clearly. Since the interim commissioner took action, I have to submit a written report to the ministry afterwards. Now I have to know the details. Condition."

"Caesar was feinting, and I rushed up to him. When he wasn't paying attention, I kicked the dagger out of his eye. He died."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

Ryder turned his head and looked at Caesar, who was holding his hands by the door. Caesar paused and spread his hands: "It's that simple."

"You all should know that there is a video in the war conference room, right?" Ryder rubbed his temples.

"With all due respect, you probably won't be able to figure out what happened when you look at the video. You might as well just listen to our more reliable version." Caesar smiled lightly.

"He is telling the truth." Gloria's voice sounded on the wireless channel: "Perhaps you will be as confused as us when you see the replay of the surveillance video."

Ryder raised his eyebrows in confusion as he listened to Gloria's words in the headset. Seeing him like this, Lin Nian couldn't help but explain: "I moved a little too fast when I killed someone. The surveillance video probably didn't capture it clearly."

Well, he moved a little faster when he killed, Ryder thought to himself.

"This is the truth. Even at the scene, it's hard for me to say that I saw this guy's movements clearly." Caesar shook his head and said with a smile.

"What's it like in the replay video?" Ryder simply pressed the headset and asked Gloria directly.

In the battle conference room, Gloria held her hands and watched the video replay on the split screen with a group of seniors, thinking about how to describe what happened at that moment.

The frame rate of the surveillance video is 30 frames per second. In the slow-played picture frame by frame, Lin Nian's white shadow twisted into a ball for no reason starting from one frame and jumped to the murderer in just a dozen frames. Bai Ying grabbed Helena and jumped a few frames to the murderer's face. Finally, Lin Nian's figure reappeared in the screen and the murderer fell to the ground.

"It's just like a ghost." Gloria concluded.

"Yan Ling?" After hearing Gloria's description and final summary, Ryder subconsciously looked at Lin Nian.

"No, I don't know." Lin Nian said, "Will you cause harm to yourself when you use the spirit of speech?"

Ryder looked at the bloody bandage on Lin Nian's body and paused: "If it is a high-risk word spirit, it will be considered that the user cannot bear the power of the word spirit itself and cause injury, just like 'Rhine', 'Candle Dragon' Likewise, there are situations where the spirit of speech can harm the user himself."

"But there is another possibility." Ryder was silent for a while and looked at Lin Nian: "There is an ace commissioner in the execution department whose word spirit is 'Split the Sky', a very destructive word spirit. The effect can be easily cut. According to what he said, he had already felt the power of the high-risk word spirit before he truly controlled this high-risk word spirit. However, it was always inevitable to hurt himself when using it, so he used to It’s always scarred.”

"As well as word spirits like 'Vampire Scythe' and 'Jun Yan', before the user has complete control, they will always show signs of outstanding hearing and body heat. When they do not understand the 'Dragon Text', they rush to intensify it. This dominant feature can indeed release the power of the speech spirit, but due to poor control, it will always hurt oneself involuntarily. After all, 'chanting dragon text' is the true and correct way to release the speech spirit." Ryder looked at Lin Analysis of the scarred appearance now: "You will learn relevant knowledge in the sophomore year's "Ling Ling Xue II"."

"You mean, when I entered that 'state', I released my speech spirit in a shallow way?" Lin Nian felt that Ryder's explanation was particularly novel. He once had great curiosity and doubts about these things, but There was no one to talk to, and now there was a second person to explain and analyze for him, which made him feel that he had benefited a lot. Thinking about it carefully, he did not chant the dragon text every time he entered this state.

"Is your speech spirit only characterized by 'quick'?"

"It should be 'extremely fast'." Caesar corrected: "At that time, I also released the 'Kama Weasel', but at least my wind monsters did not capture any of his sounds at all, and the feedback was only the sharp wind howl. Voice."

"'Kamaitachi', no wonder you can hit the murderer's eye with one shot." Ryder glanced at Caesar, then returned his attention to Lin Nian: "You continue."

"When I force myself to concentrate, I always feel that everything around me slows down. When I'm in good shape, I can even see everything 'stop', but I can move around freely," said Lin Nian. .

"'Time zero'?" In the conference room, many commissioners subconsciously popped the word out of their mouths.

They can't help but think of this powerful word spirit that was rumored to have miraculous skills because of a certain superb user. In the hands of that old guy, Time Zero is the ghost blade that kills enemies. When he cuts your Maybe you were still drinking the wine in your hand when you reached your throat, but you didn't even notice that the wine was flowing down your throat mixed with blood. The elegant killer voice was very suitable for the 'S' level accent.

"It's possible, but not certain. 'Eternal Time Zero' is a very powerful word spirit. It's normal for hybrids who have just awakened their bloodline to be unable to control it. For relevant knowledge, you can only ask Principal Angers." Ryder said in a low voice. .

"You are saying that my speech spirit may be the same as the principal." Lin Nian thought of the game with Ange in the cold weapons class. The opponent's ghostly speed was simply beyond his understanding. If his speech spirit was 'Time Zero', then in terms of speed, he is indeed inferior to the many old people who have already controlled the hundred-year time of this spiritual spirit.

