If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified

Chapter 211: Brilliant south wind sleeping, broken whispers

鈥冣€僀hapter 211 Huanghuang Nanfengmian, broken whispers

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui held a wide long sword in his arms and was fighting.

鈥冣€?This wide long sword seemed to have a spirit, understood the meaning of Gao Li's words, and seemed not ashamed of such a villain's behavior, so it trembled slightly.

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui frowned when he heard Gao Li's words.

鈥冣€僒he mountains in the distance have not yet lost their white heads, but when you look closely, it looks like a snow-white long knife cut straight into the clouds.

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui didn't answer Gao Li's words, but just watched the majestic landscape from afar.

鈥冣€僑he is a disciple of Jixia Jiange. Although Jixia Jiange is located in the muddy state of Qi, it still stands side by side with the Hengshan Temple. It was once the place that sword cultivators all over the world yearned for.

鈥冣€傿ecause of this, Jian Qiushui, you have the arrogance to hold a sword, so when Gao Li said such words, she subconsciously turned her head away, unwilling to answer.

鈥冣€僄ao Li crossed his arms and cast a sideways glance at Jian Qiushui: "People in the world always have an enemy.

鈥冣€僑ince Lu Jing is an enemy and even humiliated our prince of Qi twice, as a subject of Qi, how to punish those who humiliate the prince should be the top priority. In the process, what can you do with some means? "

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui's long braids fell behind him, and a long skirt of autumn water flowed down his body. When the spring breeze blew by, the ripples were indeed like Wang Qiushui.

When she heard Gao Li's words, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then raised her head and said, "The name of Lu Jing has already been spread in Jixia Jiange, and I also know that Lu Jing is a rare swordsman, even better than Nan Heyu .

鈥冣€傿ut... Lu Jing is only seventeen or eighteen years old after all. I was born with a sword in my mouth, and I am ten years older than him. Even in Jixia Jiange, among my peers, there are only three or five people who can beat me with sword intent.

鈥冣€僆 will discuss sword intent with Lu Jing, but Mr. Gao Li, I feel that I don't need to use some low-handed methods to cut his arm. "

鈥冣€僄ao Li finally turned around. When he turned around, the huge ghost-headed broadsword stirred up a storm, and there were still a few ghosts looming indistinctly.

鈥冣€僅e looked at Jian Qiushui solemnly, shook his head and said: "There are countless wizards in the world, but even Tianjiao has to be divided into three, six, and nine grades.

鈥冣€僑word Master Qiushui, you were born with Jianguang in your mouth, and even your name comes from Jianguang Qiushui.

鈥冣€傿ut found that in the Hengshan Mansion, there was still a trace of sword intent.

鈥冣€僒he sword intent remained a long time ago, almost dissipating. It is precisely because of this trace of sword intent that I let you attack with all my strength. "

鈥冣€?Having said that, Gao Li's eyes fell on the wide long sword held in Jian Qiushui's arms again.

鈥冣€?"You have raised swords for twenty-eight years, but every strong man in the world has extraordinary talents and unimaginable adventures.

鈥冣€僘ou were born with sword light in your mouth, but Lu Jing was only seventeen years old, and he had cultivated sword energy to support the light. If you force your own cultivation and confront him with sword intent, you will be defeated. "

鈥冣€?"Your sword intent is far inferior to Lu Jing."

鈥冣€?Gao Li's words are direct, not euphemistic.

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. She never believed that there is really someone in this world who is only seventeen years old and can surpass the sword intent she has cultivated for twenty-eight years.

鈥冣€?"Master Gao Li wants me to go all out?"

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui hesitated for a while, and finally said what he thought in his heart: "Qiu Shui has a sword in his heart, if possible, he will defeat the most gifted swordsman among the younger generation.

鈥冣€僆f...if that Lu Jing's sword intent is really that sharp, Qiu Shui will also be loyal to the crown prince as Master Gao Li said. "

鈥冣€僕hen Jian Qiushui spoke, there was still some desolation in his tone.

鈥冣€?And the girl in the sedan chair was even surprised when she heard the two talking.

