"Wangwang Valley? Grandpa has planted a few acres, right? In previous years, he would keep a part and sell a part. What, Brother Feng, do you want it?"

Qin Shu blinked and looked at Lin Feng curiously.

She knew that Lin Feng seemed to be very interested in gourmet food now, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of food would be promoted in the hut.

Lin Feng nodded, "Sell some to me, I want it."

The girl readily agreed to this request, "Okay, I'll tell Grandpa when I go back."

After solving this problem,

He came to the plantation again and saw a group of Pidgeots and Bobos staying on the pine trees outside.

When Pidgeot took him out just now, Pidgeot placed them on the pine trees.

Seeing so many Pidgeots and Bobos, the first thought that came to his mind was-fortunately, the caterpillar evolved and "retired" in the cowshed, otherwise seeing so many Pidgeots, he would definitely be afraid to shrink his head.

Then there is a more serious question...

We need to let these Pidgeots and Pidgeots know the route to deliver packages!

Lin Feng believes that within 300 kilometers, they can accurately find the way home, but if they are asked to accurately find a house within 300 kilometers that orders takeout...

He couldn't help but think of some Pokémon in anime that can deliver letters.

For example, the Bean Pigeon,

and the Big-billed Gull that can deliver things.

How do they identify the direction?

"Try to train with a map first?"

With this thought, Lin Feng looked at Gardevoir who was collecting ripe fruit. After collecting the collected fruit with the storage ball, he pulled its hand and said, "Okay, don't pick it yet, come and help me."


Gardevoir looked at the hand being held, a little confused, but did not resist.

Just think of it as the interaction between the trainer and Pokémon.

He and Ice Vulpix often have such intimate interactions.

He would hold Vulpix's claws with one hand to make it stand up, and take the opportunity to touch its belly with the other hand.

As a result, he was sneezed by Vulpix, and was covered with snow foam.

Lin Feng called Rotom, who was in the lawn mower and harvesting grass, and came to the pine tree outside the plantation, "Pipi, Pidgeot? Come down."



Pipi and the Pidgeots looked at each other and flew down with flapping wings.

Before the leader took this human away, he told them to listen to him, this is the leader's trainer.

Although for some Pidgeots, they don't know what a trainer is.

But the leader's boss is the boss's boss!

"Rotom, help me project a map of Wutong City, as big as possible."

"Loto~Okay, Master!"

Rotom quickly projected a 4x4 meter virtual map of Wutong City.

"Gardeaux, how far can you teleport? Can it cover the entire Wutong City?"

Gardeaux didn't understand, but still replied, "Gardeaux." (Yes.)

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled.

"Then I'll have to trouble you to help me train these Pidgeots and Pidgeots. That is, I will give you energy blocks, and then you will spread these energy blocks in various places in Wutong City.

Then, let Pidgeots and Pidgeots find them according to the map, so that they can accurately train their ability to find every household."

This is what he thought of, which can train Pidgeots and Pidgeots to accurately deliver goods to homes.

Of course, the place you are looking for at the beginning should be closer, and then you can slowly expand the distance.

However, Gardevoir's face showed a bit of helplessness, "Gardevoir?"

Is it being treated as a "coolie" again?


Lin Feng also felt that his idea was that Gardevoir was the most tired one.

However, apart from Gardevoir's teleportation ability, he really didn't know what method to use to train Pidgeot and Pidgeot.

So, he looked at Gardevoir sincerely and took out a bag of energy cubes, "Please."

It flew into the sky, looked at Lin Feng, thought for a while, put its hand on his head, and touched its hair in his stunned eyes, "Gardevoir..." (Got it.)

Then it looked at the Pidgeots, and began to use telepathy to tell these Pidgeots what Lin Feng had just ordered, and at the same time took out the energy cubes and controlled them to fly in front of each Pidgeot with telekinesis.

After Pidgeot and Pidgeot finished eating the first energy cube, their eyes suddenly lit up.

Then, Gardevoir looked at the map again, pointed at more than 20 red dots on it, and then disappeared.Lost in the same place.

And Pidgeot and Pidgeot also received the command, flapped their wings, and flew towards Wutong City....


Touching the place touched by Gardevoir, Lin Feng was a little puzzled.



It must be said that Gardevoir's training of Pidgeot and Pidgeot is quite effective.

In just one day, three or four Pidgeots can accurately find the energy cube.

According to Gardevoir's description, the other Pidgeots and Pidgeots have also made progress. Some are not far from the location of the energy cube, but they are still a little confused for a while.

I believe that in a few days, they will be able to accurately find every red dot on the enlarged map.

After listening, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then provided these Pidgeots and Pidgeots with today's meals, and told them the content of this "job".

It's very simple, with food included and no restrictions on the "bird's" freedom.

During the "training" period, if you are not satisfied, you can leave at any time.


None of the Pidgeots and Bobo were willing to leave, but they were very satisfied with this "job".

I don't know if it was because of the Pidgeot or if they were reluctant to leave the food here.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after the energy in the hut was sold out today, Lin Feng told Qin Shu not to forget to tell her grandfather about the acquisition of Wangwang Valley.

The girl ran very fast, but still turned back and said, "Okay, got it, Brother Feng!"

Just when Lin Feng was about to close the door, under the setting sun, a subtle shadow on the horizon caught his attention.

This is a Doudou pigeon, with a white envelope in its mouth. The target is very clear, it is the breeding house.


The Doudou pigeon stopped, and after seeing that the terrain was correct, it slowly flew towards Lin Feng and dropped the envelope in his hand.


"Send a letter?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised. The East China Alliance is not like the Padilla region. Communication is still very convenient here. Everyone is used to sending messages by mobile phone. Few people still have this way of sending messages.

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