Hong Qi is very depressed now. There is something she wants to do, but she is afraid!

Cao Meng's strength is improving so fast, Hong Qi also wants to practice hard to improve her strength.

But Hong Qi knows that she is already a fourth-level monster. Once she cultivates to a fifth-level monster, she will experience the catastrophe of transformation and then transform!

If she succeeds in transforming, she will definitely be harmed by this human beast and her innocence will be tarnished.

Therefore, Hong Qi is depressed and worried about this matter!

Now that the general framework of the takeaway group has been formulated, it is now time to implement and promote it!

In Cao Meng's plan, it will be gradually promoted from three aspects. One is the Wanbao Pavilion responsible for selling the Asking Immortal Machine, the second is the canteen, and the third is the Snow King Honey City!

The relationship between these three can be said to be complementary.

Now that the Asking Immortal Machine has not yet circulated in the world, the canteen and the Snow King Honey City are promoting the takeaway group, which is equivalent to promoting the Asking Immortal Machine!

Wanbao Pavilion, which is responsible for selling the Immortal Questioning Machine, will teach buyers how to use it and help them join Cao Meng's takeaway group.

The takeaway group can directly purchase and reserve pearl milk tea and Zhiyang Pearl, thereby increasing the stickiness of group members!

Although this game is not perfect and the fishing net is not dense enough, it is enough for Cao Meng to catch a wave of fish!

In the following days, Cao Meng took advantage of the fact that the big goblin and the female devil did not come back, and refined the Immortal Questioning Machine and Zhiyang Pearl during the day, and discussed life and practiced with Sister Yuanzhong at night!

Under Cao Meng's generous teaching, An Yingji refined the essence again and again, and her cultivation of half-step Yuanying has reached the limit, and she is about to be promoted to Yuanying.

An Yingji is going to retreat and prepare to condense Yuanying, which means that Cao Meng will not be able to help Sister Yuanzhong practice during this period!

"Do you want me to protect you?"

An Yingji was discussing retreat with Cao Meng, and Cao Meng was afraid that something might happen to his sister, so he wanted to protect her.

"Isn't it just to condense the Nascent Soul? I don't need your help to protect the Nascent Soul!"

An Yingji rejected Cao Meng's request. She was 80% sure that she could condense the Nascent Soul. If she let this beastly brother protect her, it would be dangerous!

What if this beastly brother suddenly lost control while protecting her and picked her up to do something bad? Then she would be finished!

Just when An Yingji and Cao Meng were discussing retreat, Nangong Yan, the master, appeared.

Nangong Yan lived in the palace on the top of the peak for several days. She was very unhappy during these days because An Yingji and Cao Meng, the two disciples, did not come to greet her!

It is understandable that An Yingji did not know that her master was in the palace on the top of the peak!

But Cao Meng, this little bastard, knew that he was in the palace, but he didn't come to greet him. He really didn't have the spirit of respecting teachers, just like the traitor Duanmu Fei!

"Meet the master!"

An Yingji and Cao Meng, both of them, saluted Nangong Yan, the master.

Compared with An Yingji's respect, Cao Meng was reluctant.

If he wasn't afraid of being beaten, he really didn't want to salute this petty master!

"No need to salute!"

As soon as Nangong Yan spoke, An Yingji and Cao Meng waived their salutes. Nangong Yan glared at Cao Meng and scolded:

"Little bastard, I asked Yingji to waive my salutes, not you!"

Nangong Yan saw Cao Meng's reluctance when he saluted before. It would be strange if she could look good to such a thing that betrayed his teacher and ancestors!

After Nangong Yan scolded Cao Meng, she said to An Yingji:

"Yingji, this Suqin Peak will still rely on you in the future. As for Duanmu Fei, the traitor, and this little bastard, I can't count on them!"

Nangong Yan felt that Duanmu Fei and Cao Meng were useless, and it was basically impossible to rely on them to revitalize Suqin Peak.

The responsibility of revitalizing Suqin Peak still fell on An Yingji, who was a little more reliable.

"Yingji, Master is optimistic about you. Master believes that you will be able to become a God Transformation cultivator within a hundred years!"

Based on An Yingji's qualifications, Nangong Yan estimated that it should not be a problem for the other party to become a God Transformation cultivator within a hundred years!


Cao Meng couldn't help laughing. A hundred years?

In a hundred years, he might have ascended to become an immortal.

"Little bastard, is it funny?"

Nangong Yan glared at Cao Meng fiercely with her beautiful eyes. This little bastard was really singing against her, right?

In order to ease the embarrassment, Cao Meng could only explain:

"Grandmaster, I suddenly remembered that the cat in my house gave birth to eight puppies!"

Hong Qi: I am a cat? I am a fox, you are the cat!

You gave birth to eight puppies!

An Yingji was immediately unhappy with Cao Meng's explanation. If others don't know, doesn't she know?

Cao Meng didn't raise a cat at all. This bastard junior brother was just laughing at him.

"Junior brother, you have the ability to laugh at me when you have achieved your cultivation through dual cultivation?"

