"Ha~~" In the Mandarin class, listening to the teacher's monotonous voice narrating the boring content, Bai Hehua couldn't help yawning at night. I don't know if it was an illusion. She always felt a little tired today, and Even though I ate twice as much food as usual in the morning, I still feel like I’m not full yet.

"It can't be that the puberty period has arrived, right?" Bai Hehua looked down at the obstacle that could prevent her sight from touching her feet, and suddenly felt that her idea was a bit absurd, so she turned a page of the notes in front of her and pretended to be serious again While listening to the class, she casually glanced out the window.



There was obviously no sound, but Bai Hehua suddenly felt a ringing in her ears, and at the same time, something seemed to flash in her peripheral vision.

"Is it a bird?" Bai Hehua looked out the window, but didn't see anything worthy of attention, but only felt a sharp gaze cast on her.

She turned her head immediately, and saw that the teacher was looking at her with a very menacing gaze, and Bai Hehua, who knew that she had been caught distracted, immediately restrained her thoughts and turned her attention back to the book.

But for some reason, it was particularly difficult for her to concentrate today.

After finally surviving get out of class, the hunger in her stomach made her immediately walk to Rinka's desk.

Seeing the girlfriend who appeared beside her like a flash, Rinka was obviously taken aback, and hesitated:

"Sayuri, you don't look well..."

"Do you have some snacks? Give me a few packs. I'll make them up for you during your lunch break!" Bai Hehua said straight to the point. She was sure that her girlfriend's schoolbag definitely had something in stock.

Seeing Baihehua's serious expression, Rinka took out a pineapple bun from her bag and handed it to her girlfriend——

"Since when did you start taking extra meals between classes?"

"I don't know, I just feel a little hungry all of a sudden." Bai Hehua tore off the package of the pineapple bun, and took a bite. The crispy skin and the soft bread rubbed against each other in her mouth, and before she could taste it, she had already swallowed it. into the stomach.

"?" Lin Hua looked at Bai Hehua's eating, and was a little greedy for a while, and then she planned to touch a piece of bread to eat, but thinking of her girlfriend's strange behavior today, her eyes instantly became sharp, and then, she suddenly stretched out her hands... …

"Ah!" Lily Hua hugged her chest fiercely after being attacked, stared at Rin Hua and said:

"What are you doing?!"

"It seems that there is no problem! I thought you were possessed by a hungry ghost!" Lin Huaxu shook his right hand twice, as if he was feeling the touch before, with a bit of inexplicable melancholy in his tone, but Lily Hua said When I was in a state of mental sensitivity, when I heard a strange term, I immediately became vigilant and asked:

"Hungry ghost? What's that?"

"It is said that monsters bred from the souls of starving people will possess the bodies of passing people, and the nutrients in the bodies of the possessed people will be quickly consumed, and they will become skinny and feel a strong sense of hunger. , No matter how much you eat, you won’t be full, but your cellulite is still so big, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Rinhua waved her hand, but Baihehua estimated it vigilantly, and after confirming that there was no change, she said angrily:

"According to this, you seem to be possessed!"

"That's right, so every year when my teacher leaves, my family will send me to the shrine to pray for blessings and get rid of demons, and I've always been the one who gets smashed at the bean-scattering festival..." Rinka said lines that sounded like she was being bullied, It made Bai Hehua's face black, and she swallowed the remaining half of the pineapple bun in three mouthfuls, only to feel a little better in her stomach, but it was also when the satisfaction after eating hadn't dissipated, Something seemed to flash in her peripheral vision again.


Turning around suddenly, I only saw a few classmates chatting together. Listening to their discussion about last night's TV program, I couldn't help but relax for a while.

"Xiao Baihe, are you okay? Do you want to go to the infirmary to take a rest?" Rinhua looked at Baihehua worriedly, and when Baihehua heard this, she just stretched out her hand and rubbed the eye point, and said a little tiredly:

"Maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

"Then go to the infirmary to sleep for a while. Anyway, the next semester is home economics class, and I will help you ask for leave." Rinhua immediately put Baihehua's hand on her shoulders, with a look of "carrying a serious injury in the war" Comrades" posture, walked towards the infirmary.

