If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified

Chapter 198: Stepping on the clouds, overlooking the sky and the earth, becoming a man above the peo

  Chapter 198 Stepping on the clouds, overlooking the sky and the earth, and becoming a human being

  Four real dragons landed on the flat ground, and blood flowed from the feet of the dragon-horned dragons, like some gurgling blood-colored fountains.

  When the real dragon riding the clouds and fog is not in the sky, the dark clouds in the sky will disappear.

   Behind the dark clouds, there is a bright moon.

  The Bloody Flowing Spring reflected red light under the moonlight.

  The tangy smell of blood goes away with the wind, and everyone in Taixuanjing will smell the dragon's blood tomorrow.

  Lu Jing didn't care about these things. His mind still echoed the words that Prince Xuanwei had said when Prince Xuanwei and Chu Yeshan came to look for him earlier tonight.

  He also stood on the palm of the Bodhisattva, turning his head occasionally to look at Taixuanjing leaning against the golden and green tower.

  In the middle of the night, Taixuanjing was still brightly lit, and the roar of dragons had caused the people of Taixuan to panic, but this place was at the foot of the Holy Monarch, even if the Dragon King of Wufanghai came to Taixuanjing, he would respectfully meet him.

  So some people are not afraid.

  They walked out of the house one after another, looking for the traces of the dragon in the dark night, wanting to see what the dragon genus that can soar into the sky is like.

   But what about people other than Tae Hyun Kyung?

  When they encounter a dragon, can they search for it so comfortably and feast their eyes on it?

  Thinking in Lu Jing's mind, he looked down at Yu Qixiang, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, practicing a kind of martial art and profound art to heal himself.

  King Chong'an once sat alone on Shenguan, blocking the natural moat. A big sun halberd stood horizontally on Shenguan, guarding Shenguan for 13 years, and one person blocked the 60,000 elite troops of the Northern Qin Dynasty.

  In the past, when the Northern Qin Dynasty did not rise up and show its fangs, King Chong'an also fought in the north and south to open up the territory for Dafu.

  He is not only a meritorious minister of Dafu, but also the prince of Dafu, and he is the younger brother of the holy king in Taixuan Palace!

  The daughter of such an honorable and unparalleled figure will suffer such a murder in Taixuanjing tonight.

   "What are the people on the throne in Taixuan Palace thinking?"

Thoughts surged in Lu Jing's mind: "The twenty-four cities of the three prefectures of Chong'an stick to the frontier and guard the gates of Dafu. The reason why the fire of the Northern Qin Dynasty could not reach the prosperous land of Dafu is the credit of the three prefectures of Chong'an." Difficult to measure.

   I don't know why Emperor Chongtian used Yu Qixiang... Isn't he afraid that Chong'an Sanzhou will have other ideas? "

  Jiaoshen Mountain is continuous, with steep places and pleasant scenery.

  Without the dark clouds, the bright moon in the sky is getting brighter, and there are pieces of gurgling water flowing through it.

   These flowing waters are different from those of dragon blood.

  The flowing spring gets moonlight and turns into a stream of snow.

   Even in the dark, there is a special beauty here.

  The Dharma body of Fanri Bodhisattva soars in the sky, coupled with Lu Jing's cultivation of the nine divine fires at the moment, coupled with the surging vitality.

  Dharma Body moved extremely fast, so Yu Qixiang didn't meditate for too long.

  She opened her eyes, and saw Lu Jing standing in front of her, holding the handle of the Hufeng Knife in one hand.

  Yu Qixiang was born with red lips and white teeth, extremely beautiful, after all her mother is the most famous beauty in Dafu.

  At this moment, the girl who was only fifteen years old was still looking at Lu Jing's back.

   "Mr. Lu Jing speaks kindly, but he is a high-spirited young man when he becomes unrestrained and arrogant. No wonder his mother, who has no choice but to be good at socializing, can become friends with him."

  Yu Qixiang thought so in his heart, and pursed his mouth again: "Since he is my mother's friend, and now he saved my life, if he wants me to call him uncle again, should I call him uncle?"

  A girl's mind is always so unpredictable.

  She still had intense pain all over her body, and the congenital blood in her body became thinner, unable to circulate throughout her body.

   Even so, Yu Qixiang was still worried that he would call Lu Jing uncle.

  After all, Lu Jing was only two years older than her, and Yu Qixiang felt that she couldn't scream.

  The insistence of this noble lady from Chong'an Sanzhou seems very naive.

