If You Can’t Be a Son-in-law, You Have To Be Sanctified

Chapter 273: A young man is like a general, and he will make a happy enmity!

  Chapter 273 A young man is like a general, making a happy enmity!

  Yu Xuanlou sat cross-legged, his spiritual thoughts circulated, and a lot of vitality spontaneously condensed and turned into a thin mist, making this Pingchuan like a fairyland.

  His eyes were calm, and Lu Jing's figure was always reflected in his double pupils.

Lu Jing saw that Yuxuanlou did not answer, and said again: "I am the young teacher of Prince Yanxu, and there are several doctors of the Imperial College in Prince Yanxu's Huaishiyuan. Over the years, although I have always thought about it in Zhuzhong Que, all kinds of rumors can always spread from Zhuzhong Que."

   "For example, His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince was born with double pupils, can see the fairyland in the sky from the human world, and can also comprehend the magical skills of the immortals in the sky.

  Even the one who reflects the primordial star is not as good as the Seventh Prince. "

  When Lu Jing spoke, he was still staring into Yu Xuanlou's eyes.

  Even if it was an incarnation of divine sense, the second layer of Yuxuan Tower was still as deep as the sea at this moment, making Lu Jing unable to see the clue.

Lu Jing was speculating about Yuxuanlou's background with words, but Yuxuanlou just smiled and said: "I thought that Mr. Lu Jing reflected Gou Chen Yuanxing when he first entered the star-shine realm, and he is already a genius without a single one in millions. I think that if my husband is a few years older, more diligent, and has one or two main stars to pave the way, then he can take the second primordial star.

  But I never thought about it... Mr. Lu Jing slashed Xiyun Dragon Palace with a peerless posture in just a few months to raise a fearless sword soul, and reflected the second primordial star. "

   "As I said just now, among the young people in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you, perhaps only the pair of young twin demon sons from the Sea Demon Kingdom.

   Within the second level of Zhaoxing, you may be the strongest in the world. "

  In Yu Xuanlou's calm eyes, there was a rare look of approval: "And throughout the ages, there are very few people who can stand up to the ordinary seventh-level and seventh-level extremes with the second level of the star."

"An Ruolu who buried his sword in seclusion, but had to draw his sword out of the mountain to repay his favor and kill revenge; Zhou Lingjun, who had already ascended to the sky by chance; Chen, who was once known as the sixth realm of martial arts and the number one in the world when he was in the sixth stage of martial arts Longquan... who can be compared with Mr. are all people who have been handed down to the world."

  When Yu Xuanlou said this, he suddenly changed the topic: "Sir's talent is the reason why I came to visit."

  Lu Jing was not rude: "Please speak, Your Highness Seventh."

  The Seventh Prince's expression was as usual, without any hesitation. His double pupils moved slightly and looked in the direction of Lingao Mountain, as if he saw the corpses of more than a hundred young talents on Lingao Mountain.

   "Actually, thinking about it carefully, the grievances and resentments between me and my husband all come from the mistakes and contempt of the counselors under my command."

  Yu Xuanlou looked at the corpses: "As the master said, sometimes you are on the top of a high mountain, covered by thick fog, and the scenery below the mountain is unavoidably hazy and unreal.

  The scenery at the foot of the mountain is misty, and sometimes the Tianlong trapped in the shallow pond is regarded as a carp that cannot cross the dragon gate and fly out of the quagmire. "

   "If the people on the mountain saw the Tianlong in the quagmire clearly at the beginning, maybe many subsequent things would not happen.

   Between you and me, there will be no troubles. "

  Yu Xuanlou spoke while his divine sense flickered, and a Qiankun bag flew out from the mist.

  The Qiankun bag was slowly opened, and a wine jug and two wine glasses flew out of it.

  Yu Xuanlou personally picked up the jug and filled the two wine glasses with fine wine.

   "I know that sir likes simple sake." Yuxuanlou made a gesture of invitation: "Sir, we have been around for a long time, but we have never sat down and drank. Why don't you share a glass with me, sir?"

   Lu Jing looked down at the wine glass.

  The twinkle in Yu Xuanlou's eyes was fleeting, and he didn't speak.

   Lu Jing seemed to have noticed Yu Xuanlou's gaze, he just smiled casually, then picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

  Yu Xuanlou saw Lu Jing's actions, and there was a bit of admonition in his tone: "Sir, how do people use all kinds of methods when confronting each other, either yin or yang, or open or dark.

   There is a deep hatred between the two of us. I pour this glass of sake for you. You shouldn't drink it.

