If you are an immortal, you will live forever after you die.

Chapter 15 It’s not my fault that I peeked at you taking a bath…

The moonlight was hazy, and the night was like water.

On the mass grave of Dongshan in the capital...

"Huh... I succeeded, and I really got out of the prison?"

"Woo... It stinks, how many dead bodies are buried here..."

The revived demon monk covered his nose and looked around...

"Here, I really don't know how many people died, beggars who starved to death in the capital, servants who were beaten to death in the rich merchants, eunuchs and maids who disappeared inexplicably in the palace, etc., all the bodies with unknown causes of death or no one to collect them will be thrown here in the end..." Chen Changsheng said faintly...

Don't ask him how he knew...

Back then, after he started the corpse collection method, he wanted to find a place where he could get enough bodies, and finally chose this Dongshan mass grave!

No one is more familiar with this place than him. In the past three years, especially the first two years, he ran here almost every day, because the corpse collection method requires fresh corpses, and those that have rotted into bones cannot be collected, and there are several or even dozens of corpses here almost every day...

It was not until he was successful in cultivation that Chen Changsheng gradually came less and less. After all, he had too much ordinary essence and blood to use, and the inner breath pill required opportunities, and ordinary warriors could not collect such rewards.

"Senior?" The demon monk was surprised.

"Haha, don't be surprised, I just want to see if you have been dismembered... After all, although the fake death magic is magical, if you are dismembered in fake death, you are really dead..." Chen Changsheng smiled lightly.

That's right, he didn't come here to protect the demon monk, he just remembered to stop by...

What if the demon monk was dismembered, such a strong second-grade warrior, who had such a good relationship with him, didn't come to see him off after he died, which made him seem unqualified as a friend...

Unfortunately... he didn't die...

"Dismembered?" The demon monk was sweating profusely when he heard this, and then said: "Fortunately, they didn't destroy my corpse... Oh, no, my body..."

How can you say the corpse if the person is not dead yet...

Pah, pah, pah, unlucky...

"Okay, since you are safe and sound, let's go, don't forget what I asked you to do, do as many as you can, of course the most important thing is to hide your identity!" Chen Changsheng said.

"Please rest assured, senior, I have planned to grow my hair and return to secular life, and the demon monk will never appear in the world again!" The demon monk said respectfully.

"Return to secular life? Well, go ahead!"

Chen Changsheng waved his hand, and after watching him leave, he began to pick and choose the corpses below...

Since we are here, we can't come here in vain...

"Du Qinniang, female, 19 years old, jumped into the well and died!"

"Last wish: be an innocent person in the next life!"

Seeing this last wish, plus the cause of death, Chen Changsheng could easily make up a plot in his mind...

"Alas, I hope you can get what you want in your next life!"

"Corpse evaluation: ordinary 2 stars, reward a blood essence pill!"

"Liu Ergou, male, 41 years old, beaten to death!"

"Last wish: to kill all in the casino once!"

Bah, never forget to gamble until death, another gambler, must have owed gambling debts and was beaten to death!

"Corpse evaluation: ordinary product 1 star, reward one blood essence pill!"

"Chen Xinglong: male, 23 years old, died of a broken heart!"

"Last wish: hand over the things in his arms to Princess Mingluo, and tell her that he will never let you down!"

Finally found a task that can be completed!

Listening to his last wish, it seems that Princess Mingluo's lover...

Princess Mingluo, this name is so familiar... Isn't it the one in the Prince Qi's Mansion?

Searching out the task item, it is a handkerchief with a pair of mandarin ducks embroidered on it, and there is an old-fashioned poem next to it...

"Four looms, mandarin ducks weave to fly together, it's a pity that the head is white before old, spring waves and green grass, deep in the morning cold, bathing in red clothes... "

"Corpse evaluation: ordinary product 7 stars, reward five blood essence pills, one inner breath pill!"

"Su Ming, male..."


Half an hour later, Chen Changsheng left the mass grave with some blood essence pills in his hands, and of course some strange last wish tasks, including Many of them cannot be completed. As for the inner breath pill, there is only one from Chen Xinglong...

