Tahina said: "If you help me conquer a territory, I can pay you a lot of money."

The Oak Territory is far away and remote, so it can't help Princess Baigang.

If she wants to fight for hegemony, she must first get a piece of land, a territory with rich resources and dense population, so that Tashina can gain a foothold.

It is impossible to capture cities and territories with only a few hundred elite units, and a large number of infantry units are needed to cooperate in combat.

And Roman just has this condition.

One has too many resources to spend, and the other is extremely short of resources. Cooperation is the only way out for both forces.

Roman thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Princess Baigang sent someone to get a map of some years, which was full of lines, serving as the trend of mountains and rivers. The four corners were curled up due to long-term rolling, and Tashina fixed it on the table with a dagger.

Roman has an upright figure and the princess is tall. They are extremely well matched, like a match made in heaven. Standing together at the long table, looking down from a high place, it seemed as if they were overlooking the entire Black Iron Land and selecting suitable land.

Tashina had already prepared a plan for the future war, and drew a circle on the map with her hard white fingers.

"I want this," she said. "Lion Territory, the fief of Count Filin's family."

Roman was no stranger to Count Filin, and one of the forces behind Apple Town was Count Filin.

When Apple Town was plundered by Roman, the Sir of the Filin family accused him of violating the law in Black Castle and asked the King of Black Iron to punish him.

But at that time, the King of Black Iron desperately needed a strong ally, so he had to suppress those impeachments.

When the Black Iron Royal Family and the Church went to war, the Filin family chose to raise the banner of anti-government on the spot, and was one of the many princes who rebelled against the Black Iron Royal Family.

To be honest, it was not worth it for Princess Baigang to go to war.

But the location of Lion Territory is very important, and many roads intersect here, entering the scenic spot of the Central Valley.

Princess Baigang wants to counterattack the Black Iron Land, and Lion Territory is the most suitable stepping stone, without a doubt, and it is a place that must be fought for by military strategists.

Moreover, Lion Territory has a good economic development, fertile land, rich resources, and is famous for its wine, which tastes second only to the wine of Rose Territory.

The Flin family is only slightly weaker than the Black Iron Duke, but it is also the top prince on earth.

In Roman's eyes, it is a powerful feudal territory.

From the overall situation, if Tashina takes Lion Territory, it can radiate its sphere of influence to the edge of the Valley King's radiance, and the two forces can watch each other and support each other.

"Okay." Roman nodded gently.

Apart from anything else, Tashina has a long-term strategic vision.

She added: "Conquering it is secondary, you have to help me govern it."

Roman said with interest: "Oh? You not only want to hire my army, but also my officials?"

Tahina said as a matter of course: "That's right."

I just want a talent for internal affairs. Even if I can't get your heart, there are many ways to get you to do things for me!

Tashina put forward a condition: "I want you to govern the Lion Territory the same as the Origin City."

"Don't you think I'm too radical?"

"I think you're too conservative. Lord Roman, let me tell you this, you can't tolerate the nobles, you enforce strict discipline on the army, abolish the slave law... You have done many things that you absolutely shouldn't do. But I don't care about this, I think you're too slow..."

She said: "The Conqueror Family has a motto, called the burden must be borne. My father also said that everyone has a destined duty and mission, and what about me? My duty comes from the former king, because I often feel that the former king has resurrected in my body, I am Ionus himself, my duty is to conquer everything, I was born with this responsibility, and other than that, I don't care about anything."

She was wearing a white military uniform, like a dazzling white flower, her beautiful face was brilliant and bright, she put her right hand on her chest, and her eyes burst out with the momentum of who else but me.

Roman narrowed his eyes and re-examined Tashina, who looked at him without showing any weakness.

Roman laughed: "Then this price is not cheap."

It is well known that he hates feudal nobles.

But now, he actually likes this princess a little and wants to press her on the table and fuck her hard.

Let me check if your academic qualifications are fake!

What's wrong with your brain? This is too progressive!

What he hates most is the backward system of the Middle Ages, where feudalism and slavery coexist. Ionus was a great king of an era, but he also had the limitations of the times. His Black Iron Law also sentenced slaves to obey the orders of their masters.

A society with slaves must be a backward society, because it is destined that anyone can be a slave, including Tashina.

The contradictions in the Black Iron Land are unprecedentedly sharp and are now in a state of detonation.

An unprecedented war of kings almost destroyed the entire Tianma Plain.

Roman lived in a corner, but he also lost two or three thousand lives.

What is the result of this war?

But Roman was certain that if he hadn't existed in the Middle Ages...


Nothing would have changed!!

Many slaves, peasants, soldiers, and nobles died, even if some places were left with only 10% of their staff, even if some places had only half of their staff.

But in the end, nothing would have changed!

Death was the only way to ease the conflict between land and population.

The peasants and slaves below were replaced by a new batch, and the nobles and royal family above were replaced by a new batch, but in the end, the old backward system was still used to rule until the conflicts accumulated to the next outbreak.

In Roman's cognition, this process is called a change of dynasty, or repeating the same mistakes.

What Iotashina wants to do can be called a re-creation of the world - the original house is old, so she rebuilds a new house like the past.

But what Roman wants to do is to create the world - what a broken house with air leaks on all sides, look at me kicking it, then killing all the people in the house, and building a wonder of civilization on their corpses!

This behavior is too advanced and too annoying.

In Roman's eyes, everyone in the world is a damn reactionary! ! !

In this case, Tashina actually wants to make progress?

Tears burst into tears! !

Tashina felt puzzled, probably because she saw a +30 favorability prompt suddenly pop up on Roman's head - she has the insight to see people's hearts, so she can see it, and can't help but wonder why Roman was moved by her.

She just thinks that totalitarianism is extremely efficient, but the cost of ruling is also extremely high and difficult to replicate.

So she asked a professional team to help her do this kind of work.

There is nothing wrong with this!

The total population of the valley is more than 200,000, and Roman has more than 10,000 soldiers. Rounding it off, it is a ratio of 10 to 1 between the military and the civilians, and it has not delayed various labor construction and land reclamation.

Family members, she envied the mobilization force and her eyes were red.

The population of the Lion Territory is estimated to be 200,000 or 300,000. She dared not imagine how happy she would be when she had an army of 10,000 people in her hands!

There was not even a moment of mourning for the collapse of the Conqueror's Order. What immediately rushed to the battlefield was the more powerful Conqueror's Order!

The ultimate goal of Ionus to establish order is to unify the power of the entire human race and resist the Dark Age.

The former king has passed away, and the end of the Black Iron Age has also ended. She is a descendant of the Conqueror. At this moment, she must stand up without hesitation and walk Ionus's path again.

This is her destined and innate responsibility.

As long as this goal is achieved, she doesn't care about the process at all!

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