  Extremely far away, Li Guanlong and Li Wuhuang were still standing on the peak, watching the place surrounded by clouds and mist from a distance.

  Lu Jing and Yu Qixiang are getting farther and farther away from Taixuanjing.

  Maybe it was because of the princess, or maybe it was because although Yu Qixiang was young, he was different from many people in Taixuanjing. He had both kindness and compassion in his heart.

  Lu Jing really likes this little girl.

  "In my previous life, I was a low-level person, and I got better through studying, and saw a world that was not bad.

Now that I come here, I always think that if I was born in a humble family in this world, would I be starved to death, beheaded and skinned by people like Ruo Gu Chenxiao and King Qi Yuan? Or get eaten by these dragons that soar and fly in the sky? "

   "I hate this because of my past memories and because of my education.

   But Miss Pei and Yu Qixiang, this is because of the kindness in their hearts.

   And they also regard themselves as real people, not so-called big men who overlook the world and regard human life as nothing, which is extremely rare in itself. "

   Lu Jing thought about this, and smiled at Yu Qixiang again.

  Yu Qixiang's bright eyes also smiled at Lu Jing: "Sir, if you can leave Taixuanjing in the future, please be sure to bring Qingyue, Zhuo Yaoluo and Xu Wugui to Chong'an Sanzhou.

  Although our place is poorer, as I said, there are many beautiful scenery and delicacies, and it is also very good to take a stroll. "

   "Sir, when the time comes, I will introduce you to my brother. I think my brother will like you very much."

   "Shen Yudong?" Lu Jing thought of the son of Prince Chong'an.

Yu Qixiang raised his head, with some pride in his eyes: "My brother is the second hero of the border, if he hadn't carried the lives of tens of millions of people in Chong'an and Sanzhou behind him, if he hadn't been guarding the Dafu border, How could these dragons..."

  When she said this, she stopped abruptly, with doubts in her eyes, and took out the remote sending star shell from her hand.

  There is still a little bit of starlight circulating on the Yaoji star shell. Apart from the starlight, a faint white light is also flickering.

  When Lu Jing saw the Yaoji star shell, his eyes couldn't help but move.

   But I saw a stream of light slowly bursting out from the Yaoji star shell, and at the same time, there was a strange power in the Yaoji star shell that was constantly passing away.

   "The Yaoji star shell left by my mother was already emitting precious light, but it was stopped by the old dragon in Taixuan Palace.

  It's just the power hidden in this remote star shell, but it keeps disappearing. "

  As Yu Qixiang said this, feeling the power in the Yaoji star shell, he missed his mother more and more in his heart.

  I remembered that every time the stars fell, my mother would always quietly walk up to the balcony. The black embroidered shoes and white silk socks looked so gentle under the reflection of the stars and the long skirt.

   "I made my mother worry."

  Yu Qixiang never regretted that she had done such a dangerous thing. The only thing she regretted was that her mother, who was soft-hearted and loved her, made a trip to Taixuanjing for her in vain, and made her worry about it.

   While Yu Qixiang was thinking this way in his mind.

  A blue brilliance suddenly burst out from the Yaoji star shell.

  Amidst the brilliance, a divine sense surged out, and the remaining vitality in the Yaoji star shell slowly condensed and turned into a human form.

  The moonlight shone on the figure with vitality, and the face of the figure shone with a slight moonlight. It was dressed in a light Tsing Yi, and the white orchids on the Tsing Yi were faintly outlined between the carvings of the vitality.

  The face can't be seen clearly, only the human figure seems to be smiling, and the eyes are shining, but there is an indescribable temperament flowing here.

   Qingluo Tsing Yi white orchid, slender waist jade belt dancing sky gauze.

   Suspected that it was a fairy who came down to earth, she looked back and smiled better than Xinghua.

  The moment Lu Jing saw this figure, he already knew his identity.

  He hadn't spoken yet, but saw the figure in Luo Yi smiling at Yu Qixiang first, and then turned his head...

   Saluted Lu Jing sideways, and a gentle voice came into Lu Jing's ears.

   "Mr. Lu Jing, if you can come to Chong'an Sanzhou, I will thank you in person."

  After a short sentence, maybe it was because the vitality in the Yaoji Star Shell was exhausted, or maybe it was because it was too difficult to flow such a divine thought from a very long distance.

  The green clothes, white orchids, slender waist jade belt, and sky yarn all disappeared in an instant.

   Only the moonlight in the sky is still shining down, falling on the body of Brahma Bodhisattva.