  If I come here today with evil intentions, I just need to put heart-breaking poison in the sake, sir... so what? "

  Lu Jing's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Your Highness, it is said that you have read all the thousands of classics in the world in the bamboo palace, don't you know the truth that you have a righteous heart, you can't get close to ghosts and monsters, and you can't invade by treacherous evildoers?

  Just now, I didn't know the mystery of your sake, and I didn't know if His Highness wanted to poison me, but I dared to raise a glass and drink because I read all the books in the world, and naturally there is righteousness lingering, and all poisons will not invade. "

  When he said these words, his tone was calm, and there was no arrogance on his face, as if he was stating the facts.

   And it is true.

  In the past, Lu Jing had never missed his studies in the self-cultivation pagoda, or even wandering in the middle of the river, and because of the three thousand words of Lu Jing's paper, he really raised a little arrogance.

  In addition to this, Lu Jing still has a righteous destiny.

  Under a body of righteousness, evil spirits are inviolable!

  Righteousness is lingering, as are poisonous drugs and evil miasma.

  Under the influence of righteousness such as Hong's fate and Lu Jing's own arrogance, it is more difficult for the Seventh Prince to poison him than to kill him head-on.

  The Seventh Prince's expression froze when he heard Lu Jing's words... He has studied poetry and books for a long time, but he has never read with arrogance.

  In this matter, he is indeed inferior to Lu Jing.

   "Your Highness, I don't know why you are here today?"

  The Seventh Prince was silent, but Lu Jing put the wine glass in front of him and asked in a leisurely manner.

  Yuxuanlou's double pupils were still hazy, and even the path that was close at hand could not see the slightest flow of emotion in it.

   "The dragon in the mud pool will not be mistaken for a carp forever." The seventh prince poured wine for Lu Jing again: "When the dragon rolls the clouds and mist, even the truth of the sky and the earth will cast a splendor to show the dignity of the dragon.

  Mr. Lu Jing, today I clink glasses with you for a drink, and I want to settle down with you. "

  Yu Xuanlou also drank the sake in the cup: "In this world, my husband and I stand on a high place.

  Mr. is gifted in the world, as long as he practices peacefully, there may be an extra pure-yang celestial being in this world. One day, Mr. Zhou may also ascend to the sky like Zhou Lingjun, and be closer to the truth of the world.

but me…"

  The Seventh Prince paused for a moment, and his tone became much more solemn: "And my eyes are on the general trend of this world, and I will turn the world into a golden soup, and roll up the ancient and future of the world based on Dafu.

  I originally thought that my husband was under the command of the prince, but as time passed, I also knew that with my temperament, I would not leave the library, nor would I be controlled by others.

  For all these reasons, you and I only need to find our own way, why kill each other?

  Sir, the grievances and grievances between you and me in the past will be dissolved in this sake. "

  The Seventh Prince Yuxuanlou filled two more glasses of wine, he pushed one of the glasses to Lu Jing, and held the other glass of sake in his hand.

  He just looked directly into Lu Jing's eyes, as if waiting for Lu Jing's reply.

  Looking at the wine glass in front of him, after two or three breaths, he suddenly chuckled.

   Immediately afterwards, he laughed a second time and a third time, and the voice continued to rise, and then turned into a big laugh!

   "Seventh Prince, did you come here today to seek peace with me?"

  Lu Jing, who usually behaves politely, laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"His Royal Highness possesses the ability to have double pupils, and he can see the magic of the gods in the sky! His Royal Highness's concubine is Li Wuhuang in the mansion of Shaozhu Kingdom, and her mother's home is the Duke Chu's mansion, but now it is not far away thousands of miles away. Come here as an incarnation, want to settle the feud with me?"

  Lu Jing smiled brightly, but the Seventh Prince was not at all annoyed. He poured wine for himself slowly and tasted it carefully.

   "In my opinion, the taste of this sake is too bland, and it is a bit spicy when it enters the throat. It is much worse than those famous drinks."

  The Seventh Prince said: "I have great ambitions in my heart, and I also noticed some problems in the past choices, so how can I not correct these problems because of face?

  Sir...why are you laughing? Do you think you have an edge over me? "

   Lu Jing still had a smile on his face, shook his head and said, "That's not the case, I was just laughing at what Your Highness just said.

  His Royal Highness just said that you and I have been dealing with each other for a long time, that you and I are killing each other and confronting each other, and that you and I will dissolve our grievances in this wine..."

   "It's just that His Highness seems to have forgotten many things.

  For example, all along, from the beginning to the end, it was the Seventh Prince who attacked me.

   Li Yushi, Li Guanlong, Duke Chu's mansion...

