If I were to live my life over again, I would choose to join the Demon Sect!

Chapter 82: There are three thousand life-threatening diseases in human beings, but only dog-licking

In the face of the ridicule of the crowd, Miao Wang had no choice but to take out a spiritual sword from his storage ring.

"Devil, if I lose, this third-grade top-grade spiritual sword belongs to you!"

Miao Wang usually gave his resources to Hua Xian'er, and this third-grade top-grade spiritual sword was already his best treasure.

Now for Hua Xian'er, he was willing to use this third-grade top-grade spiritual sword as a bet and gamble with Cao Meng.

Cao Meng did not directly accept Miao Wang's bet, but said:

"Fellow Daoist Feiyangyang, Fellow Daoist Hua Xian'er is a human being and is priceless!

If you want to bet with me, take out all your resources and bet with me!"

Cao Meng felt that he was not doing this because of his greed, but for Miao Wang's good.

As long as he took away all the resources from Miao Wang, the other party would completely recognize the essence of Hua Xian'er, a beautiful little fairy!


Miao Wang agreed to Cao Meng's bet. Anyway, he felt that he would not lose, so it didn't matter how big the bet was.

Just when Miao Wang was full of confidence, he was backstabbed.

"Brother Cao Meng, Miao Wang is a fourth-level Jindan cultivator, and his moves are extremely ruthless!

You have been practicing for a short time, so you must not fight him!"

Hua Xian'er was worried about Cao Meng, so she directly told him Miao Wang's cultivation level, and advised him not to fight with Miao Wang.


Miao Wang wanted to cry but had no tears, "Junior sister, I am doing this for your own good, why are you so partial to this devil!"

Cao Meng listened to the information given by Hua Xian'er, and he couldn't help but give her a thumbs up in his heart, and then said with a gentleman's integrity:

"Junior sister Hua Xian'er, although I, Cao Meng, am in the Demon Sect and a disciple of the Demon Cultivator, I have never done anything bad, but he has repeatedly slandered me as a devil.

I must fight him today and end it all!"

Thinking that it was me who subdued An Yingji, who was a sixth-level Jindan cultivator, with only one or two moves.

Miao Wang was only at the fourth level of the Golden Core, so one move was enough to deal with him.

An Yingji, who was standing next to him, whispered to Cao Meng:

"Cao Meng, you are so shameless!"

They were usually together, so An Yingji was quite clear about the bad things Cao Meng had done.

Cao Meng warned An Yingji with his eyes, saying that if she dared to show her rebelliousness again, he would promise to loosen her pelvis.

Hua Xian'er felt that Cao Meng was right, and that a man could be humiliated without doing anything.

So she turned her eyes to Miao Wang and scolded him:

"Miao Wang, you provoked Brother Cao Meng for no reason, and thus caused trouble. I order you to apologize to Brother Cao Meng immediately!"

Hua Xian'er felt that it was all Miao Wang's fault. If Miao Wang hadn't called Cao Meng a devil, how could these things have happened?

If this guy had listened to her at the beginning, and everyone pretended not to know each other, so many things wouldn't have happened.

Maybe I am already dining with Cao Meng at this moment, and everyone is having a good chat, even talking about everything from everything to marriage!

But all this was ruined by Miao Wang, so the other party should apologize.

Under Hua Xian'er's scolding, Miao Wang's eyes were red with anger.

Of course, he was not angry with Hua Xian'er, but Cao Meng.

It was this hateful demon who confused Hua Xian'er, making the junior sister who was so sensible and reasonable on weekdays become so confused about right and wrong.

"Junior sister, in order to prevent him from harassing you, senior brother can't follow you today!"

This is the only time in history that Miao Wang has firmly rejected Hua Xian'er. He knew that this move might make the other party angry, but he had to do it!

"Miao Wang, you have grown up!"


Seeing that Miao Wang, who usually obeyed her, dared to disobey her master today, Hua Xian'er was immediately furious and gave her a family greeting.

Facing the greetings from Hua Xian'er's family, Miao Wang did not refute. After all, beating is love, scolding is love!

The more the junior sister scolded, the more it showed her position in the other party's heart.

As expected, the junior sister had her own heart, and now the other party was confused by the devil.

There are three thousand life and death diseases in people, only licking dogs can't cure it!

While Miao Wang was scolded, Cao Meng greeted the crowd:

"I, Cao Meng, will be the banker today. Are you willing to play?"

"If you bet on me, Cao Meng, to win with one move, you will get one hundred. If you bet on me to win with three moves, you will get one fifty. If you win with five moves, you will get one twenty... If you win with one hundred moves, you will get one two!"

Cao Meng estimated that Miao Wang, the licking dog, didn't have much savings, so he decided to make some extra money.

It's impossible for these spectators to eat melons and watch the show for free. They have to buy tickets for themselves!

Of course, Cao Meng himself is not a bad person, and he won't force others to buy tickets.

"Daoyou Cao Meng, why didn't you bet on Miao Wang?"

The crowd felt that Cao Meng's opening was a little inappropriate. After all, Miao Wang was also a party, so he had to give him a position!

"Then bet on Miao Wang to lose in one move...

A hundred moves to lose..."

Seeing that the crowd had objections, Cao Meng changed the betting position.


Cao Meng's change made the crowd speechless. Did they want to bet on Miao Wang to lose? They wanted to bet on Cao Meng to lose!

One of the crowd said bluntly:

"Daoyou Cao Meng, what if we bet on you to lose?"


Cao Meng sighed and said helplessly:

"In that case, betting on me to lose is also a one-to-one compensation!"

Cao Meng felt that he had deliberately not set up this option, just to give these crowds a possible choice.

But these spectators wanted to choose the most unlikely sexual choice, which was really pretentious!

This group of spectators was determined to be good people and send me spiritual stones, so I couldn't blame myself!

Except for An Yingji, the others were shocked when they heard Cao Meng's words "bet on me to lose, one to one hundred".

Everyone thought that Cao Meng was a sure loser, and betting one to one hundred was a money-spending boy!

"Cao Meng, you are going too far!"

After Miao Wang heard Cao Meng's words, he felt that the other party was deliberately humiliating him.

Cao Meng really didn't want to humiliate Miao Wang, he just wanted to fish, let the spectators place bets, and then make money for himself!

Seeing that Miao Wang was a bootlicker who wanted to stop them from getting rich, the onlookers mocked him:

"Miao Wang, if you don't accept it, you can also open the market and be the banker!"

Miao Wang saw that he had offended the public for a while, and he couldn't afford to open the market with his little money, so he could only cast his angry eyes on Cao Meng:

"Cao Meng, do you have so many spirit stones?"

When Miao Wang asked this, all the onlookers cast their eyes on Cao Meng.

One to one hundred, this odds are a bit high, and the onlookers also doubted whether Cao Meng could afford it.


Cao Meng sneered in his heart. He had millions of low-grade spirit stones on him. Could he not afford to play?

The point is that he is the banker and the contestant. As for winning or losing, isn't it up to him?

There are some things Cao Meng can only think about in his heart and can't say them out loud.

"Don't worry, I still have some belongings on me!

Even if I can't pay it back, you can just detain me and take me to the Hehuan Sect to collect the debt!"

In order to get the enemies to place their bets, Cao Meng made a solemn promise to everyone.

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