An Yingji felt that Cao Meng was the least qualified to laugh at him. After all, this bastard relied on dual cultivation and excellent physique to quickly improve his cultivation.

In order to improve his cultivation, this beast attacked his senior sister and took away his Yuan Yin.


Cao Meng coughed and said unhappily:

"Sister, you are right. I got my cultivation through dual cultivation, and you got it through your own hard work!"

Cao Meng didn't want to expose An Yingji anymore. This unjust sister was able to be promoted to a Nascent Soul cultivator so quickly. Wasn't it because she practiced dual cultivation with him and refined his essence?

You know, during this period of time, he taught her everything he knew and fed her well!

Now the injustice sister has turned her face and refused to recognize me. She even mocked me in a weird way. Women are really ruthless!

After the injustice sister is promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, I will find time to deal with her!

Nangong Yan was very satisfied when she saw An Yingji and Cao Meng were at odds. This disciple really stood on the side of her master.

"Yingji, during this period of time, you should follow the master to the peak palace to practice. The master will help you protect the law and strive to help you become a Nascent Soul cultivator before that traitor comes back!

At that time, your identity as the young master of Suqin Peak will be confirmed!"

Nangong Yan's words seemed to be spoken to An Yingji, but in fact they were spoken to Cao Meng to flatter him.

If this little bastard surrenders to me and hands over the things, I, the master, can forgive him magnanimously.



I, Cao Meng, will never surrender!

Let alone the young peak master, even if An Yingji becomes the peak master or the clan master in the future, she will still be the man behind her and she will still have to cooperate with her.

Nangong Yan saw that Cao Meng did not seem to be submissive, so she said to An Yingji:

"Yingji, you should keep some distance from this little bastard in the future, so as not to learn bad things from him!"

An Yingji smiled helplessly. She also wanted to stay away from Cao Meng, the bastard, but the problem was that she had already been harmed by this beastly junior brother and became his little lover.

In this way, Nangong Yan took An Yingji to the palace on the top of Suqin Peak to practice and help her condense the Nascent Soul!

As time passed, the immortal machine began to flow into the market, and the takeaway group also began to operate.

Among them, Hongqi was a loyal user of the takeaway group, mainly because she found that she did not need to pay spirit stones when placing orders in the takeaway group.

It was not that Princess Hongqi did not give it, but that she had already given it.

The bastard Cao Meng cheated her out of millions of low-grade spirit stones, and she had to eat them back through the takeaway group to make up for the loss.

Hongqi is Cao Meng's pet mount, and everyone in the cafeteria knows it. Now that Cao Meng has a relationship with the cafeteria, it is not easy for the female cultivators who deliver the goods to ask Hongqi for spirit stones!

Because An Yingji is not here, Cao Meng refines the Zhiyang Pearl and asks about the immortal secrets during the day, and can't find happiness at night. He also secretly went to Wanqi Peak to find Yinghuai, but didn't find anyone!

As for attacking Shishi, Cao Meng felt that the other party was as pure as a blank sheet of paper, and he would feel guilty!

In desperation, Cao Meng could only go to Chunfeng City to play. You know, he has a brothel called Xuantian Pavilion in Chunfeng City.

The brothel Xuantian Pavilion has a bit of quiet business, with only 20 to 30 customers.

If it weren't for the cosplay of Xuantian Sect female cultivators in Xuantian Pavilion, I'm afraid it wouldn't attract these people.

Cao Meng looked at the performance of his employees, the group of Yingyingyanyan, and felt pretty good.

Although Xuantian Pavilion is not doing well now, it is all due to environmental factors, because this is the territory of Hehuan Sect, and there are few male cultivators.

Cao Meng thinks that it doesn't matter if the business is not doing well. Anyway, he opened Xuantian Pavilion just to disgust Xuantian Sect!

When Wenxianji develops the video function in the future, he will help them to clean up their names, make them Internet celebrities, make them high-end goods, and make them Internet goddesses!

Just as Cao Meng was enjoying the singing and dancing, a female guest came to Xuantian Pavilion. The other party was wearing a long dress as white as snow.

The other party came to Cao Meng and bowed:

"I am Bai Yaxian, and I meet Cao's personal biography!"

Bai Yaxian is a girl, and she doesn't have the good of polishing mirrors. She came to Xuantian Pavilion, a brothel, naturally for Cao Meng.

"Miss, why did you come to me on purpose?"

Cao Meng didn't remember knowing the other party. It can be said that he had never seen the other party, so he didn't understand why this girl came to him.

Bai Yaxian bowed to Cao Meng and said:

"I am here to discuss business with Cao Qinchuan!"

Although Cao Meng knew Bai Yaxian, Bai Yaxian had known Cao Meng for a long time, and could even say that she hated Cao Meng.

It was this bastard in front of her who ruined her good deeds, causing her to lose a lot of spiritual stones, and now she was even forced to make peace! '

"Tell me!"