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui is well-known even in Qi State, and he is also one of the most talented people in Jixia Jiange.

鈥冣€?"I don't know who Lu Jing is, but the age of seventeen or eighteen can make people like Gao Li and Jian Qiushui fearful."

鈥冣€僘uelun thought so in her heart.

鈥冣€?Just at this moment, a breeze blows.

鈥冣€僄ao Li and Jian Qiushui seemed to feel something, and at the same time looked at the Baitou Mountain in the distance.

鈥冣€?But in the vagueness, there is an extra figure on the Baitou Mountain.

The figure was tall and tall, with long hair casually tied behind his head, and a long knife at his waist. The long knife seemed to be nothing special, but when the cold wind from the mountain blew around the figure, the cold wind unexpectedly Quietly shattered, and then turned into a gust of breeze.

鈥冣€僄ao Li and Jian Qiushui looked at each other.

鈥冣€僄ao Li and Jian Qiushui could still clearly see them even though they were separated by a very long distance. There was still a slight smile on the figure's face, and there was an undisguised sarcasm in his eyes.

鈥冣€?"I heard that Qi Guo Gaoli once entered Baiguidi Mountain and got a famous mountain ghost sword, which has become a sharp blade in the hands of King Qi Yuan ever since.

鈥冣€傿ut I never thought that I would see Qi Guo's sharp blade today, and see Qi Guo's Jixia Jiange disciples, but they were discussing how to harm a seventeen-year-old boy. "

鈥冣€僕hile the man was speaking, a red light gathered vitality and turned into a bridge.

鈥冣€?While talking, he walked slowly on the vitality bridge.

鈥冣€僉ooking from a distance, it looks as if a red jade belt has been lowered from the sky, and a celestial being with a sword descended from the sky came here!

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui seemed to turn his head to look at the sedan chair, but saw that the moon wheel in the sedan chair opened the curtain at some point, poked its head out, and was looking at the slowly approaching person from a distance.

鈥冣€?In just a few moments, the swordsman who seemed to be walking slowly has already crossed the mountain stream, not far from here.

鈥冣€僊oon Wheel blinked.

鈥冣€僆 only saw that person's majestic figure, extremely handsome, and there seemed to be gusts of breeze blowing on the long knife at his waist, and the person's clothes fluttered, but he looked even more chic.

鈥冣€僄ao Li stretched out his right hand and touched the ghost-headed sword behind him.

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui's wide long sword rippled and rippled like waves in autumn water.

鈥冣€僑he obviously heard what the visitor said, and the helplessness in her eyes flashed away.

鈥冣€僆f she was allowed to choose, she inherited the sword intent of the Sword Master of the Qi Kingdom, and only wanted to win with the brilliant swordsmanship, so how could she use ghost domain tricks?

鈥冣€僃or the vast majority of people in the world, they don't actually have the right to choose.

鈥冣€傿ecause of this, Jian Qiushui raised his head high, watching the approaching person with a cold light in his eyes.

鈥冣€傿eing told of the conspiracy and tricks, Jian Qiushui, who claims to be a helpless person and a righteous person, instinctively wants to protect his reputation by other means.


鈥冣€傾 swift and fierce sword intent rose from her body, and densely packed sword lights spread all over the three-foot area, mixed with vitality and circulating in the void.


鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui raised his head and gave orders slowly.

鈥冣€?Behind her, the three innate monks and the three divine fire monks all took a step forward. All of a sudden, there was roaring of energy and blood on the mountain here, and there were bursts of divine fire burning, and vitality condensed!

鈥冣€僅owever, Gao Li, the strongest person in the Qi Kingdom, just touched the ghost-headed broadsword behind him, but did not make any movement.


鈥冣€僄ao Li stood in front of the mountain cliff, motionless looking at Nan Fengmian who was slowly approaching.

鈥冣€?"It has long been heard that there is a swordsman who has served the Northern Qin Dynasty for twelve years in the Dafu Nanguo Duke's Mansion. He beheaded most of them to protect his head.