  Lu Jing was dressed in white, and when he saw his old friend, he couldn't help but smile.

  Yu Qixiang watched Princess Chong'an's vitality incarnation disappear, his expression changed from initial surprise to depression, and he called softly: "Mother..."

   The two fell silent.

  The Bodhisattva Dharmakaya is still running fast.

   Until crossing a mountain stream, after more than ten miles, it should be a hundred miles away from Taixuanjing.

  Yu Qixiang's expression became more and more relaxed, and occasionally he would look at Tai Xuanjing with some concern.

  Baili Qingfeng is still in Taixuanjing.

  But soon Yu Qixiang remembered that her suzerain is the strongest in the world. If he insists on leaving, how many people in the world can stop him?

  Thinking of this, Yu Qixiang felt relieved.

   And about to part, the kind-hearted daughter inevitably became sentimental.

  She originally wanted to say something to Lu Jing, and then asked Lu Jing to bring some words to Xu Wugui, Zhuo Yaoluo and Sister Qingyue.

  But she thought about it again, it is always uncomfortable to say goodbye, and now she feels uncomfortable, if she brings some words back to them, they will not feel good about it.

   "Rather than that, it's better to have a good time and find a chance to see you in the future."

  Yu Qixiang thought so in his heart.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say goodbye to Lu Jing, when she moved her eyes lightly, she saw a man sitting cross-legged on a boulder in a mountain in the distance.

  There was a carriage behind the man. The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a woman with a beautiful appearance but a somewhat sinister temperament was looking at this Bodhisattva dharma body from a distance.

  The woman in Chinese clothes still had deep hatred in her eyes.

  Yu Qixiang was slightly taken aback, subconsciously thinking that it should be her own enemy.

   Lu Jing on the side suddenly spoke and smiled at her: "Don't worry, they are here to find me."

  Yu Qixiang was a little dazed, and in an instant, a more powerful aura burst out from the man sitting cross-legged on the rock in the distance.

   Immediately afterwards... when the rays of light surged, a burst of dragon cry came suddenly.

  Golden light shone out, and streaks of red were mixed with it.

   The violent energy and blood soared into the sky, turning into a god.

  The appearances of the gods overlapped one after another, and there were as many as three layers.

  The triple gods are condensed in the void, and a vague white dragon is faintly visible.

  Yu Qixiang's complexion changed.

   "And dragons?"

  A golden glow became brighter and brighter, illuminating the sky. When the glow rose into the sky, a dragon appeared in the glow.

   Lu Jing frowned slightly, staring at the dragon.

   But he saw that the dragon was shining golden all over, with two horns on its head and golden scales on its body, but only three legs!

  Da Futiandi, ordinary real dragons have four legs, and dragon kings have five legs.

  Three-legged and dragon-shaped, it is a Jiaolong.

   "This is actually a dragon?"

  Yu Qixiang's eyes flickered and his brows frowned: "How can a dragon be so powerful.

  And this dragon seems to be purely cultivating the real body of qi and blood, not cultivating the supernatural powers of the primordial spirit... the qi and blood are as tyrannical as a scorching sun... is it here to kill me? "

  Yu Qixiang thought so in his heart.

  But I saw the woman in the peak carriage, opened the curtain of the carriage first, and stepped out.

  The woman was dressed luxuriously, wearing a scarlet brocade, with a golden step on her head, her makeup was exquisite, and her complexion was fair.

   Apart from the hostility in her eyes, she is indeed a first-class beauty.

   Initially, what Yu Qixiang expected was that when the woman came to Li Guanlong's side, her eyes fell directly on Lu Jing, and the hostility in her eyes seemed to turn into a storm, falling straight down.

  Golden rays of light shone, one after another of heavy coercion struck, and the surrounding void seemed to stagnate.

  The Dharma Body of Fanri Bodhisattva fell into it, as if being suppressed by such coercion, unable to advance an inch.

  Lu Jing stood on the palm of the Bodhisattva Dharma Body, looking up at the dragon in the sky.

   "Sure enough, I saw Li Guanlong and Li Wuhuang tonight... They are going to use the karma between Yu Qixiang and the dragon to get deep into the game."

   "And this golden dragon is the one rumored to have been raised by Li Guanlong in his own pond for a long time."

   Lu Jing watched Li Guanlong and Li Wuhuang.