"Wait a minute, Rinka-chan! This is too exaggerated!"

"Not at all!" Rinhua stubbornly sent Baihehua to the infirmary, leaving two more bread before quietly leaving.

"I'm not hungry anymore!" Lily Hua sighed as she looked at the two pieces of bread, but immediately after, her face revealed an expression of disbelief, because he saw that there seemed to be a faint light outside the window. The phantom is slowly passing by.

Yes, phantom, that kind of feeling is like the air distorted by the heat on a steaming soup pot. It can't even be said to have a specific shape, but it stands there clearly, as if... just It's like the invisible man wearing optical camouflage in the movie!

Well, Bai Hehua knew that the example she used was unladylike, but this was already the closest analogy she could think of to the current situation.

"What is this? A ghost? A ghost? A monster? Or something else?"

Bai Hehua's mind was very confused, she wanted to restrain her gaze, but she couldn't help but want to observe the distorted figure.

"Calm down, calm down! According to the legend, those who have seen strange stories are either seriously injured or died on the spot, so they can't be found out!"

Bai Hehua bit her lips lightly, but as her spirit tensed, the phantom seemed to become clearer and clearer.

No, not only outside the window, but also a phantom appeared in the infirmary!

And, it's getting more and more real!

It was a short and fat figure with a bald head. Although it was still blurry at this time, Bai Hehua could faintly see the huge eye that occupied half of the face.

At this time, it seemed to be randomly scanning the entire infirmary, especially those beds where other students were lying.

And those students who were pretending to be sick and absent from class, or who were really uncomfortable, all seemed to have seen nothing, which made Bai Hehua more and more nervous.

Da da, da da...

The one-eyed bald head was getting closer and closer to the bed she was on, and the picture in Bai Hehua's eyes became clearer and clearer. She could already see the cassock and monk's robe on the other person's body, as well as the hideous veins and folds on the bald head. To the long tongue sticking out of the mouth, dripping viscous liquid...

She even began to be able to hear the "da da" sound of clogs hitting the floor when the other party walked!

A kind of physical discomfort made Bai Hehua want to stay away, but her subconscious behavior seemed to attract the other party's attention.

The one-eyed bald head left the bed in front of him, and walked towards Bai Hehua at a very oppressive speed, tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes unconsciously, the one-eyed bald head became more excited when he saw this, and moved his face to Lily In front of Hua, he said in a tongue-in-cheek voice:


Why doesn't Dongguk seem to be a very common strange story...

Let's put it this way, the acquisition of [knowledge] can probably be understood as a function curve with high on both sides and low in the middle. The horizontal axis is never understood, and the vertical axis is the strength of [knowledge] gained by ghost stories.

Whether you understand or not, the more extreme you get, the more [knowledge] you get, on the contrary, the more compromise you get, the less [knowledge] you get.

For example, if it is the same dog, a breed that has never been seen is more likely to attract attention than a common breed. This is because ignorance brings curiosity.

Conversely, your own dog is more likely to get your attention than a wild dog on the side of the road. This is the concern that understanding brings.

And you don't care so much about the dogs in the half-baked people's house with common breeds.

To sum up, although they are also group strange stories, [Yanguo people know martial arts] and [Everything can become a god] belong to two extremes.

The former includes human beings, and human beings themselves are the subject, and even if there is a slight change, they will worry about it to generate cognition.

In the latter, most of the human beings are not included in the ghost stories, and no matter how they change, they will not affect ordinary people. The feeling of "such a "familiar dangerous element" leads to a decline in attention.

Take the slippery ghost as an example, if the mystery is removed, he is just an old man who eats and drinks. If you see him every day, who will have a special understanding of him?

Even if I watch too many performances of super powers every day, I will get used to it.

So for Baimonugatari, it is very important to maintain a sense of freshness and mystery.

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