At this point, Cao Meng picked up the spoon and started feeding Yu Wenjing.

After a few spoonfuls of spiritual food, Yu Wenjing felt something was wrong.

Xia Yulan and Cao Meng quickly stopped. After all, they didn't really want to poison Yu Wenjing.

Xia Yulan quickly unlocked the talisman on Yu Wenjing, only to see him fall from the chair to the ground like a puddle of mud.



Yu Wenjing was still vomiting crazily as she kept twitching, and her appearance as a peerless fairy immediately shattered to pieces on the ground.

"What a waste!"

Xia Yulan looked at Yu Wenjing's performance and cursed. She felt that Yu Wenjing was not as good at resisting poison as Cao Meng!

Just when Xia Yulan was about to help Yu Wenjing detoxify, Xifeng came out of the void.

Seeing the miserable state of his eldest disciple Yu Wenjing, Xifeng immediately became furious and scolded Xia Yulan:

"Traitor, do you see me as a master in your eyes, and do you still have a friendship with me as a fellow disciple?"

Originally, Xifeng was practicing well in the secret realm of the Hehuan Sect's forbidden area, but suddenly she learned that Xia Yulan had arrested Yu Wenjing.

In order to avoid accidents, she came over as soon as possible, but unexpectedly it was too late.

"I've met Master Xifeng's uncle!"

When Cao Meng saw that Xifeng had come to the Void Refining Stage, he quickly bowed and saluted to say hello. At the same time, he hoped that Xifeng would never cause trouble for him.

After all, they are in the same group, they are one of their own, and they are the only outsider!



Yu Wenjing, who was half-dead on the ground, started vomiting crazily again before she could finish her sentence.

I have to say that Xia Yulan's spiritual meal is awesome.

It only took a few mouthfuls to poison a god-transformation monk to this level. Even fifth-level poison may not have such ability.

In order to prevent the master Xifeng from going crazy, Xia Yulan quickly tied up Yu Wenjing and took her as a hostage.

"Traitor, Jing'er is your senior sister, how can you attack her?"

Seeing how miserable Yu Wenjing was, Xifeng scolded Xia Yulan again. She felt that Xia Yulan had gone too far.

"She asked for it!"

"She wants to deal with me, but she doesn't allow me to fight back?"

"And she was the one who struck first. She couldn't beat me, so who can blame me for being captured alive?"

"If it weren't for the sake of her fellow sect members, she would have become a corpse long ago, and I would have sold her to the Corpse Yin Sect!"

Xia Yulan was very confident and did not feel that she was wrong at all.

Instead, I feel that I have shown mercy and done my best.

"You you~"

Xifeng, the ancestor of the Void Refining Stage, was so angry that he couldn't stop talking at this moment.

"Xifeng, thank you for being the master. Can you be more fair and stop favoring Yu Wenjing so much?"

Seeing that Xifeng was speechless, Xia Yulan didn't forget to hit the target.

"Traitor, do you think I am partial to Jing'er?"

"You almost poisoned Jing'er back then. Did I punish you? I just scolded you a few times!"

"How many people have you poisoned over the years? There have been several times where you have gone to forbidden areas, and every time I didn't help you carry it, otherwise you would have been kicked out of the Hehuan Sect!"

Xifeng felt that he was biased, but he was biased towards Xia Yulan.

Even though he, his master, was so partial to this traitor, this traitor actually felt that he was not partial enough and bit him back.

Does this traitor have any conscience?

"You fellow apprentices and sisters are killing each other, what a misfortune for our school!"

Xifeng felt that it was his teacher's misfortune and everything was his fault.

It was all because I had indulged Xia Yulan too much in the past, which led to this traitor being lawless and lawless!

"Just give your Jing'er back to you!"

As Xifeng exposed each incident, Xia Yulan felt a little guilty and threw the hostage Yu Wenjing to Xifeng.

After Xifeng took over Yu Wenjing, he immediately detoxified Yu Wenjing.

"Fortunately, nothing serious happened!"

After Xifeng helped Yu Wenjing detoxify, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Wenjing's complexion began to improve at this moment, and her body began to gradually recover.

"You sisters and fellow apprentices all have your faults, so why can't you all take a step back and turn conflicts into friendship?"

The master, Xifeng, naturally knew about Xia Yulan and Yu Wenjing's grudges.

To be honest, she felt that if the two junior sisters had given in each other, they would have ended up in such trouble and ended up fighting each other!

Xifeng felt that he could not let Xia Yulan and Yu Wenjing continue to quarrel. If the quarrel continued, his two apprentices might one day only have one!

"Jing'er, you are senior sister, be generous and set an example!"

Xifeng wanted to resolve the grievances between Yu Wenjing and Xia Yulan. Although Xia Yulan was at fault in this matter, she knew that it was basically impossible for her to let this traitor put aside their grievances first.

Therefore, she could only let her sensible eldest disciple Yu Wenjing set an example first. She believed that as long as Yu Wenjing put aside his grudges first, the rebellious disciple would also let go of everything.

"Master, Xia Yulan and Cao Meng were scornful of me, took advantage of me, and even wanted me to become Cao Meng's cauldron."

