If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 165 Ending the assessment of the novice period

"Did you know? That guy begged for mercy really badly, but I didn't give him a chance at all, the blood soared so high!"

Listening to Jessica's non-stop whispering in her ear, Feng Xue showed a helpless smile.

Although they are all executioners, they are different from those younger brothers who only need to perform tasks, not because she is a woman, but because she is considered the management of the Libra organization.

Although she didn't know any of the executioners except Feng Xue, where the executioners should go to pick up the tasks and what kind of targets should be dealt with were all interviewed and investigated by reporters from the Baihong News.

As for whether this will lead to Baihong News being targeted by relevant departments...

There is no need to worry about this, because there are too many newspapers doing this now.

It can be said that today’s Libra has become the hottest topic in the world thanks to the globally focused competitions. All ghosts and snakes are scrambling to make money from this wave of enthusiasm. Not to mention newspapers reporting controversial cases, even some or underground Or open the market openly, and bet on the next move of Libra.

There are many gambling methods. In addition to betting on the highest odds of the "executed person", there are also betting on the area of ​​appearance, the time interval of appearance, the age of the executed person... and other gambling methods, which are simply dazzling.

Listening to Jessica still chattering in his ear like a paratrooper who successfully jumped for the first time, he chuckled lightly and said:

"I thought it would be very uncomfortable for you to kill someone for the first time."

"First time? This is not the first time." Jessica shook her head, denying Feng Xue's words, "The first time I killed someone was when I was crossing the Sargon jungle, and was attacked by a few natives..."

"Oh? Then you're still alive, it's not easy!" Feng Xue looked at Jessica again. It was hard to imagine how a young girl could fight several experienced jungle natives in the jungle.

"I brought a gun!" Jessica saw Feng Xue's doubts, but Feng Xue's expression was even weirder——

"Survival in the wilderness with a gun, I'm afraid you didn't go hunting?"

"What are you thinking, I don't use guns in adventures, it's just for self-defense! Do you understand self-defense?"

Jessica sternly refuted Feng Xue's suspicion, and then forcibly changed the subject:

"Compared to this, several banks have offered coin exchange. The 'exchange rate' is now that one coin can buy 580,000 pounds, and it goes up every day. The rewards for coins on the black market are also increasing. Will this have any negative impact?"

Although it was to change the topic, as a rich lady, Jessica's sensitivity to money is still passable. Hearing his question, Feng Xue just shook her head and said:

"There must be confusion, but the action of the executioner is carried out secretly, and the use of coins is also the same. As long as the person who holds the coin is not stupid, he will definitely hide the fact that he got the coin. Even if he can't hide it, he will act as soon as possible. As for the idiots who get the coins and show off, we don't care. And the coins themselves are a kind of welfare for the executioners. They can exchange the coins for a large amount of money at any time, which can ensure their enthusiasm, but if someone gets carried away by it, then I also Will clean the door with my own hands."

Feng Xue's tone suddenly became cold and indifferent. Jessica shuddered immediately, and was a little afraid to speak for a while. Seeing her suddenly shut up, Feng Xue took the initiative to say:

"Speaking of which, you have already successfully completed an assassination mission, let's do a test."

"Test?" Jessica immediately took a half step back when she heard this word. You must know that when she suggested that she could perform the task, the other party gave her the "professional test", but she had to practice at home for three days before recovering. Mobility.

"Don't worry, it's an assessment to become an official executioner. I lied to you when I told you that the protection cannot be taught. The main reason is that the executioner will gain too much power at one time and it will inflate. Therefore, generally only one protection is mastered. Afterwards, new protection will be granted."

"Ah, this..." Jessica's eyes widened, but she felt that it made sense, but soon, she no longer entangled in this matter, and she had a deep understanding of the power of the "Hundred Refined Body" protection She immediately couldn't wait to get new power——

"Then let's get started!"

At the same time as she said these words, Jessica was already prepared, as if she was afraid that Feng Xuelai would surprise her when she finished speaking.

But she really thought too much this time, because Feng Xue took out a few eggs from her bag.

Jessica was already a little used to Feng Xue being able to pull out all kinds of weird things from her bag, but looking at these eggs, she still couldn't understand.

Could it be... this is actually not an egg, but some kind of prop disguised as an egg?

"Don't think about it, it's an egg." Feng Xue rolled her eyes, and with the protection of [Heart of Mirror], he could vaguely feel Jessica's thoughts, while denying the divergent thinking of this little rich woman , while picking out five eggs and stacking them under Jessica's disbelieving eyes.

That's right, just like stacking Arhats, five eggs are stacked one on top of the other without any assistance.

Although it looked shaky, the eggs never collapsed, which made Jessica hold her breath subconsciously, for fear that her actions would cause the egg tower to collapse.

"See? This is your test. You just need to stack up five eggs without breaking the egg shell, and then keep them balanced for at least five seconds..."

"How did you do it?" Jessica suddenly interrupted Feng Xue, looking at the rickety "egg tower" in shock, as if she couldn't understand the scene in front of her at all.

Feng Xue just showed an inscrutable smile and said:

"Abandon those common sense and do it with feeling. The balance point of each egg is different, and the eggshell is not completely smooth. You have to rely on superhuman feeling to capture these characteristics. Of course, the control of strength is also the key point. If If you can't freely retract the power that exceeds the normal number of times, it will be difficult to do..."

Before Feng Xue finished speaking, the egg in Jessica's hand exploded with a bang.

The strength of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu does not increase suddenly, so in daily life, it will not cause the situation of crushing cups, sitting down on sofas, etc., but if you want to do some fine work, such as poker towers, It's not so easy to smoke and play.

Seeing Jessica wipe off the egg liquid in her hands in embarrassment, and then continue to play with the eggs, Feng Xue raised her hand to look at the time, and then smiled and said:

"The formal assessment is done in one minute, but you can also take it as a kind of training for your own control - as long as you can master the things I gave you, this shouldn't be too difficult."

"It's not as easy as you said!" As soon as Jessica opened her mouth, she couldn't grasp the strength in her hand, and with a bang, the egg shattered again.

"Oh, by the way, the balance of normal eggs is not so easy to find. You can try to shake them well and try again. It will be easier that way. Of course, the final assessment must use normal eggs..."

Hearing Feng Xue's words, Jessica looked down at the egg in her hand, and immediately threw it up like crazy...

Ask if other Wu can pretend to be the executioner to get the entry...

Of course this is possible, it’s like imitating Hanako and Gap Girl, but Feng Xue has the setting of "the strongest executioner", so once he gets the entry of the executioner's strange talk, when facing Feng Xue, he must Weaker than him——Unless there are targeted elements or labels such as [down to top], [breakthrough], it is possible to break through this setting.

ps1: Red King asked, so here is a summary of the seven protections of Libra:

[The technique of restraining breath]: the stealth technique of restraining breath

[Killing Skills]: Efficient subdue to kill the target technology

[Mirror Heart]: Perception to judge whether the target is lying

[Body of Hundred Refinements]: Physical fitness twice as many as ordinary people

[Argument Avoidance Protection]: The intuition of being able to sense and complete the dodge before the flying props are activated

[Supported by ordinary people]: Will not be reported by witnesses who have no interest

[Endless Wealth]: You can get trading coins by completing tasks

ps2: Regarding the paratrooper who jumped for the first time, there is a succinct description - he urinates a lot before boarding the plane, sweats a lot after boarding the plane, and talks a lot after jumping. In fact, most extreme sports are basically like this .

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