"Ascend from the earth to heaven, and then descend from the sky, gaining the power above and below. In this way, you can gain the glory of the world and stay away from ignorance." In the sea of ​​books, Lin Nian lay on three piles of books and frowned at the hangings on the bed. On the parchment: "I remember it was mentioned in the 'Alchemical Chemistry' class of my freshman year that this is one of the translations of the Jade Record passage. But why does the bloodline refining technology involve documents related to the Jade Record?"


"If the core of bloodline refining technology is 'hypnosis', can rising from the earth to heaven and then falling from the sky be interpreted as wandering between the human and dragon worlds?" Lin Nian frowned suddenly.


"'Hypnosis' is all about the spirit. Using the spirit to break through the critical blood limit and gain power comparable to that of a pure-blooded dragon. Isn't this a bit too idealistic? Why can 'hypnosis' purify dragon bloodline? This sounds weird. False." Lin Nian shook his head again: "The experimental report only talked about the specific performance of this technology called 'violent blood', but did not mention the experimental process and steps. Is the core of 'violent blood' in 'hypnosis'? 'In fact, I can't be sure. After all, there are some mistakes in my interpretation of the parchment."


Lin Nian paused for a moment. He had been talking to himself for a while. Apart from his talking to himself, the dormitory was as quiet as a morgue. The description of "not a morgue" is not accurate. After all, there is no such thing as a morgue. There will be people sleeping and snoring in the corpse room.

"Senior sister, you snore in your sleep." Lin Nian raised his head and said.

"Poof" Mandy, who was covered by a pile of books on the computer desk, suddenly sat up with a confused look on her face.

But before the snoring stopped, Lin Nian raised his head and responded: "Oh, sorry, I heard wrong. It was Fingel who was snoring."

"Sorry, I was distracted for a while and fell asleep." Mandy scratched her messy hair with a dazed look on her face: "Where did we end up discussing?"

"The Cuiyu Record." Lin Nian said: "The original text of the Cuiyu Record appears in the fourth paragraph of the third section of the second sheet of parchment."

"Emerald Records, I am familiar with Emerald Records, Hermes, separate earth from fire, extract essence from roughness, do it carefully, the lower part is like the upper part, the upper part is like the lower part, and in this way the miracle of Taiyi is accomplished." Mandy seemed to be reciting the text. The words slipped out for a long time.

"The bottom is like the top, the top is like the bottom? Is this the translation of Cuiyulu in the sophomore textbook?" Lin Nian pondered: "If top and bottom are compared to humans and dragons, then this version of the translation seems unexplainable. Dragons and dragons Human beings are two races, and they cannot be connected.”

"Although I dozed off in class, I still vaguely heard the professor talking about 'Tai Yi', 'Spirit' and so on. You said that if the 'violent blood' technology relies on 'hypnosis', is it true that the parchment quoted Jade Record You want to tell us that if you want to refine your bloodline, you need to distinguish between human reason and the call of dragon bloodline, and then choose between them?" Mandy said listlessly as she lay on the table.

"It's a good insight into human reason and the call of dragon blood." Lin Nian felt that he had caught something: "Yes. I was wrong just now when I said that humans and dragons are not connected. Aren't we hybrids the product of the same relationship? ? Entering and exiting the human spiritual world as a hybrid, and then reaching the dragon's fountain of power. In this way, an 'alchemy' is completed, and the 'power' that penetrates the upper and lower parts is obtained."

After thinking about it, Lin Nian shook his head again: "But I still have doubts about this. Can I really get the power close to pure-blooded dragons by just relying on 'hypnosis'? I imagine that I am a dragon, and I can get the power of a dragon." Human power? Isn’t this too ridiculous? What is the theoretical basis for it? Emotions can indeed make people explode with full strength, but it is only limited to full strength. We are talking about things like blood. "

"Imagine myself as a dragon. I don't know if I can become a dragon, but sometimes I imagine myself as a pig, and the result is that I can actually eat better than usual." Mandy glanced at the wall clock in the bedroom. It was three o'clock in the morning, and the two of them were still burning the midnight oil to read. Upstairs, Fingel slept like a dead pig, and his snoring was sweeter than marshmallows. Mandy felt sleepy after listening to it. This was her first time with a boy. I spent the night in the dormitory, and stayed all night, but I didn't expect that it was not on the bed, but in the pile of books.