Yu Wenjing, who had recovered somewhat, complained to Xifeng.

"Xia Yulan, Cao Meng, you two bastards humiliated me and poisoned me so much that I, Yu Wenjing, are not done with you!"

Yu Wenjing stared at Cao Meng and Xia Yulan fiercely. If her body hadn't fully recovered, she would have fought with them long ago!

Xifeng wants her to forgive Xia Yulan for her evil deeds. This is impossible, absolutely impossible!

Xifeng: Rebel +1!

"Yu Wenjing, if you trouble me again in the future, I promise to make you even worse than you are today!"

Xia Yulan sneered, facing Yu Wenjing's threat, she didn't take it seriously at all.

Today she can bring Yu Wenjing over to try the food, and she can do the same thing tomorrow too!


Xifeng sighed helplessly, knowing that his two apprentices were on the same page and were completely at loggerheads.

No, no, no, it’s been a long time coming, the situation has long been on the same level!

It's just that Xia Yulan was not strong enough to fight back before!

In desperation, Xifeng could only carry Yu Wenjing away from the void. As for resolving the grudge between the two senior sisters, she had to find another way!

After Yu Wenjing's incident passed, the next few days would be Cao Meng's nightmare.

Cao Meng's time these days has been clearly arranged by Xia Yulan, and he has no free time at all.

Yang Qi is at its strongest during the day, so during the day Cao Meng used the Sun Gathering Formation at Suqin Peak to absorb the power of the sun and frantically refined the Sun Pearl!

At night, Yang Qi is still lacking, so I refine the Immortal Questioning Machine.

As for Snow King Honey City, it has also begun to increase production. Fortunately, Cao Meng does not need to do it personally for the pearl milk tea. Cao Meng only needs to authorize the employees of Snow King Honey City!

This time, the Hehuan Sect divided up the interests of the Golden Buddha Temple and dispatched fifty fifth-level flying boats. Today, one flying boat after another returned one after another.

In addition, there are three flying boats of the Beast Soul Sect, following the Hehuan Sect flying boats into the Hehuan Sect's territory.

After Concubine Duanmu returned to Hehuan Sect, she glanced at the people who came to greet her, and she was immediately unhappy because no one came to greet her.

"Sect Master Duanmu, Cao Meng and Senior Sister An didn't come to greet you. You really don't know how to respect a teacher!"

Zi Rou'er, who was behind Zi Xixue, realized that Cao Meng and An Yingji didn't come to greet them, so she immediately jumped out to support them.

Back then, this thief Cao had humiliated her in every possible way in the secret realm of the Changsheng Sword Sect, but now she finally found a chance to take revenge.

And An Yingji actually allowed Cao Meng to bully her. She is no longer her senior sister An!

She wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife, and she wants to use Concubine Duanmu to deal with this and that Cao thief, so as to avenge the blood feud!

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense!"

Zi Xixue scolded her niece, could Zi Rouer say this casually? Isn't this sowing conflicts between masters and disciples?

"My concubine, maybe Cao Meng and Yingji are busy dealing with things at the moment, so they have no time to be around!"

Zi Xixue felt that she had spoken good words to Cao Meng and An Yingji in front of Concubine Duanmu today. From now on, these two juniors must support her and Concubine Duanmu!

"Xue'er, if you say that Yingji has something to deal with, I still believe it!

As for the traitor, he might still be fooling around with Xia Yulan! "

Concubine Duanmu felt that Cao Meng was in debt. When her master came back, she didn't come to greet him, so she was in debt.

When the time comes, I will settle the old and new accounts with the traitor and find a place to hang him up and beat him.

Zi Xixue felt that Cao Meng couldn't be saved, so she could only wish him good luck!

But why did Zi Xixue feel that her concubine's words were a bit resentful, as if she was jealous!

He must be overthinking it. They are master and disciple, how could they be jealous and resentful!


Zirouer covered her mouth and started laughing. From what Concubine Duanmu said just now, she knew that Cao Meng was finished!

Thief Cao, your retribution is coming!

Suqin Peak...

Cao Meng had just woken up. Yesterday, the big goblin suddenly came to him to exchange his practice experience. As a result, after a fierce battle for a day and a night, he was defeated!

Cao Meng was dissatisfied with the defeat, because the big goblin actually used the method of harvesting yang and replenishing yin, which was simply a shame!

Xia Yulan harvested Cao Meng's yang energy for one night, successfully broke the shackles, and was promoted to the seventh level of divine transformation!

Xia Yulan lay on Cao Meng's chest and said with a sweet smile:

"Cao Meng, Senior Sister Duanmu has entered the sect and should return to Suqin Peak soon. Have you thought of an excuse to explain?"

Xia Yulan knew that Concubine Duanmu would be back today, so she deliberately asked Cao Meng to discuss her cultivation experience in depth yesterday!


Cao Meng was shocked. How could he forget that the female devil came back today?


Just as Cao Meng was about to stand up, his back hurt so much that he took a breath!


"Cao Meng, your cauldron holy body can't do it either!"