  Yanglu Street, Wulong Street, Jiaoshen Mountain...

  Even if I get to Hezhong Road, the head of Huai Gang under your command, Yuan Qi, will bring eight hundred Xuanbing armored soldiers to kill me before the Dragon City is buried. "

   "I have been fighting with His Highness's light orders all the way in these interceptions, so as to fight for my life!"

   "In His Highness's view, I have killed many strong men under His Highness' command.

   But in my eyes, this is the price those people should pay for being ordered to kill me. "

  Lu Jing spoke in a low voice word by word, but then he asked the Seventh Prince with a smile on his face: "Those who were ordered to kill me paid the price, Your Highness... what price do you plan to pay?"


  From the incarnation of the seventh prince's divine sense, a kind of power suddenly burst out.

  That power is mixed with an unparalleled courage, not only from the seventh prince's cultivation and talent, but also from the seventh prince's long-term high position and subduing imperial power!

  The blood of Dafu Shengjun flows through his body, he is born with incomparable dignity, and he is born with unparalleled courage!

  So when this power burst out, the heat from the scorching sun in the sky became much weaker, and Lu Jingyuan seemed to be crushed by a mountain.

   "Lu Jing." Yu Xuanlou also had a smile on his face, and said, "Since you don't want to settle down with me, how about this..."

"We might as well agree that when you go to that deer pool, I, Shaozhu Kingdom, Chu Guogong, the head of the Huai Gang, and many strong men under my command will not stop you, and we will not attack you in the middle of the river, and even other strong men When I want to kill you, I will also stop it.

   In exchange for this, when you enter Lutan, you will guide me to that celestial grass, or the location of that celestial vein. "

   "Lu Jing, you and I are life-and-death enemies, since it cannot be frozen, once you enter the vicinity of Lutan, I will definitely kill you.

  You have some relationship with the prince, if I try to kill you, the prince will definitely stop me.

   But no matter what, this is always a big risk for you. Instead of taking the risk of life and death, you might as well make this deal with me. "

  "Since Lutan fell from the sky, it has appeared several times, each time with countless small resources, two or three opportunities.

It's just that when manpower is exhausted, Lutan has appeared several times in the world, but no one has ever been able to take all the great opportunities. Wouldn't it be just right for you to have a white deer to lead the way, and exchange yourself in the direction of a celestial grass or a celestial vein to enter Lutan safely? ? "

  Yuxuanlou's spiritual thoughts circulated and collided with Lu Jing's spiritual thoughts.

The two have different ideas. Yuxuanlou met Lu Jing with the incarnation of spiritual thoughts, poured wine for Lu Jing and had a conversation. It would be best if Lu Jing was willing to clear up his past suspicions. Deal with Lu Jing.

   In the eyes of the Seventh Prince, these words are just a test of Lu Jing's strength, it's best to agree, and it doesn't matter if you don't agree.

  The real reason why he came here to meet Lu Jing was because of the Lutan opportunity.

   Lu Jing lured the white deer into the deer pool together with the white deer. Naturally, the white deer led the way, so he could know where the Tianmai, the fairy grass, and the magic spear were.

   "I entered Lutan, the Seventh Prince will protect me well?"

  The smile on Lu Jing's face subsided: "If I don't agree, surely when I entered Lutan, the first person to kill me was the strong man under the Seventh Prince's command?"

  Yu Xuanlou remained silent, but looked at the white deer standing not far from the road with envy in his eyes.

"Lu Jing, you have peerless talents, but those who stand around Lutan are powerful men from all over the world. You killed more than a hundred people on Lingao Mountain. Among those strong men are their elders. I want to kill you to open the deer pond, and I don't want you to get there first!"

   "But this is the middle road of the Dafu River. As long as the prince and I protect you well, those strong men will never dare to attack you."

  Lu Jing nodded: "But if the Seventh Prince, regardless of his reputation, took the lead in attacking me, the young leader of Dafu Taixuanjing, there will inevitably be many strong people who will kill me."

  Yuxuanlou was noncommittal.

  Lu Jing let out a long sigh: "After all, the Seventh Prince is still threatening me."

  Yu Xuanlou was about to pour wine for Lu Jing, but Lu Jing suddenly stretched out his hand to cover the wine glass.

  He turned his head sideways, glanced up and down Yuxuanlou, and suddenly asked, "Seventh Prince, are your injuries healed? I have hundreds of dragon **** fused with the power of blood sacrifice in my hand.

  The aura emanating from those dragon **** is the same as the aura emanating from you today. "

  The seventh prince didn't care, and was about to speak.

  Lu Jing stood up slowly.