Li Guanlong didn't speak, but Li Wuhuang took a step forward and bowed to Yu Qixiang: "Your lady, Wuhuang has prepared good tea and pastries, and there are several dishes, why don't you go home after drinking the tea and pastries? "

Yu Qixiang frowned, she turned her head to look at Lu Jing, then she looked at Li Wuhuang again, and raised her head, "Who are you? I don't know you well? Why do you want to drink your tea? Your pastry?"

  Yu Qixiang's temper turned up, and there was still disgust in his eyes: "Looking at the look in your eyes and the clothes on your body, I know that people like you must have bad water in their hearts when they come here.

  Sir, let's go, don't talk to them. "

  She spoke in a rather hurried voice, urging Lu Jing again, as if she had guessed something.

  Lu Jing also looked at Li Guanlong from a distance, only to see that this forty-year-old Dafu Shaozhuguo was just sitting casually on a rock.

   A wave of coercion flowed out of him, turning into a thick mist, covering several mountain peaks.

   "He is Li Guanlong from the Dafu Shaozhu Kingdom."

  Lu Jing didn't move his eyes, and said to Yu Qixiang: "There are quite a few people in Dafu who have been awarded the title of Tianjiao, but counting it carefully, there are only four or five people who have really made great achievements.

  In Taixuanjing, Li Guanlong of Shaozhu Kingdom is one of them. "

  Lu Jing was not in a hurry, and said eloquently: "He once led ten generals to fight against the demon clan, repelled the demon clan who invaded the land from the demon kingdom on the sea, and once entered the West Cloud Sea to seek treasures.

  The dragon king in the sea of ​​western clouds respected him, and he had never transformed into a dragon and soared in front of him.

  In Taixuanjing, he is the most powerful person, and soon he will be in charge of the 180,000 Shenguan army, and will guard the Shenguan, in exchange for the heavy armored general Xu Baihe. "

  Yu Qixiang finally changed his expression when he heard the name Shaozhu Kingdom and the word Shenguan.

   "Sir...are they with you?"

  Lu Jing's voice was gentle: "I killed Li Yushi, the third son of the Li family. They came here to stop you, but they actually wanted to use this dragon to kill me."

   What he said was quite straightforward.

  Li Guanlong was still as taciturn as before, but Li Wuhuang's expression became colder and colder. When she heard Li Yushi's name, the hatred in her heart grew deeper.

  But she was still very polite, raised her head and said to Yu Qixiang: "Your lady, since you are in the game, you can't just put on a show, otherwise it will be a violation of the rules.

  I also invite you to have tea with me. After this matter, I will naturally send you back to Taixuanjing. Please settle the karma between you and the dragon. "

  Li Wuhuang's voice was soft, but very cold.

  She still remembers that Lu Jing, who was dressed in white, came to Wulong Street twice.

   It was the first time to send the body of a bhikkhu to the Li family in Xuandu in full view.

  The second time he came...he killed his younger brother and Li Yushi.

  Li Wuhuang still thinks of what her mother said when she was still alive. She always feels that as a sister, she should not let the murderer who killed her brother live in this world.

  She wanted to watch Lu Jing die in honor of Li Yushi.

  At the same time... Lu Jing was clearly standing on the opposite side of the Seventh Prince.

  She and the Seventh Prince are about to get married. It is not a good thing for the Seventh Prince and her to have such a peerless arrogance living in this world.

  Li Wuhuang's tone was always polite.

  But when Yu Qixiang heard her words, she suddenly became furious, she frowned, and boredly appeared on her face: "Three prefectures in Chong'an are still resisting Qin Huo, and countless middle-aged people are buried on the battlefield.

  You people are worse than me, you only care about killing people you don’t like. "

  Li Wuhuang shook his head when he heard Yu Qixiang's disgusting words, and then his face gradually calmed down, and finally looked at Lu Jing: "Lu Jing, you come to help Yu Qixiang, do you want to see her die by your side?"

   "Death is death, so what?"

  Yu Qixiang clenched his fists, and Gushe's fist flowed slowly. Although it was dim, it still rippling with vitality.

   "I figured it out. You took advantage of the enmity between the dragon family and me to kill Mr. Lu Jing, if Mr. Lu Jing hadn't walked out of Taixuanjing because of me and hadn't entered the game, this kind of murder would not have happened.

  Since it is because of me, I will naturally fight side by side with him, and die beside Mr., but it is only to repay the kindness of coming forward, so what is it? "

  Yu Qixiang seems to have inherited the pride of King Chong'an and Yu Dongshen, and he has no fear in his eyes from beginning to end in the face of murder.