鈥冣€僒he famous knife on his waist is the Xinggu real person who is well-known in the top four, but he never thought that I would meet someone like you before I entered Taixuanjing. "

鈥冣€僄ao Li is much older than Nan Fengmian.

鈥冣€僅e spoke slowly, but filled with a little gloom.

鈥冣€?While he was speaking, distorted images slowly appeared around his body.

鈥冣€僒he ghostly aura continued to rise, and suddenly thick smoke filled the mountain.

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian ignored the spooky aura at all, he stood high in the sky, looking down at Gao Li and Jian Qiushui.

鈥冣€?Immediately, his eyes fell on Yue Luan who was poking his head out of the sedan chair.

鈥冣€僄ive him a casual look, and then look away.

鈥冣€?"I don't know why the little Duke of Nanguo came here?"

鈥冣€僄ao Li glanced sideways at Jian Qiushui, probably signaling to Jian Qiushui not to act rashly.

鈥冣€僕hen Jian Qiushui heard Gao Li say Nan Fengmian's name, his eyes were also thoughtful.

鈥冣€僒his is the case in this world, some people are unknown, while others are famous all over the world.

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian has been dormant for twelve years, and the reputation of beheading the North Qin Shanyin Grand Protector has already spread throughout the world in half a year!

鈥冣€?Gao Li asked this question.

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian, who was standing in the void, smiled even more. He looked down at Gao Li, and asked, "Have you ever heard that the Crown Prince of Qi, Gu Chen, is known for his wickedness?"

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian stood in the sky with his body straight.

鈥冣€僕hen Gao Li heard Nan Fengmian's words, he couldn't help but feel a lot more melancholy.

鈥冣€?Behind Jian Qiushui, the six sixth-level cultivators burst out with murderous intent.

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian held the handle of Xinggu Daoist's knife at his waist, and squinted at them!

鈥冣€?In just a split second, the wind blows everywhere!

鈥冣€傿ursts of knife light flashed in my gust of wind, like a tornado, sweeping down.

鈥冣€?The violent vitality is like a flood that has opened the gate, rampaging!

鈥冣€僆n an extremely short period of time, Nan Fengmian hadn't drawn his sword out of its sheath, and the vigor and murderous intent of the six sixth-level cultivators were cut to pieces in an instant by the sword intent like a gust of wind.

鈥冣€僒he breeze came blowing with coercion, and the expressions of the six sixth-level monks almost all changed, and they took two or three steps back!

鈥冣€僇ian Qiushui's expression remained unchanged, but she slowly pulled out the wide long sword she held in her arms.

鈥冣€傾 silver light suddenly appeared, merging with the halo of the day, and in an instant, it was like rippling blue waves, and the autumn water reached the sky.

鈥冣€?Behind Gao Li, a group of slender ghosts stood up and looked towards Nan Fengmian from a distance.

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian ignored them, but turned to look at Taixuanjing instead.

鈥冣€?"Taixuan Jingzhong is too quiet." Nan Fengmian was a little surprised.

鈥冣€僅e originally thought that when he walked out of Taixuanjing and came here, there would definitely be strong people in Xuandu who would look here, but he never thought that Xuandu would be so quiet.

鈥冣€?"It's kind of weird, but it's better this way."

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian seemed more and more leisurely.

鈥冣€?"The prince of Qi State is willing to behead and skin his head. This is the case in Qi State, and it is the same in Dafu Taixuanjing."

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian felt a little emotional: "Since she entered Xuandu, there have been girls missing in Xuandu many times, but I found out about it later."

鈥冣€僄ao Ling nodded lightly, and did not answer Nan Fengmian's words, but said to Jian Qiushui: "It is said that Nan Fengmian of Dafu Nanguo's mansion always likes to ask about the injustice of the world.

鈥冣€?It's just that Taixuan Jingzhong is complicated, the crown prince beheaded and skinned, but he can still sit safely in the Hengshan mansion.

鈥冣€?Now that we have entered Xuandu, the crown prince is bound to be like a tiger with wings added. This little prince probably wants to give us a big shot, so that there will be fewer injustices in Xuandu in the future. "

鈥冣€僕hen Gao Li spoke, the smile on his face became more intense.