"It's still early, why not... go to the Qi Wang Mansion to take a look, just in time to complete a last wish mission, and by the way, see if I can find out the secrets about that weirdo..."

At this time, the city gate has long been closed, but for Chen Changsheng, crossing the city wall is not as easy as walking on flat ground, but it is not difficult. In fact, as long as the top three masters are not too bad at light work, they basically have the ability to climb over the city wall!

Finding a gap when there is no patrol, Chen Changsheng jumped up, tapped the city wall with his toes a few times, and climbed over directly...

"If I had this ability in my previous life... Hey... The city at night in my previous life... It was more lively than during the day, but there is a curfew here..."

After midnight, there is a curfew in the city, and there are imperial guards patrolling. If ordinary people are caught, they will have to go to jail!

Of course, for masters like Chen Changsheng, it is much easier to do things at night than during the day...

"Where is the Prince Qi's Mansion?"

Chen Changsheng was a little confused...

This is his second time in Dongcheng District. The last time he went to the home of General Lin Yong of the Left Guard!

"I didn't check the place, really..."

It's the middle of the night, and I can't find anyone to ask. I can't just go back like this, right?

Chen Changsheng felt a little bit stuck...


A black shadow shuttled in the shadows of the street...

"I just said, how can it be possible that no one comes out to do activities on such a beautiful day? Well, his body skills are good... Follow this person first to see..."

Chen Changsheng made up his mind to follow him to see what this person was going to do.

After following two streets, Chen Changsheng saw with his own eyes that man climbed over the wall and disappeared into the darkness...

"It's really hard to find a place after wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort to get here... Prince Qi's Mansion... That guy actually came to Prince Qi's Mansion too..."

Looking at the plaque of the mansion not far away, Chen Changsheng felt that his luck was really good...

You’re all here, let’s go in and have a look together...

After climbing into Prince Qi's Mansion, Chen Changsheng clearly felt that this place was more heavily guarded than General Zuowuwei's Mansion. The patrols were armed with open fire, wearing armor and carrying swords at their waists, and everyone was dressed well. The internal strength in his body is no less elite than that of General Zuo Wuwei!

"It seems that the real elites of Da Zhou should all be top-notch ones!"

"It is worthy of being a home of powerful people in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Compared with them, although the wealthy merchants in Beicheng District are rich, their family background is much worse..."

After observing for a while, Chen Changsheng skillfully avoided the patrols and began to look for Princess Mingluo.

"Damn, how big is Prince Qi's Mansion? It almost makes me faint... General Zuo Wuwei's Mansion... Bah, he is a general after all, and the mansion is not as good as a quarter of the size of Prince Qi's Mansion... …”

"No, it seems I have to find someone to ask..."

"You are the one!"

An eunuch carrying a food box happened to pass by the garden where Chen Changsheng was hiding!

"Look into my eyes... ecstasy!"

Chen Changsheng suddenly appeared, looked at the eunuch, and at the same time used the magic of ecstasy!

"Tell me where Princess Mingluo is?"

"Princess Mingluo lives in Fangcaoyuan."

"How to get to Fangcaoyuan?"

"from here……"

"Where does King Qi live?"

"His Royal Highness King Qi..."


After questioning for a full quarter of an hour, Chen Changsheng lightly snapped his fingers, turned around and left, while the eunuch was suddenly enlightened...

"What's wrong with me? I feel a little dizzy... I'll ask Dr. Zhang to prescribe some soothing medicine for us..."

Once you know the route clearly, the next step will be easy!

"This is Fangcao Garden, Princess Mingluo is here!"

Chen Changsheng sneaked into the courtyard, heard a sound in one of the rooms, and then opened the door and walked in...

"Myolie, come and change my clothes!"

As soon as Chen Changsheng entered, he saw a girl with a graceful figure standing up from the tub, with her back to Chen Changsheng...

Such a fragrant scene made Chen Changsheng a little unable to handle it...

"Myolie, what are you still doing?"

"There is an assassin, catch the assassin!"

At this moment, the call of the patrol came from outside the door, and the girl turned back in response...

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