If it's Your Will

50 Sending off

Yanyu's breathing is getting slowerand it caused the emperor to become more panicked.

"Y ... your highness what are we supposed to do? " Honghui asked, obviously nervous about the condition of the woman.

"Honghui we might not be able to make her reach the physician I'll go back to master's hut and return to Lou by yourself and and bring the carriage immediately and take Wàn Guowei back with you and you must do it secretly" after he said that the emperor take something to his clothes.

Honghui looked at what the emperor showed him and cannot believe what it is. What the emperor presents to him is his crest that implies his being emperor and whoever holds it will be given great respect as if the emperor himself was before them. Honghui did not know why the emperor suddenly gave him a big responsibility, but it seems like it is because of the woman which the emperor carries right now. He nodded and hid his crest on his clothes and quickly went out of the woods.

The emperor no longer holds any longer and he goes straight to the place where he is closer and that's his master's hut, he can also treat Yanyu there because his master has the hoby creating different kind of medicine.

As he climbs again he carefully holds the woman in his arms. He knew it would be difficult to breathe in the top of the mountain because the air was thin but he wrapped Yanyu in his spiritual energy.

Unlike his trusted general who didn't like the study of being a spiritual practitioner the emperor is a spiritual practitioner. As the one who leads that sect he is expected to show this prowess in this hidden art of the warriors that can make people immortal. As of right now he is already at a level where human can not imagine.

As of right now their already near the hut and when he entered the hut he immediately put Yanyu down to the bed and treid find something to help the woman's condition.

Meanwhile in the Lou Empire a cup suddenly falls in the Nalan household where the perpetrator of the assassination Nalan He Xin, when she saw how the cup was broken into pieces she immediately roared in anger that cup is her favorite cup but a mad just broke it and as expected the maid is immediately exiled from that place. Because of the breaking of her favorite cup her temper is extremely not good right now but when she remember something she immediately smiled wickedly.

She smiled because she's waiting for the news for a certain woman's death though she doesn't know that right now the woman she wanted to die is currently under the care of the person she wants to possess.

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