"Not necessarily, but it's very possible. Spirituality is not my strong point. After returning to the academy, we can arrange for the relevant Professor of Spirituality to analyze your situation." Ryder clapped his hands and stood up and took a glance. Caesar and Lin Nian: "The murderer has been confirmed dead. Congratulations to you, 'S' class, and the Gattuso boy. You two are the biggest contributors to this mission. I will report the actual situation of the mission to the ministry." And consider rewards and punishments afterwards.”

"That female commissioner in the toilet?" Lin Nian suddenly looked up at Ryder, but found that the other party was looking at him silently, and naturally he understood everything without saying a word.

"We should be lucky to have only a few casualties in the face of an enemy of this level." Ryder said lightly: "Slaying a dragon requires blood. Everyone in the execution department has long been aware of this. The dead companions There will be additional martyrs, and the responsibility of the living people is to remember them and inherit their responsibilities, and there is no need to wallow in useless sorrow."

"Is this comfort?" Lin Nian said.

Ryder turned his head and looked at the noisy hall with people coming and going outside: "This is a necessary enlightenment. This hospital has been blocked by us. Teacher Toyama Masashi from the psychological training department of the college will come overnight. I witnessed it in the lobby of the inpatient department. All patients will have their memories deleted by him. If you two need it, you can have a good chat with Masashi Toyama afterwards. His psychological counseling is very effective."

"He is probably the only one who needs enlightenment." Caesar looked at Lin Nian: "I just fired a few shots."

"But it's very useful. If it weren't for you, the murderer would have escaped along with the crowd." Ryder casually exposed Caesar's behavior of committing himself to merit, and Caesar just shrugged and said nothing.

"By the way, I have a personal question. You may or may not answer it. Is this your first actual combat?" Ryder looked at Lin Nian again.

Lin Nian paused and nodded, and Ryder also nodded: "I have seen the corpse. It is very efficient and deadly. There is no hesitation in the attack. It seems that you are born to eat this bowl of rice."

"Killing someone?" Lin Nian said.

"It's dragon slaying." Ryder said, "Don't confuse the two. You did the right thing."

"We will know later whether it is correct or not." Lin Nian smiled lightly and looked at Helena on the bed beside him: "When will the freshmen return to the college?"

"Tonight at the earliest, it's still afternoon, and there's still some time until evening. Once the senior executives from the executive department from the college take over the scene, your mission will be completed. Naturally, you can take the fastest CC1000 express train. Went back to the academy." Ryder chuckled lightly: "Fortunately, although the murderer caught us off guard this time, luckily he didn't succeed. Instead, the mission ended quickly, probably The speed at which this mission was completed broke the ministry’s record, and it was dispatched in the morning and completed in the evening.”

"By the way, instructor, can I go back later? I hit my head during the fight just now and I feel a little concussed. I feel like vomiting even now. I don't know if it's serious or not." Young Lin gently touched the bandage on the back of his head. bandage.

"Are you talking about the fall when the incident happened?" Ryder still remembered that Lin Nian was knocked out with the toilet door at the beginning. It seemed that the fall was quite hard.

"Yes, I still feel a little uncomfortable now. It happens that this is the hospital. I want to stay in the hospital for a checkup."

"Then take a photo and stay here for one night. I will inform the college." Ryder nodded.

"By the way, what should she do? Do you want to erase her memory too?" Lin Nian pointed to Helena beside her.

"Her?" Ryder looked at Helena and thought for a moment: "It shouldn't be necessary. From her perspective, she just experienced a murder case. She was knocked unconscious in the toilet for the first time. In the bloody face killer The memories of the onlookers should be cleared after the Yanling is released, especially the star. The public opinion she can bring up is too impressive, and now the specialists of the logistics department are probably trying every means to hold her back."

"As for 'Marita', her words have no memory of those battle scenes. There is no need for us to add more work to Teacher Masashi Toyama. Teacher Masashi Toyama recently complained to the executive department to ask us to keep a low profile. The number of times he activated the spirit It seems to be a little too much.”

"It seems like she still has a chance to remember a boy named Richard.".

"You can contact her or even date her. This is not within the scope of the Executive Department, but the premise is that you cannot leak information about the Dragon Clan to her." Ryder scratched his eyebrows and saw Helena on the hospital bed at close range. He also He had to admit that this girl was really beautiful. If he had been ten years younger, he probably would have been attracted to her.

"What's going on? It's just a mission, but we should sleep in the same ward tonight?" Lin Nian suddenly smiled: "It seems that the diabetes in the case can be temporarily changed to concussion."

"The latter does sound much better in comparison." Ryder turned and walked towards the door: "Your mission is over, but I still have a lot of follow-up work, so don't go too far for the time being. Caesar, if you are still free, go and help When we got to the logistics team, Gloria told me on the dedicated line that the celebrity was making a bit of a fuss and was trying hard to find her lawyer to expose us for conducting human experiments. With the pride of the Gattuso family, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with a woman, right? "

"Does it count as grade points?"


"The Gattuso family does still have a little pride that can soothe a wounded heart." Caesar showed no respect for his family in his words. He straightened his collar and followed Ryder.

Now Lin Nian and Helena were the only two people left in the ward. He glanced at Helena who was sleeping on the bed and said nothing. There was a slight bulge in the pocket of his coat, but he He did nothing but exhaled, closed his eyes and lay on his side on the hospital bed to rest.

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