The entrance to the underground palace deep in Wanlian Valley...

Chi Liyu looked at Cao Meng and said with a smile:

"Cao Meng, you should know the restrictions here, lead the way!"

"Dirty Lolita, how do I know?"

According to the strategy map, Cao Meng did know the restrictions on the underground palace here and knew how to get in, but why did he bring Chi Liyu, a scheming lolita, with him?

What puzzled Cao Meng the most was why Chi Liyu knew that he knew the restrictions of the underground palace.

"Cao Meng, stop pretending, everyone is smart!"

Chi Liyu joked, she was just speculating at first.

But from the look on Cao Meng's face just now, she had confirmed that Cao Meng did know the mechanisms of this underground palace and how to break the restrictions.

Cao Meng felt that Chi Liyu, a dark lolita, was too smart, as shrewd as a thousand-year-old fox.

I don’t know how the Corpse Yin Sect raised a loli to be like this.

"Chi Liyu, give me five million low-grade spiritual stones, and I will lead the way for you!"

Cao Meng thought it was okay to lead the way, but he would charge the toll first.

Seeing that Cao Meng dared to seek benefits from her, Chi Liyu sneered:

"Cao Meng, ask Zirou'er, one of my previous baits, if she was poisoned?"

With a crisp "click", Chi Liyu snapped his fingers, and the corpse poison on Zi Rouer's body began to act, and she fell to the ground and twitched.

"Chi Liyu, you are really wicked!"

Cao Meng now has a higher understanding of Chi Liyu's wickedness.

There really is no upper limit to this evil lolita's wickedness.

"Stop doing useless things. The pills on your body cannot cure the corpse poison on Zi Rou'er!"

Chi Liyu watched An Yingji feeding Zirou'er pills and trying to help her detoxify, so she gave her a kind reminder.

"Chi Liyu from Corpse Yin Sect, please give me the antidote quickly, otherwise my aunt and the entire Zi family will not let you go!"

Zi Rouer endured the pain of the corpse poison and threatened Chi Liyu.

"Zi Xixue, Zi family haha!"

Chi Liyu's eyes were full of contempt, and he did not take the threat from Zi Rouer's mouth into consideration at all.

! ! !

Cao Meng was shocked when he noticed the disdain in Chi Liyu's eyes.

What is the real background of this shady loli?

He actually didn't take Zi Xixue, the leader of the Beast Soul Sect, seriously. How tough is this scheming loli's backstage!

Is it possible that this girl is a descendant of the ancestor of the Corpse Yin Sect in the Void Refining Stage?

Chi Liyu: Cao Meng, please make a bold guess!

"Cao Meng, Zi Rou'er's aunt Zi Xixue and your master, Concubine Duanmu, are friends of Mo Jing.

If you refuse to save Zi Rouer, your master, Concubine Duanmu, will not be able to give Zi Xixue an explanation! "

Chi Liyu first revealed the relationship between Concubine Duanmu and Zi Xixue, and then threatened:

"Cao Meng, lead the way quickly, otherwise Zirou'er will die and wait for the corpse to turn into my corpse puppet!"

Cao Meng was tired. Is this a big deal?

In the secret realm, he not only has to protect the disciples of the Hehuan Sect, but now he also has to protect the niece of the devil's lover.

Zi Xixue is the lover of the female devil, but not Cao Meng's lover. What a bad luck!

"Save me, I don't want to be a corpse puppet!"

Zi Rou'er was really scared when she heard that she was going to become a corpse puppet.


Cao Meng sighed, took out tools such as writing documents and photo stones, came to Zi Rou'er, and said:

"You stinky girl, if you want to live, just sign and swear an oath with your Taoist heart!"

Zi Rou'er looked at the paper and it said:

Because I, Zirou'er, was poisoned by corpse poison, in order to survive today, I borrowed six million low-grade spiritual stones from Cao Meng...

According to the above words, Zi Rou'er was so furious that the corpse poison was suppressed to a certain extent.

"Thief Cao, you are despicable and shameless. You took advantage of others' danger and actually wanted to blackmail me for six million low-grade spiritual stones."

