If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 370 Why are you going so deep into the bottom lane?

Ed and a group of soldiers drove the cart on the road next to the field.

The road was originally two ruts driven through the weeds. It was rugged and winding. The bushes on both sides were as tall as half a person, and the road conditions were poor.

Today it is much improved, with smooth roads and good views.

Every day, there are people carrying sickles and hoes, stepping on solid roads with bare feet, to weed in the fields - most of those figures are women. Tens of thousands of women have to take care of more than 200,000 acres of land, while men have to go Do more strenuous labor.

Some weeds have died due to deep plowing and exposure to the sun, but others are still taking root and sprouting, stealing nutrients from crops like insects.

One hoe today will grow another stubble tomorrow. The weeds can never be hoeed away, which makes one’s teeth itch with hatred.

Farmers are an extremely resilient and patient group, and their hatred for the land is also the most enduring. They grit their teeth day after day, year after year, and fight against the barren land for generations.

Ed encounters a roadblock when they run into a convoy coming to sow cotton.

Cotton seeds are processed, soaked in water and mixed with plant ash. The road is lined with raked earth.

Hundreds of peasant women gathered in a crowd, talking around the instructor of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The latter was reminded by others and turned around to see a group of soldiers in military uniforms pulling a cart. The leader was a captain, wearing several steel medals on his shoulders. He was personally awarded by His Highness Roman. He was obviously a veteran of all battles. .

The instructor came over quickly, first said hello to Ed, and then like a traffic policeman, he waved his arms vigorously to keep the group of peasant women and vehicles aside.

The stone road was five meters wide, and the carts on both sides were two meters wide. The agricultural instructor untied the reins, led the cattle to the field, and pushed the cart. After struggling for a while, he finally squeezed out the passing space.

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Ed raised his right fist high and gave a straight military salute.

"You are the one, thank you for your hard work, sir." The agricultural director hurriedly returned the favor, but his movements were not very standard.

The two sides said goodbye.

The wheels rumbled.

Department of Agriculture instructors stood on the roadside. He turned to the peasant women and said: "As for the question just now, you are safe. The war has nothing to do with you... Yes, it has nothing to do with you men either. You are working hard on the land. Did you see those people just now? They all belong to the lord. Soldiers, leave the battlefield to them. Shut up! You shrews can't trust our lord. Just do your job and plant these hundreds of acres of cotton. If you ask me, they will. There is no way it will be ruined. Whoever dares to touch these lands, I will fight them tooth and nail..."

Ed took some time and finally arrived at the new compound of the Thirteenth Brigade.

He had come here to check it out a long time ago. Last year it was just a prototype and the foundation was laid. It was quickly completed this year. The names of soldiers were posted on the door of each brick house. The layout style was exactly the same as before, which alleviated a lot of strangeness.

Yo Lun, the think tank of the Thirteenth Brigade, was waiting here eagerly. Yo Lun had lived here half a month ago. When he saw those familiar faces arriving, he immediately welcomed them warmly.

Ed asked: "Has the check been completed?"

"Okay," Yoren replied. "Each room has a complete set of tables, chairs, and benches, and there is no shortage of pots and pans. His Highness also placed two sets of woolen blankets in each room. He said they were given to us because the winter in Fengshuo City is cold."

If nothing else happens, they will spend the next few decades here.

"There is a Lundyao Brick Factory to the north, but the work of firing bricks is too tiring. Our family members can't do it, and they won't go there even if they are paid. There is a piece of public land to the east, which belongs to another settlement. His Highness transferred some people from that settlement. If more than a hundred men go to work as military handymen, the land will no longer be cultivated. When the time comes, our 13th Brigade will help farm the land..." Yu Lun rambled on about the future plans of the brigade.

Think tanks are mainly responsible for handling military work and life affairs.

Their soldiers are all professional soldiers. They will never farm unless necessary. Military training is everything to them. But the idle family members have to undertake voluntary labor.

Origin City has always been like this, and Fenghuo City is no exception. No one can help but work.

But the military is very obedient, and it doesn't matter if it suffers. If everyone is suffering, it means that no one is suffering.

Yorun took them to receive a moving fee of thirty gold coins, and used the money to buy a large amount of bacon, flour, brown rice, beer and other supplies in the department store in Fengrao City. After transporting it back, the wives started cooking a sumptuous dinner using these ingredients, and they all got drunk.

After three days, they will return to work.

On this day, Ed received a notice of a military meeting.

He handed over the daily training tasks to the five squadron leaders and went to the conference room with Yu Lun.

In the conference room, they learned that the army mobilized by Kurogane was heading towards Fengrao City and divided into four groups.

Take the Black Iron Avenue and lead 300,000 troops from Mud Swamp and Rexia Islands.

The jungle area is a secondary road between the middle road and the top road. There are many big and small nobles leading a motley army of 300,000 troops.

Take the lion leader in the middle, and Earl Macor and Felin will lead 500,000 troops.

Next, we took the Boro River waterway. Beast Carter, Provence and others led 200,000 troops.

Together they are called an army of 1.3 million.

Ed and all the captains were silent after hearing this.

Who is this trying to scare?

The real number must be cut in half, and more than half. Combat personnel and logistics personnel combined can reach one-third, which is the limit.

Everyone present was under pressure.

Because even if it’s one third, it’s still more than the sum total of War of Kings.

Princess Baigang has a high status. She said: "Carter and Provence took the water route. They had ships to transport supplies and marched on the shore. They were very fast, faster than those from Lion Territory and Black Iron Avenue..."

Theoretically speaking, the Black Iron Army should have advanced in four directions, fought steadily, and finally joined forces to attack the City of Fengrao.

But for now.

The lower road is a bit steep, thirty kilometers away from Fengrao City.

The wilderness area is too slow, and the marching speed is obviously lagging behind other armies. Due to the rugged and difficult roads, they are still more than a hundred kilometers away.

It's fifty kilometers away by road, and you can drive into Fengrao City in two days.

The army in the middle route has the largest number of troops, claiming to be an army of 500,000. It is currently stationed in the Lion Territory and maintains a steady advance, about 70 to 80 kilometers.

Although Tashina doesn't know the specific deployment of the Black Iron Army, the current situation clearly violates a military taboo - why are you so deep in the bottom lane?

Jeter asked: "Is the information accurate?"

"I saw it with my own eyes." said the Witch of Warcraft.

The marching route of the four armies cannot be concealed at all.

"Our opportunity has come. The best defense is to attack." Tahina hit the nail on the head. She pointed at the map and said, "Carter and Provence came from the waterway. They haven't set up camp yet. Take this opportunity to defeat them."

"But the enemies coming from the Black Iron Avenue will probably not give us this chance." Roman looked at the upper line of troops.

The Black Iron Avenue was built for the purpose of marching. The road is wide and can be used for rapid marches.

Fengrao City is going to attack the bottom lane. As soon as the top lane gets news, it will march at full speed.

Princess Baigang said: "Five thousand elite combat forces, supported by the troops from Apple Town, plus my own army, are enough to deal with the beasts and Provence!

"Besides, Lord Roman, you have rebuilt the castles of Baron Leicester and Shane Territory and stationed five hundred troops respectively. As long as these two forts send troops, they can attack the Black Iron Avenue. I don't believe that group of mercenaries and the island." People will take risks.”

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