Xia Yulan covered her mouth and laughed, but of course it was just a superficial laugh.

After all, she was on full fire last night, using the power of the god-transformation monk to harvest Cao Meng.

Not to mention the Nascent Soul cultivator, even in the half-step Void Refining Stage, she could only persist for two quarters of an hour at most, but Cao Meng, with his fifth level of Nascent Soul cultivation, insisted on persisting for a day and a night, and she almost lost!

"Uncle Xia, you tricked me again!"

Cao Meng knew that the big goblin deliberately tricked him because he didn't want him to meet the female devil and wanted the female devil to cause trouble for him.

"Cao Meng, can you blame me for this? It's not your fault for being addicted to women!"

Xia Yulan felt that she had tricked Cao Meng, but it wasn't because the other party lacked determination. If the other party had enough determination, would he be tempted by her?

Cao Meng endured the pain in his waist and took a jade mirror to see how haggard he was, and couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, wine and sex mess up one's mind, hurt one's body, and make one haggard.

Cao Meng has made up his mind to stop drinking in the future and cannot continue to degenerate like this!

Jiu: Cao Meng, your body has nothing to do with me!

Cao Meng, you didn’t even mention a word about rebooting!

Cao Meng swore in his heart that he must practice well in the future. Only by improving his cultivation can he deal with the big demon Xia Yulan and make the other party obedient and dare not cheat him!

Cao Meng knew that his current urgency was to make an excuse quickly.

The female demon was about to return to Suqin Peak. It would be too late for him to go to greet her now. He needed a suitable excuse so that he would not be controlled by the female demon!

Fortunately, the sister of the wronged species was forming a baby and should not have gone to greet her. There could be one more person to help him share the firepower!

No, was he fooling around with the big demon? He was clearly practicing hard and impacting the realm, so he could not greet the female demon!

After thinking of the excuse, Cao Meng immediately began to perform, quickly put on his clothes, and sat cross-legged.

Cao Meng first took out some spiritual medicine to restore qi and blood, swallowed it into his stomach, and then summoned Tongzi:

"Tongzi, open the attribute panel"


Host: Cao Meng!

Cultivation: Fifth level of Nascent Soul! (Each upgrade in the Nascent Soul stage costs 5 million lower-grade spirit stones!)

Physique: Ten-day Holy Body (Triple Yang!) (1 ​​billion lower-grade spirit stones, upgradeable!)

Innate Gengjin Body (Great Success) (10 billion lower-grade spirit stones, upgradeable!)

Profession: Third-grade Refiner (100% success rate of third-grade spirit tools) (10 million lower-grade spirit stones, upgradeable!)

First-grade Spiritual Diet Master (100% success rate of first-grade spiritual diet) (10,000 lower-grade spirit stones, upgradeable!)

Balance: 22.14 million lower-grade spirit stones!

Cao Meng looked at the more than 20 million lower-grade spirit stones, more than half of which were provided by the pink-haired fox Hongqi. He had to pluck the fox's fur when he had time!

Although Cao Meng had taken the pills to restore his body, the injuries from alcohol and sex could not be recovered so quickly.

Cao Meng decisively clicked the upgrade button on his cultivation, clicking three times in a row.

"After deducting 15 million low-grade spirit stones, the fifth level of the Nascent Soul is upgraded to the eighth level of the Nascent Soul!"

"Warm reminder, the current balance is 7.14 million low-grade spirit stones!"

After Cao Meng's cultivation level was upgraded by three small realms, his Nascent Soul changed again and became a young man!

At the same time, his body, which was injured by alcohol and sex, was completely restored.


Cao Meng breathed a sigh of relief. Now that his body has recovered, the female devil should not be able to see it.

Don't ask why Cao Meng didn't spend all the remaining 7 million low-grade spirit stones at once?

Because once it's spent now, it's really over!

He left these few spirit stones specifically, intending to spend money to upgrade in front of the female devil when she came to check the room and ask for punishment, so as to save his life!


"What's going on?"

Xia Yulan was stunned immediately. She saw Cao Meng break through three realms in one breath, and she was stunned immediately!

My cultivation level didn't drop, why did Cao Meng's cultivation level improve so much at once?

It was clearly she who collected the essence of Cao Meng for a day and a night, not Cao Meng who collected the essence of her for a day and a night!

You should know that her own cultivation was close to the seventh level of the Spiritualization Realm, and she succeeded in breaking through after a day and a night of struggle!

This guy broke through three realms in a blink of an eye. Could it be that this guy has been suppressing his cultivation?

Xia Yulan was puzzled at this moment, and the whole person was almost depressed!

"Uncle Xia, put on your clothes quickly!"

Cao Meng saw that the big demon was still naked, and quickly put his dress on him.

After all, if the big demon was still naked later, no matter how well he acted, it would be useless.

Xia Yulan hugged Cao Meng and laughed:

"Little bastard, it's a pity that your cultivation broke through too early. If you break through later, you can still break through. You can just wait to bear the wrath of Concubine Duanmu?"

After Xia Yulan threatened Cao Meng, she began to put on her clothes. (End of this chapter)

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