The furious Zi Rou'er scolded Cao Meng angrily. If she hadn't been poisoned, she would have fought for the thief Cao.

"Cao Meng, you are quite wicked. You know clearly about the relationship between her aunt and your master, but you still blackmail others for six million low-grade spiritual stones!"

Chi Liyu, who was enjoying the show, also came out to taunt Cao Meng in a weird way. After all, the other party had ridiculed her a lot before.

Everyone in the Hehuan Sect felt that Cao Meng and Chi Liyu were a pair of evil deceivers, a perfect match made by nature.

"Chi Liyu, stop being so angry!"

Facing Chi Liyu's attack, Cao Meng remained unmoved.

Originally, he was destined to take advantage of Chi Liyu, a scheming lolita, but now because Zi Rou'er was poisoned by corpse poison, he couldn't trap Chi Liyu's spirit stone.

The loss of these five million low-grade spiritual stones will naturally be blamed on Zi Rouer.

In the previous battle in Wanlian Valley, it was he who dragged Zi Rou'er away and saved this little girl's life. One million low-grade spiritual stones is not too much, right?

There are a total of six million low-grade spiritual stones. I know that this girl may not have so many spiritual stones on her body, so it is kind and righteous enough to let her write down the debt first!

Zi Rou'er: Cao Cao, you are quite a nice person!

Cao Meng suddenly found a piece of jade in Chi Liyu's hand. He felt something was wrong and asked:

"Dark-faced lolita, are you taking a photo with a photo stone?"

"Guessed it right, but there is no reward!"

Chi Liyu took the photo stone and admitted that she had started taking photos with the photo stone early. The scene where Cao Meng intended for Zi Rouer to sign the certificate was also recorded in the photo stone.

"Girl, if you want to live, hurry up and sign your name and swear it with your Taoist heart!"

Cao Meng saw that Zi Rou'er was reaching her limit, so he urged her.

An Yingji just wanted to persuade Cao Meng, but with one look from Cao Meng, she gave up!

"Despicable and shameless Cao thief, I will never let you go today!"

After Zi Rou'er made such a harsh remark, she decisively signed and swore.

Afterwards, Chi Liyu cut a hole in Zi Rou'er's wrist. She silently chanted a spell, and the inky black corpse poison flowed out from the wound on Zi Rou'er's wrist.

Cao Meng quickly took the jade bottle to catch the corpse poison and put it away. After all, this was a good thing that could poison a fifth-level transformed monster beast.

When Chi Liyu saw Cao Meng put the corpse poison away, he rolled his eyes at him and said unhappily:

"Cao Meng, this corpse poison is enough to kill a god-transforming cultivator. You'd better not poison yourself to death!"

Chi Liyu felt that Cao Meng was too greedy for money, and even put away the corpse poison.

"Sinister Loli, can you tell me how to control this corpse poison?"

Through the situations of Bingsha and Zirou'er, Cao Meng knew that this corpse poison was a good thing. If played well, it could be used to refine corpse puppets, poison others, and blackmail.

"Cao Meng, if you are willing to let me refine you into a zombie, I will tell you how to control the corpse poison!"

As soon as Chi Liyu said this, Cao Meng's thoughts completely dissipated. It was not worth being a zombie for a portion of corpse poison.


The underground palace under Wanlian Valley is guarded by the art of mechanism and the law of prohibition. These art of mechanism and the law of prohibition are originally used to test people in later generations, so there must be opportunities, that is, loopholes.

Of course, these loopholes were deliberately left by the predecessors of Changsheng Sword Sect. If you can pass the test by relying on the loopholes, you will be a person with great luck. Since you are a person with great luck, you should enjoy the good fortune.

Under Cao Meng's guidance, everyone stepped on the loopholes of the art of mechanism and the law of prohibition and easily came to the place of opportunity in the underground palace-a cold pond.

"There are so many cold jade glass milk!"

Chi Liyu looked at the cold pool in front of her and was delighted. As she knew, there was cold jade glass milk in the underground palace of Wanlian Valley.

She came here for the cold jade glass milk, and these cold jade glass milks were enough.

Just when Chi Liyu was happy, her face suddenly turned dark because of Cao Meng's action!

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