The night was hazy and people were intoxicated.

On the rooftop.

Jiang Shu had just served Boss Yang with his mouth.


Boss Yang was half lying on Jiang Shu.

His eyes were blurred and his face was full of charm.

There was no covering between their skin.

Jiang Shu, who had just served Yang Ruowei.

At this moment, he was very angry.

"Boss Yang, please help me." Jiang Shu's hoarse voice sounded in Yang Ruowei's ears.

Yang Ruowei stretched out her slender hands very skillfully.

After a while.

She squatted down in front of Jiang Shu again.

After more than ten minutes.

"Are you satisfied now?" Yang Ruowei stood up and looked down at Jiang Shu like a queen.

Jiang Shu nodded, then shook his head.

"Hmm?" Yang Ruowei hummed.

"Boss Yang, I still want to eat you up. What I did just now is not enough." Jiang Shu's purpose is not limited to this.

"Wait a little longer." Yang Ruowei picked up the wine glass and took another sip of red wine.

"How long do you need to wait?" Jiang Shu asked.

"Wait..." Yang Ruowei tilted her head and thought for a few seconds, "Wait until I am ready, or... when the meteor shower comes again."

"Meteor shower?" Jiang Shu was puzzled.

"Yes, meteor showers." Yang Ruowei looked at the stars in the sky and said with a smile, "Meteor showers are short and beautiful, magical and romantic. More importantly, I have a special liking for meteor showers."

"Because when I saw the meteor shower, all the wishes I made came true."

"Unfortunately, from birth to now, I have only seen meteor showers twice."

"I have been looking forward to it, looking forward to encountering a meteor shower again next time, and realizing another beautiful wish of mine."

"However, meteor showers are rare in decades, and this opportunity is hard to come by! You little pervert, you should wait slowly, when I figure it out, you can climb onto my bed again!"

"No more talking, I'm going to sleep early, remember to clean up the mess here!"

"Also, don't do anything bad while I'm sleeping, otherwise I will kill you for the sake of justice and send you to the sewing machine."

Sad for a while.

Yang Ruowei waved her fist in front of Jiang Shu, warned him, and then left with a brisk pace.

Looking at Yang Ruowei's back as she left in her nightgown.

Jiang Shu looked up at the night sky under the black curtain.

A smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Want to see the meteor shower again...

It seems that it is not impossible!

An idea emerged in Jiang Shu's mind.


The next day.

Jiang Shu's album "Sorry" sold over 20 million copies, achieving the achievement of a legendary record.

This news caused an uproar.

It was okay on the Internet.

Jiang Shu's fans knew that the achievement of a legendary record was very bad.

But how bad it was.

They didn't have any specific idea.

It was just that after Tianxing Media's official Weibo announced that Jiang Shu had completed the achievement of a legendary record, they shouted 666 crazily below.

After all.

The sales of these 20 million albums were all sold by them one by one.

Of course, they are proud of it.

As for the industry.

It was after seeing this news.

Although it was expected.

But it still went wild.

The first legendary album in the Chinese music scene in recent years.

Its significance is self-evident.

Not only can it make Jiang Shu a god with one album.

It has become an important bargaining chip for him to embark on the road to becoming a king.

It has also brought at least 100 million yuan in profits to Tianxing Media.

100 million!

After roughly calculating this number, many bosses were extremely jealous.

Thinking in their hearts.

If their family’s *** had not collapsed at the beginning.


There would be a chance to impact the legendary record.

Bring hundreds of millions of profits to their company.

Can’t think about it, really can’t think about it.

When the bosses of these entertainment companies think about this, they are so heartbroken that they can’t breathe.

They can’t even sleep.

"It hurts, it hurts so much!"

"The success of Jiang Shu's album was achieved after sacrificing more than a dozen stars! There is a sea of ​​blood and corpses below!"

"After the collapse of those singers, those homeless fans were basically absorbed by Jiang Shu!"

"Otherwise, his album would not have been successful.

It's impossible to break 20 million sales!"

"It's so painful, so painful!"

"Ah, it's a pity that we don't dare to target Jiang Shu. If we offend him, and our company's star is ruined, our company will be close to bankruptcy."

All over the country.

Many entertainment company bosses are wailing in pain.


As for Jiang Shu, they dare not say anything.

They can only watch the rising sales of Jiang Shu's album with envy.

At the same time, they envy Yang Ruowei, the boss of Tianxing Media.

All day long.

Yang Ruowei was in the office.

She received many congratulatory calls from entertainment company bosses.

But through the phone.

Yang Ruowei could still smell it.

The strong lemon acid in the words of those bosses.


At night.

To celebrate Jiang Shu's new album Reaching the achievement of a hall-level record.

Yang Ruowei waved her hand.

A celebration dinner was held in a five-star hotel in Magic City.

All employees of Tianxing Media in Magic City attended.

At the celebration dinner.

Yang Ruowei and Jiang Shu.

One is the boss.

The other is the protagonist of this celebration dinner.

Both were drunk.

When the two returned to the villa community, they were a little dizzy.

However, although Jiang Shu was a little tipsy, he did not forget the main business of the day.

"Boss Yang, wait for me on the balcony of the villa for a while. I will go home to get something and then come to find you."

After leaving Yang Ruowei with this sentence.

Jiang Shu hurried away.

Yang Ruowei was confused and came to the balcony on the second floor of the villa.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Shu walked in and went upstairs.

In his arms, there was a wooden guitar.

"What is this? "Yang Ruowei's eyes were confused and a little puzzled.

Jiang Shu smiled and pulled a chair to sit down, "Boss Yang, didn't you say you like meteor showers? So today, I wrote a new song for you."

"The name of the new song is "Meteor Shower"!"

A touch of sweetness rose in Yang Ruowei's heart.

I didn't expect it.

She just mentioned it casually last night.

Jiang Shu remembered it in his heart and wrote a song for her.

"Boss Yang, are you ready? I'm going to start singing, okay? " Jiang Shu finished tuning the guitar strings and smiled.

Yang Ruowei leaned on the small coffee table in front of her, holding her chin with both hands and nodded.

Jiang Shu plucked the guitar strings.

Looking at Boss Yang, he sang softly with affection.

"I'll go watch the meteor shower with you"

"Fall on this earth"

"Let your tears fall on my shoulders"


At the same time.

At the moment when Jiang Shu's singing sounded.

The horizon.

A series of bright lights broke through the silent darkness.

They were meteors.

A brilliant light streaked across the sky.

In fact.

Last night, when Yang Ruowei mentioned that she wanted to watch the meteor shower, Jiang Shu suddenly realized something.

His character card of "Rain God" said that as long as he sang, it would rain.

And as for the meteor shower...

It seems to be rain too!

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