If you become a monster, you will succeed

Chapter 257 This World Is Toxic

While Lao Li and Feng Xue were chatting, the outside of the inn was already surrounded by officers and soldiers. The clothes of these soldiers looked significantly different from those of the yamen servants in costume dramas. The actual combat of the sport, not the uniform of the ceremonial guard.

One by one, the wounded crossbows were held in the hands of the soldiers, and they clearly showed a certain sense of hierarchy, as if they had the awareness of multi-stage shooting.

Feng Xue turned her head and looked back, and found that all the waiters in the store had disappeared at some point, and only a few customers were eating here and there, apparently not knowing that a group of officers and soldiers had come outside.

Needless to say, this must be Xiao Er's "calling the police".

"This world is poisonous, isn't it?" After all these years of traveling around, it was the first time for Lao Li to see such a sensitive government. Feng Xue, who entered the bureau for the first time "going out", was not surprised by this, and even thought about what to do. Don't go to the Longchang of this world to realize the Tao.

Although the two of them were very confused about the current scene, they didn't show any fear. Feng Xue was no longer the rookie at the time, and as a veteran, Lao Li definitely had a lot of cards in his hands even if his strength declined.

The two leisurely ate the food on the plate. After about ten minutes, it seemed that they were a little impatient to wait. A man who was dressed relatively lightly and looked about 30 or 40 years old walked into the inn.

He didn't carry any weapons, his temples were bulging high, and his fist bones were worn out. If you observe carefully, you can still find that there is an imperceptible gap between his robe and his body, which is obviously from the outside to the inside. It was a sign that the gas was pushed to the extreme.

"This man is very vigilant." Looking at the man's walking posture, Feng Xue secretly thought about it, and took the initiative to speak up:

"Your Excellency?"

"I'm enshrined in the Department of Exorcism of Qingyuan County, the capital of Xiasi Prefecture. I don't know what are the identities of the two?"

The man clasped his fists in both hands, but he only mentioned his identity, not his name. When Feng Xue heard this, she just raised her eyebrows and said:

"It's just an individual from the rivers and lakes, passing by the treasure land, why does it attract such a battle?"

Hearing Feng Xue speak like this, the man's face became weird, and the feeling was not nervous or serious, but a kind of sullen anger of "do you think I'm a fool".

However, he is a public official, and he is well-informed, so he didn't continue to ask, but said:

"Since you two don't want to talk, I won't ask any more questions. It's just that you two don't want to show the directions. This routine inspection still needs to be done last time."

Feng Xue glanced at Lao Li upon hearing this, and Lao Li nodded lightly and said:

"Do as the Romans do. Since there are local regulations, the two of us are willing to abide by them. I don't know whether to go to the county government office or stay here?"

It's just that the man's face became more and more strange when he said these words. Feng Xue immediately understood that this regulation might not be "local", but a general regulation of the whole state and even the whole country.

However, the reason why the man showed such an expression was far more simple than he thought, because——

"Naturally, go to the doctor's office."


Half an hour later, the envoy of the Exorcist looked at the medical officer in front of him and asked, "What's the result?"

"Returning to my lord, there are no tattoos on the two of them, the skin color is uniform, and there are no [stains]; the back of the head is smooth and unscarred, and there are no traces of [soul sending Gu]; the eyes are clear, and there are no [evil spots]..."

The medical officer reported a series of test results, and the priest relaxed slightly and said:

"That is to say, the two of them are not Demon Cult monsters?"

"It can only be said that it doesn't meet the characteristics of any kind of Demon Cult monster that we know." The medical officer carefully revised the statement, and then added:

"There are no traces of external kung fu practice on the two of them, but their qi and blood are strong, their pulse condition is strong, and their bones are also good, but..."

"Just what?" The nerves that had just been relaxed tightened up again, but the doctor said calmly:

"It's okay for the young man to say that his inner strength is upright and peaceful, and he has entered the realm of transformation. Even if he is not a master, he will not be too far behind. But the other person, although his inner strength is also a little hot, but he is very ordinary. , is obviously different from the cultivation level he showed, I doubt it..."

"Just say it."

"I suspect that the method he majors in is probably spiritual power."

"!!!" Hearing what the medical officer said, the priest's expression immediately became weird. It felt like someone saw a guy with a money rat tail on the street and asked everyone, "Is the Qing Dynasty dead? "generally.

"Is there anyone in this world who dares to cultivate spiritual powers?"

Unbelievable words came from the mouth of the priest, and the medical officer also felt deeply:

"Who says it's not? The Dharma sects practiced by the two of them are quite different from the current mainstream. They have a feeling of 'emphasis on focus rather than gravity', but it is somewhat similar to the 'Xuanxin Pavilion' lineage that was destroyed two hundred years ago."

"You mean, these two people may be heirs of a certain sect who retreated from the world?" Fong only felt that there was a feeling of witnessing history. Although this kind of thing is not so rare, it is definitely an extremely low probability event .

"At least I can't think of any other possibility—even the Demon Cult demons wouldn't be so stupid as to make such a poor disguise."

After the medical officer finished speaking, he felt that his words were a bit absolute, and immediately added:

"Of course, it is also possible that we deliberately took advantage of our mentality."


"Oh?" Feng Xue, who had just had a full-body examination, held a cup of tea, her expression suddenly changed, she turned to look at Lao Li, and found that he was also looking at herself. After a brief silence, Lao Li spoke first:

"What label did you condense?"

"[A disciple of the Hidden World Sect]." Feng Xue didn't mean to hide it, Lao Li nodded and said:

"me too."

"It seems that this level has been passed." Feng Xue shook her head helplessly, gently tugged at her collar and said:

"Speaking of which, why does the physical examination check the back of the head?"

"Probably to check the traces of some martial arts? Some martial arts will deform the body after practicing, such as the back of the head protruding, the elbows are bent, and so on. Maybe there are similar evil arts in this world?"

Lao Li relied on his own experience to make inferences. Feng Xue couldn't help but nodded when he thought of a character in a novel with a sunken forehead. Just as he was about to say something more, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the previous priest also walked in. And with him, there are two officials who look like civilians.

"Although I don't know where you two came from, but since you have passed the physical examination, I won't bother you anymore. In terms of guides, I can also be the master to help you make up for it. However, the world is not the same as it used to be. Please leave Qingyuan as soon as possible. .”

The enshrinement is undoubtedly an order to chase away guests, but the posture has been done well enough, Feng Xue glanced at Lao Li, seeing that he didn't speak, she could only nod and said:

"Then it will be your honor."

There is no need to consider the strength of the world for ghost stories, because ghost stories only rely on cognition, and different people's cognition is different.

The strong in Bai Cinan's cognition and the strong in Ke Zhen'e's cognition are both "strong" labels, but the output obviously cannot be generalized, so as long as the initial stage can stand firm, the world level is actually not very important (relatively speaking) ).

ps: Some people always have misunderstandings about modern saturation bombardment.

The protagonist is protected by arrow avoidance, and can sense the arrival of shells and missiles in advance, but he can't dodge them!

The data in this book is relatively realistic. There will be no strange situations where dozens of tons of force can break the sound barrier, or hundreds of tons of force can break the void. The current speed of the protagonist is similar to that of a family car. Dodging bullets depends on distance and perception. It's a bit overthinking to run out of the killing range of the group's shelling.

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