When Cao Meng heard that Bai Yaxian seemed to be here to give spiritual stones, he immediately became energetic!

"I am the shopkeeper of Bai Yuexuan in Chunfeng City. I am here to see Cao Qinchuan on behalf of all the spiritual food shops in the four major cities that protect the clan!"

Bai Yaxian is the shopkeeper of Bai Yuexuan. In the past, Bai Yuexuan's business was making a lot of money every day. Together with other spiritual food shops, it made the canteen breathless and took away as much as 80% of the canteen's business.

But since Cao Meng and Xia Yulan got together, they came up with Zhiyangzhu and pearl milk tea, as well as that disgusting bundling sales method.

The canteen's business picked up, while Bai Yuexuan and other spiritual food shops failed again and again, and their business gradually declined.

Fortunately, the Zhiyang Pearl was often out of stock, allowing Bai Yuexuan and other spiritual food shops to occasionally breathe.

Recently, she received some messages about the takeaway group, and she felt that Cao Meng wanted to rub her to the ground!

"Just say it!"

When Cao Meng heard that Bai Yaxian was the shopkeeper of Bai Yuexuan, his interest immediately faded, and he hoped that the other party would speak faster.

Speaking of Bai Yuexuan, he still remembered that when he just joined the Hehuan Sect, An Yingji invited him to Bai Yuexuan to eat spiritual food, wanting to rip him off again, but this big wronged sister was cheated by him!

In the blink of an eye, so much time has passed.

Bai Yaxian saw that Cao Meng was not interested, so she didn't waste time and said directly:

"The little girl hopes that Cao Qinchuan will provide us with the Zhiyang Pearl, Pearl Milk Tea, and Wenxian Machine. We can cooperate with Cao Qinchuan just like the canteen. We will even be more sincere than the canteen and more suitable to be Cao Qinchuan's partner!"

Originally, Bai Yaxian wanted to resist and fight with Cao Meng.

But the people above issued a death order, asking her to try her best to cooperate with Cao Meng, even if she had to submit to Cao Meng and sleep with him!

"Is that Senior Uncle behind you?"

Cao Meng knew that there were people behind Bai Yuexuan and these Lingshanfang. After all, there was no one behind them. How could they drive in the four great sect-protecting cities of wind, flower, snow and moon.

He remembered that the wronged senior sister once said that Bai Yuexuan's backstage was a peak master!

"Wine, tea, flowers!"

"Besides that, there are some halls!"

When Bai Yaxian saw Cao Meng asking, she directly told the backers of all the Lingshanfangs in their four major sect-protecting cities.

"You guys are a little tough backstage!"

Cao Meng couldn't help but sigh when he heard about these Lingshanfang's backers.

You must know that there are eight peak masters in the Hehuan Sect. They, the backers of Lingshanfang, have three peak masters, and there may be more masters below.

"In terms of backstage, we can't compare to Cao's personal biography. After all, we are just servants!"

Bai Yaxian smiled helplessly. To those patrons, they were just servants. Once they became worthless and made them unhappy, they could be replaced at any time.

Not unlike Cao Meng, who was a disciple of Concubine Duanmu and a Taoist monk who transformed into monk Xia Yulan. He was also known as the master of the foreign Suqin Peak.

"Go back and tell those uncles and uncles to discuss it with my master and uncle Xia. As long as they agree, I don't care!"

Cao Meng declined Bai Yaxian. Based on his relationship with the big goblin, how could he supply supplies to Bai Yuexuan and other Lingshan Fangs and help them deal with the big goblin.

After all, if he did what he did, he would be dead, and the big goblin would definitely eat him alive!

Bai Yaxian wanted to say something more, but she saw a figure and quickly retreated.

Bai Yaxian's departure did not disturb Cao Meng from enjoying the elegance of singing and dancing. At this moment, a delicate hand suddenly placed on his shoulder.

"Cao Cao, you are in such a good mood! Didn't I tell you not to fool around?"

When Cao Meng heard this strange sound, his hair stood on end.

This voice was very familiar to him. It was definitely the great fairy Xia Yulan.

Cao Meng turned around and met Xia Yulan's cold gaze, so he asked anxiously:

"Why are you back so early? Doesn't it take a few more days for the flying boat to arrive?"

Cao Meng specifically asked about Feizhou's return journey. According to what he knew, it would take at least four or five days for Feizhou to arrive!

Now that the big goblin suddenly came back, it could be said that he was caught off guard!

"Of course I want to come back early and beat you up!"

After Xia Yulan finished speaking, she gave Cao Meng a pink punch on the head and gave Cao Meng a big bag.

Who made this bitch disobedient and run to the land of hooks behind his back to have fun!

Cao Meng felt that he was wronged. He opened Xuantian Pavilion. Isn't it normal for him to let the inspection staff do their work?

What's more, he just enjoyed singing and dancing, and didn't do anything else?

Then Xia Yulan directly dragged Cao Meng out of Xuantian Pavilion. This scene was seen by many female cultivators, and they did not leave any face to Cao Meng. (End of chapter)

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