  Some are just reluctance to part with their own family and nostalgia for this world.

  When she spoke, she was still looking at the golden dragon soaring in the sky.

  The golden dragon's triple **** is still shining with brilliance. The realm of the gods is based on one's own martial arts will and spirit. Reflecting the gods, they can become the gods and martial arts, and their power is beyond the ordinary.

  And in this world, there is another saying that there is a layer of gods and a layer of heaven.

  Triple gods... are far more powerful than one or two gods.

   "As early as in Chong'an Sanzhou, I heard that Li Guanlong of the Shaozhu Kingdom raised a dragon in his own pond, which is not a big deal.

  But the dragon he bred only cultivated qi and blood, and cultivated a triple appearance, which is a bit scary. "

  Yu Qixiang thought so in his heart, his eyes were determined.

   These days, Lu Jing has somewhat figured out Yu Qixiang's temperament, so he is not surprised by her choice.

   "You don't have to worry, you can still go home."

  Lu Jing had a confident look in his eyes: "As you said, Taixuanjing is too complicated, there are always many whirlpools and schemes, but it's actually not that good.

  You go back earlier, and I know that you sincerely invite me. In the future, I will go to Chong'an Sanzhou to see you and the princess. "

  He said up to this point, the wind-inducing magical power was quietly operating, and Yu Qixiang was blown up, and Yu Qixiang was suddenly very nervous: "Sir...you..."

  Lu Jing waved his hand at him, and the Bodhisattva figure behind him disappeared. He looked at Li Guanlong and said with a smile, "I'm a little surprised that such a person from Shaozhu Kingdom would come here in person."

   Li Guanlong, who had no sadness or joy in his eyes, frowned, and there was a complex emotion in his eyes that disappeared in a flash, and then turned into indifference.

  He lowered his head and looked at Lu Jing who was also looking at him.

  Lu Jing didn't dodge, but also looked at him. The two looked at each other, and a few breaths passed in a flash.

  The surrounding wind sound seemed to be suppressed by some unique force, and turned into a thread-like sound, which reached Lu Jing's ears.

   "There is a lot of helplessness in a person's life. I don't want to kill the pride of the country."

  Li Guanlong's voice is heavy, but it has a strong power of its own!

   "It's just a sentence you marked on the official books in the library.

  The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit!

  Life is always surrounded by many things.

   Either one's own safety, or the prosperity of the family business, or blood, or... the true opportunity to see the world. "

   "Lu Jing, once you come here, you will naturally step on the clouds, look down on the sky and the earth, and become the one above all others. You must never worry about it, and you must never look back."

  In the past, Li Guanlong was always silent.

   And when these words came out of Li Guanlong's mouth, they were silently transmitted to Lu Jing's ears.

   Lu Jing looked at Li Guanlong again, but felt that the taciturn Li Guanlong had great ambitions in his heart.

   "Seeing the truth of the world? The Seventh Prince is fighting with the Crown Prince, and some important people in Taixuanjing can't avoid it, but Li Guanlong doesn't seem to have any resistance.

   There should be some reasons for this. "

   Lu Jing thought to himself.

  Li Guanlong's voice came again: "The reason why I came here in person is because even in the vast Taixuanjing, there are only a handful of people who are as talented as you.

  If you and I have never been enemies, maybe we can sit and talk about it in the future. I respect those who work hard and those who are talented, so I come here specially.

  If you can break the game, you and I will discuss it later.

  If you die here, I will... see you off. "

  Li Guanlong is obviously a martial arts monk, but when he spoke, it was like a mountain collapsed, like a supernatural power, which exploded in Lu Jing's ears.

  Lu Jing blew out a breath, causing a storm and blowing away the coercion around him. He raised his head and looked at the golden dragon flying in the sky.

  The golden dragon was slowly transforming into shape, and when the rays of the sun receded, it turned into a woman with first-born antlers, wearing a light golden gown, with golden long hair falling down, and a mark between her brows.

  She glanced at Li Guanlong, her eyes were full of admiration, and then she looked at Lu Jing, and her murderous thoughts swept over her.

Lu Jing didn't care about these murderous thoughts, he lowered his head and thought for a while, and asked Li Guanlong, "Shaozhu Kingdom, you are already a master, and you still want to step on my bones, clear away the hidden dangers ahead, and reach a higher level? "

   Necessary foreshadowing, if you don’t foreshadow, you will be killed by the protagonist when you come up.



  (end of this chapter)

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