鈥冣€僒he dark and thin face was piled up with flesh and flesh, which made it look a little eerie.

鈥冣€?"It's just... the affairs of my crown prince and his subjects are not under the management of Xiaoguo, Xiaoguo, please come back..."

鈥冣€僄ao Li's words have not yet fallen.

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian stretched out **** and lay on the Xinggu real person at his waist.


鈥冣€?A crisp sound set off a stormy sea!

鈥冣€僒he clouds and mist in the sky rolled in bursts, and heavy waves roared, interrupting Gao Li's words.

鈥冣€?"I am leaving Beijing this time, and I am indeed here for you."

Nan Fengmian's voice came leisurely: "It's just...Nan is not trying to show you off, but wants to kill you all, lest the half-human, half-ghost prince in Hengshan's mansion feel confident and do something harmful. thing."

鈥冣€僓p to now, Nan Fengmian is still standing in the sky. The Xinggu real person around his waist has not yet unsheathed, but there are bursts of heavy power rolling up like clouds and mist, shrouding here.

鈥冣€僄ao Li, Jian Qiushui and even the moon wheel in the sedan chair all froze.

Nan Fengmian didn't pay any attention to it, his tone was still relaxed, he seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be saying to Gao Li and Jian Qiushui: "According to the logic, I should hide on the pulsatilla in the distance, and take advantage of your inattention." Prepare to cut you with a knife.

鈥冣€?But in that way, I feel unsatisfactory in my heart. "

"Since we want to act chivalrously, we must let you die to understand. It is best to leave a piece of your spiritual sense to float into Taixuanjing, fly into Hengshan Mansion, and tell the half-human, half-ghost prince...you are already dead. "

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian smiled brighter and brighter: "Look, something must have happened in Taixuanjing, so that I can talk about it with you safely."

鈥冣€僄ao Li's gaze, which had not moved at first, had already become very serious. He stretched out his hand and pulled out the mountain ghost from behind.

"Nan Fengmian, as far as I know, my prince of Qi has no grievances or enmities with you, and Qi and the Nanguo government do not interfere with each other, and even allowed the Nanguo government to come to Qidu for business several times before, but today you It鈥檚 unreasonable to come here for no reason and make a move without reason?鈥?/p>

鈥冣€?"Reasonable? Just now I heard that Lord Gaoli wanted the disciples of Jixia Jiange to attack my righteous brother and cut off his arm."

鈥冣€?"I, Nan Fengmian, have no grievances or enmities with the Crown Prince of Qi State, so Qi State and I naturally do not interfere with each other.

鈥冣€僆t's just... I just mentioned the reason why I want to kill you, and the evil deeds of the prince of Qi, but you didn't hear it at all.

鈥冣€僘ou probably can鈥檛 understand that someone will kill you for the suffering master who has been beheaded and flayed. "

鈥冣€?"You guys, you really deserve to die."

鈥冣€僋an Fengmian was as usual, just like every time he drank with Lu Jing, he brought out trivial words from his mouth.

鈥冣€僒he only difference is that when he said these trivial words today, he was still slowly drawing his sword.

鈥冣€僒he slender Xinggu real person who weighed eight catties and seven taels was pulled out by Nan Fengmian.

鈥冣€僆n an instant, a cool breeze spread across the sky and the earth.

鈥冣€?Originally, Gao Li and Jian Qiushui had dignified faces, but they never panicked.

鈥冣€傿ut when Nan Fengmian completely pulled out Xinggu Daoist, with a shake of his right hand, the gorgeous saber light swept across the world like a breeze.

鈥冣€僄ao Li and Jian Qiushui finally realized...why this young swordsman was able to decapitate the head of Shanyin Dadu!

鈥冣€僒he knife light flickered.

鈥冣€僒he famous knife Mountain Ghost in Gao Li's hand seemed to be shaking with fear.

鈥冣€傾t this moment, Nan Fengmian's voice came again from the strong light of the saber.

鈥冣€?"By the way, where is your Ma Zhaoye?"

鈥冣€?"I gave it to... people."

鈥冣€?end of this chapter)

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