If you are an immortal, you will live forever after you die.

Chapter 72: Are there brothels in the place where immortals are cultivated?

"Mo Tong, female, 33 years old, was pierced through the heart with a sharp weapon and died!"

"One of the last wishes: kill the black and white evil spirits who took over the robbery."

"The second last wish: take the hairpin on your head, go to No. 133, Lingtian Department, Shouyangfang City, find the girl Mo Xi, and raise her as an adult!"


Is this the path of calamity mentioned in "The Experience of Yuezhou Immortal Cultivators"?

Not only robbing, but also killing...

It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. With my own strength, if I encounter the so-called black and white evil spirits, I will definitely die!

Shouyangfang City!

This location was mentioned in "Information of Yuezhou Immortal Cultivators", Shouyang Mountain, Kunyang Mountain... It seems that there is an ancient book mentioning that Kunyang Mountain was originally called Shouyang Mountain, but later it seemed that it was an offense against a certain emperor. Because of the taboo, Shouyang Mountain was changed to Kunyang Mountain...

"Corpse evaluation: One star of extraordinary, rewarded with three extraordinary blood essences and two first-level mana pills!"

Mana Pill?

Have you taken a pill that can increase your mana?

The Corpse Gathering Art is indeed YYDS!

After hastily collecting the body, Chen Changsheng dug a hole casually and buried it. Chen Changsheng continued to move forward cautiously.

The further he walked, the more traces he found. After climbing another mountain, Chen Changsheng finally saw a real living cultivator...

"Fellow Taoist, stay here. If you enter the market, you need to pay a broken spirit first!"

Shouyang Shanfang City is entirely shrouded in formations. There are two immortal cultivators holding handles at the entrance. There are no restrictions on who can come out, but those who enter must pay a broken spirit!

Hearing this, Chen Changsheng looked at the plate containing the broken spirits. He had an idea and pretended to be nonchalant. He took out a piece of the same item from the storage bag, threw it into the plate and said, "This is my first time. Yangshanfang City, I wonder if there are any rules or taboos here?”

It turns out that if this is a broken spirit, then another complete stone should be a spirit stone...

This is a good thing. The currency used for transactions between immortal cultivators can also be used for cultivation. It is an absolute hard currency!

Unfortunately, the number of spirit stones left in Song Yingxing's storage bag was very small. There were only eight complete spirit stones and more than thirty broken spirits.

Ten broken spirits are equivalent to one spirit stone. In other words, Song Yingxing's net worth, apart from those items of unknown value, is only eleven spirit stones...

"Rules? Haha, our Shouyang Shanfang City, like most cities, does not have any special rules. It is that fighting is not allowed, and you are not allowed to stay on the street after dark. Otherwise, if you are caught by patrol, you will be in trouble. Damn it!" one of the immortal cultivators laughed.

"Okay, thank you for your advice. I will definitely abide by the rules!" Chen Changsheng said with a cupped hand.

"Well, you can go in!"

The first time he entered the Immortal Cultivator City, or the first time he saw so many Immortal Cultivators, Chen Changsheng was very excited. However, he behaved so well that no one could tell that he was a novice...

"Take a look, take a look, pass by, don't miss it, a comprehensive treatment of the basic Five Elements Kung Fu, eight spiritual stones in one volume!"

"Excellent talisman and seal script, one spiritual stone with three pieces, it is a must-have for home and travel. It can save lives at critical moments!"

"Sanyang Lingmi for sale, starting from ten pounds!"


As expected of a market, this is comparable to a secular market. All kinds of items are sold, far more than what a cultivator has seen.

Chen Changsheng was like a street kid. Although he was curious about everything and saw some interesting things, he didn't buy anything.

On the first day he came here, Chen Changsheng only had ears and eyes. He observed everything around him and collected all information that was useful to him!

"Immortal Fox Pavilion? I didn't expect that a place for cultivating immortals would actually have hooks... I wonder how the fun in this is different from the secular world... Are there real monsters?" Chen Changsheng whispered to himself...

"Brother, what are you dreaming about in broad daylight? If a demon wants to transform into a human, he must enter the fourth level, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Lord... Do you dare to think about such a being?"

Suddenly, a young man next to him patted Chen Changsheng on the shoulder and said...

"Haha, so I can only think about it." Chen Changsheng laughed dryly.

"Fellow Taoist, would you like to come in together?" the young man said.

"No, no need, I'm not interested in this Tao!" Chen Changsheng shook his head, then turned and left.

"Not interested? Is there anyone who is not interested in the Fox Immortal in the Fox Immortal Tower? I'm afraid they are short of money, right?" The young man shook his head with a smile, and then stepped into the Fox Immortal Tower...

"Make money, make money, you must find a way to make money!"

"Unexpectedly, I, Chen Changsheng, would actually see someone being hooked one day..."

"But how to make money?"

"The Hundred Arts of Immortality Cultivation is mentioned in "The Experience of Yuezhou Immortal Cultivators"... Unfortunately, I don't have the inheritance... That's not right, I have the inheritance of Ling Zhifu, but Ling Zhifu... To put it bluntly, isn't he just a farmer..."

"Even if I want to farm, there is no land to farm..."

The troubled Chen Changsheng tugged on his hair...

"Why don't you... go find that Mo Xi and try?"

"No, no... this is not the secular world, it is the world of immortality. It is already difficult to support oneself alone. If there is another burden that holds us back, we will not be able to survive this day..."

In this way, Chen Changsheng, a street kid, wandered on the street for several hours. The sky gradually darkened, and the number of pedestrians on the street began to gradually become less and less...

"The guard at the door said that there is a curfew after nightfall and that we are not allowed to stay on the street. It seems that we need to find a place to stay..."

"I just passed by an inn not far away..."

Half an hour later...

"Three pieces of broken spirits, three pieces of broken spirits!"

"It's just a one-day stay, but you need three pieces of broken spirits..."

"According to this usage, even if I don't eat or drink, the spirit stones on me are only enough to stay in the market for more than a month..."

"No, I have to find a way to settle down. I can't afford to stay in this inn..."

"Sell pills?"

"No, no... Mana pills are too There are not many extraordinary blood essence pills, and ordinary blood essence pills are probably not worth the attention of these immortal cultivators..."

"Besides, pills are different from other things. Remember not to show off your wealth..."

"If you look at it this way, it seems that you can only..."

The next morning, Chen Changsheng went directly to the Lingtian Office and found No. 133...

This is a small courtyard that is not too big, with only two simple houses. There is a vegetable garden in the yard, where some vegetables are planted. A girl, about eleven or twelve years old, is sitting at the door of the small courtyard, looking at Chen Changsheng vigilantly...

"You are Mo Xi, right?" Chen Changsheng asked.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?" The girl frowned.

"Your mother is called Mo Tong, right?" Chen Changsheng said patiently.

"Yes, how did you know? I don't know you. Do you know where my mother went? I haven't seen her for three days!" Mo Xi asked.

"Your mother went to a very far place. I will take care of you in the future!" Chen Changsheng said. "Who are you? Don't get close to me, or I'll shout... The others around are my neighbors. If I shout them, you... you can't get away!" Mo Xi looked at Chen Changsheng vigilantly.

"Look at this, this is what your mother gave me before she left!" Chen Changsheng said, with a hairpin in his hand.

This hairpin is not a magic weapon, but just an ordinary silver hairpin, not even gold. For the robbers, it is completely worthless!

"My mother's hairpin is in your hand? You..."

"Where is my mother? Is... is she... dead?" Mo Xi was surprised at first, then asked in silence.

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