"There are dangers in bloodline refining technology. If you can completely control this technology, then the danger is not worth mentioning. But if you start experimenting with little knowledge, it is indeed very dangerous. The purpose of this technology is called 'violent blood' It's about exceeding the critical blood limit. I know that there are indeed things that exceed the critical blood limit, but they are no longer normal humans." Lin Nian whispered: "They are Deadpool."

"Can you please stop mentioning such scary things at night?" Mandy felt goosebumps all over her body. In the junior class, the people from the execution department showed them photos of Deadpool they killed during the mission. Each one was twisted and transcended. The photos of objects in human form simply surpass the limits of imagination, and many people have nightmares when they go back after class.

"Why is Deadpool so strong?" Lin Nian asked.

"Because they are no longer human beings?" Mandy replied subconsciously.

"Why are they not human?"

"Put on the stone ghost mask. Okay, I'm just making fun of you, junior brother. To be honest, your senior sister is actually a scumbag." Mandy felt a little ashamed. She didn't put forward any constructive suggestions at all that night and just acted like a scumbag. The human translation tool is responsible for comparing the hieroglyphics on the parchment with the language books borrowed from the library. This kind of work can be done by Fingel.

"How did the hybrid descend into Deadpool? I guess this is the key to 'Blood'. After all, they are all things that have surpassed the critical blood limit to gain power." Lin Young said softly.

"Actually, it's about Deadpool. I heard the senior interns in the senior year bragging on the forum. They all said that when a hybrid is desperate and goes on a rampage to kill people, there is a high chance of transforming into Deadpool. Is this considered a mental problem? asked Mandy.

"'Despair'?" Lin Nian thought of this word, but after a while he shook his head again: "No, I think Fingel is quite desperate after repeating grades for so many years. Why didn't he become Deadpool?"

"That's his salted fish." Mandy put the pencil between her nose and upper lip and looked up at the ceiling: "For him, repeating a grade means repeating the grade. At most, he will have to eat pork knuckles and grilled sausages and pickles for an extra year."

When he heard the pork knuckle, Fingel from the upper bunk made a sound like he was dreaming. I won’t mention the specific content for now, but it was roughly a canteen recipe or something.

"Then if he changes his appearance and works hard, but finds that he still cannot graduate in the next year, then he will probably have to transform into a deadpool?" Lin Nian asked.

"I don't think he will blame himself for not being a genius, or secretly resent his unfair fate. The most he regrets is that he guessed 'C' instead of 'B' in the last multiple-choice question during the re-examination," Mandy said.

"How did you introduce Deadpool in your junior class?" Lin Nian turned around and asked.

"The bloodline exceeds the critical bloodline, causing the hybrid to lose its mind and develop bloodthirsty impulses?"

"No, that's wrong. If you go by the records on the parchment, it should be that the mixed race lost its mind, causing its bloodline to exceed the critical bloodline." Lin Nian said.

".Wouldn't that mean every hybrid is a potential Deadpool?"

"There's not much difference between violent blood and Deadpool transformation?" Lin Nian came to a very surprising conclusion.

"Are we studying how normal hybrids degenerate into Deadpool?" Mandy glanced at the parchment with an ugly expression.

"This theory reminds me of the deadpool I met in my war practice class." Lin Nian lowered his head.

"The public rapist you kicked in the head?" Mandy seemed to be one of the students harmed by the Ministry of Information.

"No, that's just spreading rumors." Lin Nian shook his head: "There are some secrets in the mission that cannot be leaked. The real murderer is someone else. She degenerated into a deadpool in front of me, and then was killed by me."

"It looks like another dark story. Junior brother, if you are depressed, please don't tell it to me. I don't want to be brainwashed." Mandy lay on the table with her head in her arms with a grimace.

"But I didn't notice anything special about the process of her degeneration into Deadpool." Lin Nian fell into memories: "At that time, she was at the end of her rope, and she did not hesitate to overuse the word spirit. Indeed, she also showed more than 'A 'Super strength, what was she thinking in her head at that time? What gave her the strength to fight back and pushed her beyond the critical blood limit?"

