Inpatient department, 13th floor, the elevator slid open with the sound of bells. The security guard who was dozing at the entrance of the elevator opened his eyes and subconsciously held the Taser gun at his waist. When he saw a young boy walking out of the elevator Finally, he couldn't help but let go of the hand holding the gun, exhaled, and went forward to say hello: "Hey, kid, it's so late, are you lost?"

Lin Nian, who walked out of the elevator, glanced sideways at the security guard. The security guard who had been walking suddenly stopped and stood stiffly on the spot. Under the gaze of molten golden eyes, a huge sense of crisis enveloped the security guard, like a Only invisible giant hands squeezed him so tightly that he couldn't move, and even breathing became a luxury.

"It's not safe here, go downstairs." Lin Nian pressed the elevator button, walked past the security guard and gave him a push. The security guard staggered into the elevator, not daring to say anything or say anything out loud. Waiting for the elevator to close automatically and leave the floor.

It was now three o'clock in the morning, and the night was already very late. The night shift nurse in the nurse station was also dozing off on the table. The ward on the floor was silent. Lin Nian did not disturb her when he passed by, and he conveniently put the ward on the wall. The call system was turned off, and he didn't want anyone to disturb him for the next thing.

The corridor on the thirteenth floor is very long. Only the green light of the emergency exit is on in the middle of the night. At the end of the corridor is a glass window. Outside the window, you can see a deserted street. The cold street lights on the road one after another are like floating in the underworld. The rising moon, round after round, hugs each other and creates a road leading to the boundless darkness.

Lin Nian walked through the nurse's station and walked towards the depths of the straight corridor. There was no confusion or hesitation in his steps. He knew where his destination was and he also knew what would happen tonight.

He had already guessed everything, but it was only a guess, and when he sets foot on the final place, everything will verify his ideas.

Lin Nian walked in the corridor with his eyes closed, because this would make his five senses other than vision clearer. He knew full well that vision would have no role in the next 'unexpected encounter', and he was naked. He stepped on his feet, making soft and muffled footsteps in the cold corridor.

When you step into the darkness of the second half of the corridor, it's like you've entered some kind of 'realm'. It's like you've stepped into another world. There's no patient's cough, no insects, no whispers, everything is just like... It's as quiet as death.

Every pore on Lin Nian's body was stretching, feeling the pressure in the air that was licking his skin wantonly - it was the pressure of a superior creature, shrouded in the second half of the corridor, making all creatures suffocated and afraid to breathe loudly .

He felt the chilling scent in the air, like a hunter chasing blood. Yes, this was the ideal environment for the other party to commit crimes. How dare other humble species spy on the beast while it was eating.

‘A’ grade? , No, the enemy deserves an 'A+' rating. The opponent's bloodline is extremely noble even among hybrids.

Then this battle will end quickly, Lin Nian thought.

Every ward with closed doors in the second half of the corridor is a dark tree hole. A beast may jump out of the darkness and attack Lin Nian at any time, but his pace is still steady, and awareness has filled the air. In the entire environment, even if someone in the shadows does jump up and slash at him next moment, it will definitely not be him who is split in two.

When he reached the middle of the corridor, Lin Nian stopped.

He asked for no reason: "Have you heard of a story? It tells about two prisoners who were locked up in a cold winter prison. They stood in front of the bars and looked out, one looked at the frozen soil, and the other looked up at the stars. "

The cold voice lingered in the corridor for a long time, and no one responded. Lin Nian was also waiting patiently. If no one responded to him, he would stand here until dawn, and wait until the entire execution department blocked the corridor. At that time, regardless of the enemy, No matter what the hell, it can't escape to heaven.

At this time, the ward door on his right front was pushed open.

Lin Nian stood there and looked at the person who came out. She was a beautiful woman with blond hair, wearing a hospital gown, with sleepy eyes. When she saw Lin Nian in the corridor, she was stunned for a moment, rubbed her eyes and looked at her strangely. The boy looked around for a moment and then asked: "Little brother, are you lost?"

"Carlisle Capet?" Lin Nian lowered his eyes slightly and lowered his gaze with stunning golden eyes.

