If I were to live my life over again, I would choose to join the Demon Sect!

Chapter 199 The Phoenix girl tears apart her evil father and mother!

"Siluo, how could you do such a thing!"

Shen Sixuan felt cold in her heart when she learned the truth.

When she knew that her second sister was possessed, she was almost possessed by a demon. Now she is told that this is fake!

You have to know that it was Shen Siyu who made her kneel on Xiangyun Mountain step by step. Between the elixir and Shen Siyu, the third sister, she chose the elixir and gave up the third sister!

Shen Siluo's joke was too big, really too big!

It seems that I, as the eldest sister, was wrong, very wrong!

Shen Huaxing and Shen's mother Du Shi felt cold in their hearts when they learned the truth. You have to know that they were worried about Shen Siluo for more than a month!

If it weren't for Shen Siluo's joke, would they have been so stiff with that rebellious girl?

"Father, mother, elder sister, I didn't mean it. I was confused for a moment. I was afraid that you would blame me, so I didn't dare to tell you the truth!" Shen Siluo noticed that the attitudes of Shen Huaxing and his wife and elder sister Shen Sixuan had changed, so she cried. Cao Meng, a bystander, was shocked immediately. As expected, they were the T0 of the immortal green tea. As expected, crying was their biggest trump card, and tears were their sharpest weapon. "Hahaha!" Huang Yu smiled bitterly after learning the truth, and then taunted: "What do you mean by your momentary confusion? You clearly want to kill me!" At the beginning, I said that Shen Siluo's obsession was a problem and had nothing to do with me, but no one believed me. It was Cao Meng's intimidation that made this vicious woman tell the truth. Shen Siluo did not allow Huang Yu to ruin her image, and she argued:

"Shen Siyu, don't slander me, I said I didn't mean it!"


As soon as Shen Siluo finished speaking, she was slapped by Huang Yu again, and the left and right sides of her face were now completely symmetrical.

"Mother, my third sister hit me again!"

After Shen Siluo was slapped, she quickly covered her face and cried to Shen's mother Du, which can be said to be the spirit of green tea and T0 to the extreme!

"Rebellious girl, even if your second sister is wrong, let her apologize to you, you shouldn't hit her!"

Shen's mother Du was Shen Siluo's fault in this matter, but Shen Siluo was her beloved, and Huang Yu was a rebellious girl who was rebellious to her parents in her eyes.

It can be seen that Shen's mother Du's partiality to Shen Siluo has already surpassed moral right and wrong, and is quite T0.


Huang Yu did not tolerate Shen's mother Du, and slapped her back, scolding:

"How about I kill her and then give her an apology?"

Since the vicious mother and daughter are so affectionate, Huang Yu will help them.

Shen's mother Du was slapped, and when she was about to attack Huang Yu, Shen Huaxing grabbed her hand.

Now that the Hehuan Sect favors Huang Yu, Cao Meng has warned her once, how dare Shen Huaxing let Du take action? If they anger the other party, their Shen family will be accompanied by the royal family.

Shen's mother Du saw that she could not take action against Huang Yu, so she could only scold:

"What sin have I committed to give birth to such a rebellious daughter who is evil and rebellious to her mother!"

If Shen's mother Du accuses Huang Yu of being evil and rebellious to Shen's mother, she will destroy the good impression of this rebellious daughter in Cao Meng's place.

Once this rebellious daughter loses power, she can do whatever she wants to her.

"Poisonous woman, you are not worthy of being a mother."

Huang Yu directly denied Shen's mother Du's biological mother, and then questioned:

"Although you gave birth to me, have you ever given me a bit of maternal love?"

"I was raised by servants since I was a child, not by you, Du.

How many times has she wronged me, and you always punish me indiscriminately because you are partial to her."


Huang Yu kept accusing Shen's mother Du of evil deeds, and the ministers and officials discussed again, and their words were all biased towards Huang Yu.

First, they really felt that Huang Yu was pitiful in the Shen family. Although she was not the eldest son, she was also the eldest daughter. How could she be treated like this!

Second, Huang Yu recognized Cao Meng as her master, and her backer was the Hehuan Sect. These people are not on Huang Yu's side, and they are not enemies of the Hehuan Sect?

Isn't this tired of living and looking for death?

Shen Huaxing knew that he could not intensify the contradiction between the Shen family and Huang Yu anymore. After all, if the contradiction continued to intensify, something big would happen sooner or later.

So Shen Huaxing pretended to be a kind father, looked at Huang Yu kindly, and said apologetically:

"Si Yu, this matter is Si Luo's fault. Over the years, your family has indeed lacked care for you.

I know you have hatred towards your family, but all this is in the past. The Shen family will compensate you in the future!"

Now that Huang Yu has flattered the Hehuan Sect, Shen Huaxing knows that he must let Huang Yu re-tie the bond with the Shen family. Only in this way can the Hehuan Sect pay attention to the Shen family.

When the time comes, let Huang Yu go to Cao Meng to urge the pillow wind, and the Shen family will be able to achieve great things and become the new Zhuyue Dynasty royal family.

"Shen Huaxing, you are really hypocritical. Aren't you just looking at the relationship between me and the master, so you want to use me to flatter the master, so as to gain more benefits for you?"

Now in Huang Yu's heart, Shen Huaxing has lost the halo of a father. She is too lazy to give him face and directly exposes his true face.

"Siyu, I'm your father, how can you think of me like this?"

Although Shen Huaxing was angry when his true identity was exposed, he could only continue to pretend to be a kind father for the sake of the greater good.

"Father, are you worthy? You and Mrs. Du are birds of a feather!"

"Just because someone said that Shen Siluo was the Nine Heavens Phoenix, you favored her, and I have always been a tool for marriage in your heart, a tool for exchanging benefits!"

Huang Yu realized this a long time ago, but she was unwilling to accept the reality, and this trip to Xiangyun Mountain forced her to accept the reality.

"Tsk tsk!"

At this moment, the crowd cast contemptuous eyes at Shen Huaxing.

Shen Huaxing is a real failure as a father!

Shen Huaxing knows that it is basically impossible to repair the relationship with Huang Yu now, and the other party will not speak well of the Shen family in front of Cao Meng. The Shen family has no hope of becoming the new royal family!

It's all because of Shen Silu's big joke that ruined the Shen family's plan.

It's also because this rebellious girl is too stingy. I just asked her to climb a mountain to ask for medicine, and I didn't let her die. Is it necessary to remember so much hatred?


Shen Huaxing snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Huang Yu and even wanted to beat her, he really didn't dare to do anything to Huang Yu because Huang Yu was backed by the Hehuan Sect.

The only thing he could do now was to prevent things from getting worse, so that Huang Yu wouldn't ask the Hehuan Sect to deal with the Shen family.

As Shen Huaxing, the head of the Shen family, took the lead in being mute, the originally lively atmosphere suddenly cooled down. The melons were sold out and there were no melons to eat.

Cao Meng, who was sitting on the dragon chair and playing with a fox, cast his eyes on Zuo Yuerong and asked:

"Tell me why the royal family fell?"

Cao Meng felt that this woman was very smart and successfully attracted his attention, so he decided to give Zuo Yuerong a chance to test her and see if she could seize it.

If the other party could seize the opportunity, Cao Meng wouldn't mind giving her a chance!

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