After Song Lin, Song Xing and others left the Qingmu Sect ruins, Chen Changsheng arrived quietly with Da Huang.

"It is definitely not a coincidence that many rumors suddenly appeared in the Qingmu Sect ruins. Da Huang, we must be careful!" Chen Changsheng looked at Da Huang and said.

"Woof!" Da Huang nodded lightly and called out.

Looking at the familiar ruins, Chen Changsheng did not choose to go in directly after arriving, but hid near the ruins to observe. After seeing someone leave the ruins, he secretly followed to an uninhabited place and then conducted a soul-confusion questioning.

It must be said that after joining the Wanfa Sect, Chen Changsheng made up for many of his shortcomings as a casual cultivator. For example, the trick of using powerful spiritual consciousness to confuse low-level cultivators was learned in the Wanfa Sect.

Unfortunately, the soul-searching method is not in the Wanfamen's library, otherwise, this method would be more direct than the soul-confusing method...

"What's your name?"

"Mao Shiba..."

"What are you doing at the Qingmu Sect ruins?"

"I'm a casual cultivator, and I've opened up a cave on the outskirts of the Qingmu Sect..."

"Has anything special happened at the Qingmu Sect ruins recently?"

"Recently, many people have come to search for treasures, but most of them have not found anything and returned empty-handed. Some casual cultivators have taken a fancy to the spiritual environment in the Qingmu Sect ruins and plan to settle here..."

"What are you doing out of the Qingmu Sect ruins?"

"I just harvested 300 kilograms of spiritual grains and plan to go to the nearest Huang Shifang City to exchange for some spiritual stones for cultivation..."


Between the questions and answers, Chen Changsheng understood that this was just an ordinary Qi training casual cultivator who made a living by planting spiritual grains. This reminded Chen Changsheng of his youthful years...

"Okay, go away, continue to sell your spiritual grains, and forget this memory..."

Perhaps because it evoked some of Chen Changsheng's memories, he kindly stuffed twenty low-grade spiritual stones and a high-grade magic weapon into the other party's storage bag...

For a cultivator who was only at the fifth level of Qi training, this was already a considerable fortune. If there were more, it would only bring him disaster...

After that, Chen Changsheng bewitched seven or eight people one after another, and the information he obtained was similar.

Many people entered the Qingmu Sect ruins to search for treasures, but most of them did not gain anything, and there were no large-scale battles that could be encountered. At most, there were foundation-building cultivators fighting each other, and there was no trace of Jindan cultivators fighting.

Five days later, Chen Changsheng learned from a cultivator who was about to enter the ruins that Song Lin and Song Xing appeared on Mingyue Island and ordered the cultivators on many islands under their command to relocate by force. For a time, Longhu was in chaos...

You know, the bloody case on Xuankong Island was not too long ago, and many people even experienced that era. Now Song Xing and Song Lin's behavior naturally reminded them of that bloody case, and naturally some cultivators began to escape by any means, so Longhu was in chaos again.

Some people went to Sanyang City, the holy land of scattered cultivators, and others remembered the Qingmu Sect ruins...

"What is this Song Xing doing? He is not going to repeat the bloody case again, right?"

"However, his and Song Lin's public appearance on Mingyue Island means that they are not in the Qingmu Sect ruins, so this ruins can be entered..." Chen Changsheng pondered.

Although the ancestors of the four major sects were well-known, Chen Changsheng was most afraid of Song Xing and Song Lin...

Chen Changsheng took Da Huang and went directly into the ruins, ignoring the situation outside, and went straight to the core area.

"Someone has been here... and it seems that there is more than one person!"

"The core area is difficult to enter without Jindan cultivation. Is it Song Xing and Song Lin, or the ancestors of the other four major sects? Or is it Shen Feihong?"

Chen Changsheng had once formed a pill here, and he was familiar with this place, especially the positions of some stones he deliberately placed before leaving, the dust he sprinkled, etc., although they were just simple mundane means, they could also directly reflect the traces of people's activities here...

Chen Changsheng took Da Huang and began to explore the core area cautiously, but he still didn't find anyone. But when he came to the hall, he saw several clear footprints...

"It seems that I am not the only one who is greedy for the things here!" Chen Changsheng whispered to himself.

"Woof!" Da Huang barked, and Chen Changsheng released the fire phoenix casually.

The Fire Phoenix, which had just entered the third stage, could not control its demonic power very well. After it appeared, the temperature of the surrounding air rose a little...

"Prepare to break the formation!"

"But... In order not to make too much noise and attract people's attention, we should cover it up first..."

Chen Changsheng looked at the hall, and with hundreds of formation flags and more than ten formation plates in his hand, he began to arrange the concealment formation.

Da Huang and Fire Phoenix did not know how to arrange the formation, so they could only watch Chen Changsheng operate, while the two of them began to eat and drink...

In Da Huang's body space, there were many kinds of barbecues that he liked, which were prepared by the disciples who served him when he was in Wanfamen.

As a qualified foodie, Da Huang knew that there was food at home and he would not panic. He let those disciples grill meat almost non-stop. Couldn't they finish it at that time?

It didn't matter, it could be stored first. Of course, those disciples who served him well also got a lot of benefits from Da Huang...

So, this scene happened. Chen Changsheng worked hard to set up the formation. Da Huang took out the barbecue. The Fire Phoenix slightly sprayed a wisp of flame to reheat the barbecue, and then they shared it...

"You two guys really know how to enjoy it..."

It took half an hour for Chen Changsheng to set up the concealing formation, and then he swallowed the second-level mana pill to replenish his mana.

"Fire Phoenix, Da Huang, aim at this position, use your strongest magic, attack!"

Chen Changsheng first made a demonstration, using the Fire Rainbow Sword that had been nurtured for several months to pierce a point in the forbidden area of ​​the hall, signaling to Da Huang and Fire Phoenix, and then let the three of them attack together...

After Chen Changsheng's several months of Dan Qi nurturing, the Fire Rainbow Sword was slightly more powerful than at the beginning, but it was still not an ordinary magic weapon. It hit the restriction without any ripples...

Da Huang manipulated an ancient mirror, emitting a faint yellow light, directly shining on the forbidden point, and the formation restriction suddenly rippled a little. Obviously, the power was much stronger than Chen Changsheng's attack...

As for Fire Phoenix, it opened its mouth and a pure fire snake directly burned the restriction. The restriction began to sizzle and tremble, and even triggered other forbidden powers. One by one, the forbidden powers began to gather towards this point to resist the attacks of the three!

Obviously, the attack of the Fire Phoenix is ​​the most threatening, and can directly threaten the restriction itself...

"This Fire Rainbow Sword is really a waste..."

Looking at the movement caused by the three people's attack, Chen Changsheng couldn't help but say depressed.

But what can he do? He really lacks magic weapons!

The Soul-Bewitching Bell directly acts on the spiritual consciousness, and has no effect on attacking restrictions.

As for the strongest Fire Ring, it is now just absorbing Dan Qi without working. With Chen Changsheng's current ability, he can't command it at all...

Chen Changsheng guessed that the reason for not being able to command it might be because his magic power is too shallow, and the level of the Fire Ring is too high, or it might be because he hasn't yet entered the door of the skills in the inheritance book.

No matter what the reason is, he has now fallen into the embarrassing situation of only being able to use the Fire Rainbow Sword that has no power even as ordinary magic weapons...

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