"Since junior brother, you said that the key to 'violent blood' recorded on the deciphered parchment is 'hypnosis', then why not think about what the unlucky guy was thinking when he turned into Deadpool in front of you." Mandy thought about it. Want to say.

"What was she thinking at the time?" Lin Nian was stunned for a moment, and the desperate and angry girl in the corridor appeared again: "She probably just wanted to kill me and continue to execute her own justice. In order to achieve this wish , she did not hesitate to sell her soul to the devil, but how could reality be that simple? Darken? Stop being ridiculous, there is no devil in this world asking you to sell your soul, the human soul is worthless."

"Junior brother, you are really cruel and ruthless. I can imagine the other person's mood when he met you. But it actually sounds quite reasonable. Junior brother, have you ever heard that when a person is extremely angry, he can use a shovel to cut him open? Tiger's belly," Mandy said.

Hearing Mandy's words, Lin Nian was stunned for a moment: "I actually forgot this point, this is it!"

"What? Sliding shovel or tiger belly?" Mandy was stunned.

"Hormone!" Lin Nian whispered.

"What?" Mandy didn't respond.

"'Hypnosis' makes the dragon blood purification not idealism, it is scientifically based! Is there a possibility that there is an inherent difference in the physical structure of hybrids and humans? Humans will secrete a large amount of adrenaline when they are mentally stressed. This hormone is toxic, and hybrids will also secrete similar hormones under extreme anger, despair and other emotions. It is precisely because of this unknown hormone that the bloodline will lose control and degenerate into a deadpool, causing the power to surge. !”

"So the bloodline refining technology allows hybrids to control the secretion of this hormone and temporarily exceed the critical blood limit to gain unparalleled power. The secret party in the past has studied those deadpools, because the easiest examples of gaining power are those who have lost their humanity. Terrible opponents, they are afraid of Deadpool, and at the same time they crave Deadpool's power, so they have today's 'Bloodshot' technology." Lin Nian took a deep breath and concluded.

"Hypnosis is not the point. The hormones secreted by hypnosis caused by hybrids are the key to surpassing the critical blood limit. It feels very reasonable?" Mandy was stunned for a moment and thought about it carefully and found that this conjecture seemed quite reasonable.

"Emotions, I need to find out what kind of emotions were in the brains of hybrids at the moment they degenerated into Deadpool. If I understood, maybe I could recreate that moment through 'hypnosis', so that my body could secrete That unknown hormone broke through the critical blood limit." Lin Nian's brain was running rapidly.

"In that case, Junior Brother, you will become Deadpool!"

"This is probably the most difficult part of violent blood." Lin Nian whispered: "Use emotions to secrete hormones in a very controlled manner, and at the same time ensure that your human rationality has the upper hand to control this power. If you make the slightest mistake, you will degenerate. That's why Deadpool has an excerpt from the Jade Record on the parchment. He separates earth from fire, extracts essence from roughness, and acts cautiously. The bottom is like up, and the top is like down. In this way, the miracle of Taiyi is fulfilled. The error tolerance rate of violent blood is extremely low. , and we haven’t yet determined how toxic that unknown hormone is and whether it dissipates over time like adrenaline.”

"It's so dangerous, let's not do it, right?" Mandy advised hesitantly.

"Having seen too many Deadpools, I can't understand the process of a hybrid degenerating into a Deadpool. Do you need to get close contact with Deadpool if you want to practice 'Violent Blood'? I see." Lin Nian paused for a moment. I understood a lot of things: "It seems that there will be many opportunities to contact Deadpool in the future, but I heard that Japan is quite chaotic."

"Japan?" Mandy was stunned for a moment: "Junior brother, are you going to Japan?"

"It's not a trip. It's a mission to be recorded in the execution department, right? What the principal meant." After Lin Nian finished speaking, he found Mandy looking at him faintly under the desk lamp.

"Junior brother, don't you need a warm bed on your way to Japan?"

Lin Nian felt that if he said nothing, his senior sister would burst into tears. Then the whole dormitory would hear it, and the 16-year-old chastity memorial arch he had built safely would be destroyed.

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