"Ah, do you want an autograph? Aren't you even sleeping at this hour? And wearing contact lenses at night won't hurt your eyes?" The blonde woman was Carlisle Cappe, a popular star. She looked at Lin awkwardly. Nian glanced at the other end of the corridor: "Sorry, I want to go to the toilet. Can you wait for me first?"

Lin Nian looked at her sideways without any expression. Carlisle Capet stuck out his tongue, closed the door behind him, and walked past him softly.

When the two of them were about to pass each other, Lin Nian sighed slightly: "I have always wanted to say that your habit of sticking out your tongue makes me very uncomfortable. Girls nowadays doing this kind of action just makes people feel artificial. "

Like a tape jamming or a wave hitting the shore, the steps towards the bright lights of the nurse's station in the distance stopped.

At this moment, the corridor fell into silence like dead leaves falling in autumn.

Carlisle Cappe stood beside Lin Nian, facing the dim light, the expression on his beautiful face gradually changed from a sneer to a calm expression, and finally returned to expressionless.

"oops." She shrugged, her voice lazy and unfocused.

"Pay attention, I can't suppress the smell of blood on my body." Lin Young said in a low voice.

The bright red on the corner of Carlisle Cape's hospital gown was so dazzling that it looked like it could squeeze out live blood by gently rubbing it. It was difficult to see in the dim light, but it was directly pointed out at this moment.

"You can't come out of a restaurant without the smell of oil." Carlisle Capet said lightly: "Maybe I should bring a bottle of perfume next time. Do you think Chanel's is better, or Dior's?"

"There won't be a next time." Lin Nian lowered his eyes, and the faint light of his golden pupils shone on the cold ground without any warmth.

"You're right, you successfully caught me. But do you know that the distance between us is very dangerous for you now?" The woman laughed like a silver bell, and a cold light was lit again in the darkness. , fireflies are burning.

The distance between Lin Nian and the woman was only ten centimeters, and the faint green light of the safety passage reflected their unclear shadows on the ground. They didn't move anymore, they just stood there, looking at each other, chatting gently and calmly, like strangers at first, and like old friends they knew well.

"Twice." Lin Nian said: "You killed our people twice. The victims were unable to fight back and were killed with one strike. The people in the execution department mistakenly thought that this happened because you had absolute power. strength, but the truth is actually much more complicated than this."

"Execution Department? Is that the name of your organization?" The woman nodded: "Maybe you should practice your vigilance."

"Disguise." Lin Young breathed out: "Is this how you walked up to Commissioner White Pigeon carelessly this afternoon and then pinched her throat?"

"Then you know? The human throat is actually like a water pipe. When you pinch it hard, blood will rush out of all the holes due to the water pressure, so you have to spend some time to go around to the back to avoid them, otherwise you will You'll have to be sprayed with blood." The woman said nonchalantly.

"Where's Commissioner Andrew? Pretending to be a survivor, you threw yourself into his arms and chopped off his head with a knife?" Lin Nian closed his eyes and took a breath. The strong smell of blood.

"Please, since I jumped into my arms, how should I swing the knife from that distance? Besides, I was very naked when I rushed forward. I had no place to hide the knife. At most, I could hide a piece of steel wire with an edge in my hand?" The woman's face Smile lightly.

"That's right." Lin Nian closed his eyes and nodded, saying nothing for a long time.

"Two_men_look_out_through_the_same_bars:One_sees_the_mud_and_one_the_stars." The woman suddenly said: "Excerpt from "The Immortal Poems" by Fredrick Longbridge, a work of an unpopular poet at the end of the 19th century. I didn't expect you to have read it. I thought it was like you Such a boy should watch The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers on weekdays."

"We could have been friends." Lin Nian opened his eyes.

"Then you shouldn't have blocked my way then." The woman said calmly.

"What should I call you?" Lin Nian said: "Helena? Carlisle Capet? Or Bloody Face?"

"The first one, after all, I quite like that girl." The woman said with a smile.

When she turned to look at Lin Nian beside her, under the dim light, she was already Helena, with long pale golden hair, a beautiful face, and a pair of bright and dazzling golden eyes: "Then I will What should I call you? Richard."

ps1: There should be another chapter

ps2: dagger, dagger, dagger, dagger, dagger, dagger

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