   "His Royal Highness was planning to kill me before, but today he is planning to threaten me to guide you in the deer pond..."

  Zhao Ye seemed to feel something, and took a few steps forward.

  Lu Jing got on his horse, and his right hand landed on the wind exhaling knife and gripped the handle tightly.

  Yu Xuanlou frowned slightly, looking at Lu Jing on Zhao Ye.

  Lu Jing sat on the horse and leaned over, looking coldly at Yuxuanlou: "Your Highness, do you think I'm afraid of those heroes around Lutan?"

  The Seventh Prince said: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

   Lu Jing smiled and didn't say much.

  He is naturally afraid of death, how can there be people in the world who are not afraid of death?

  But...since Lutan appeared on Hezhong Road, in the past half a year, the younger generation has been chasing Lutan's traces, wanting to bring Lutan to the world.

   Among the younger generation, Lu Jing's lure of Bailu undoubtedly became the key to Lutan's chance. Many young talents on Lingao Mountain wanted to kill Lu Jing, and it was also a struggle among the younger generation.

   But nowadays, there are few juniors around Lutan, and those so-called strong men who are often dozens of years older than him take action to kill him...

  Lu Jing was no longer afraid.

   "Elder?" Lu Jing thought of the Dragon King of Xiyun and thought to himself.

  At the same time, he lightly took a picture of Ye's neck, and while his spiritual thoughts surged, the stars from the sky fell and turned into a pair of invisible wings to bless Zhao Ye.

  Zhao Ye walked down the rocks, walking faster and faster, Bailu followed beside Lu Jing, no matter how fast Zhaoye was, the Bailu could catch up with him as if he was walking in a garden.

  The Seventh Prince saw that Lu Jing got up and left without saying a word, shaking his head slowly...

  His avatar turned into a ray of divine thought, caught up with Lu Jing, and fell into Lu Jing's mind.

   "Everything has its pros and cons, and everything has to be considered, and people can't just fight for one breath..."

   "His Royal Highness, many times, people just want to fight for their breath."

  Lu Jing's hand holding the Hufeng Knife became tighter and tighter: "You tried to kill me several times, but today you came to threaten again.

   Ignoring the fact that the veins of the day and the celestial grass are both useful to me, if I promise you today alone, I will feel sorry for myself who was besieged several times in the past. "

  The Seventh Prince's divine sense had not yet dissipated, he was silent for a few moments, and was about to speak when his stagnant vitality suddenly shook.

   "Lu Jing, what do you want to do?"

  Yu Xuanlou asked Lu Jing indifferently.

   Lu Jing stroked the sword at his waist, Zhao Ye also stopped.

   One man, one horse and one white deer stand in the sky, looking at the end of the earth in the distance.

  Yuxuanlou's spiritual sense reincarnated again, and another one was separated, and it was about to fly to the distance.

  In an instant, Lu Jing's saber flashed, and a spring thunder burst out in an instant, cutting off the divine sense that had just been separated.

  Yu Xuanlou's double pupils were full of ice cold, and he just stood beside Lu Jing like this.

  Lu Jing didn't even look at the avatar, and said, "His Highness has always sent people to surround and kill me, and I have always been forced to draw my sword."

   "Because of the inexplicable rules in Taixuanjing, coupled with His Highness's great power, Lu Jing has always been able to draw his sword to fight, but he couldn't draw his sword first.

  But today, the place where you and I meet... is Hezhong Road, not Taixuanjing! "

  As Lu Jing spoke, gusts of wind and sand filled the loess in the distance.

   Under the sweeping wind and sand, there was an overall sound of horseshoes, like thunder!

  With the sudden appearance of cold rays, even under the scorching sun in the middle of the river, there is a dense chill, like a cold wind blowing in winter.

   "His Highness threatened Lu Jing today, and Lu Jing returned His Highness with the lives of these princes' guards and the heads of the second leaders of the Huai Gang."

  Yu Xuanlou's face was as gloomy as water.

  Lu Jing said with a smile: "Everything has pros and cons, everything must be considered, and one should not just fight for one breath.

  I have already reflected the Kunpeng Yuanxing, and when you come here across thousands of miles, I have already disappeared.

  Your Highness might as well just wait around Lutan, wait on the sidelines, maybe you can kill me to relieve your hatred. "

  Yu Xuanlou snorted coldly: "Do you think that with the kunpeng supernatural power, you can hide my double pupils by flying against the blue sky?"

  The blood mist in the sky seemed to cover Lu Jing's whereabouts.

  He lowered his head and looked down at the ground. Yuan Qishou and the more than 600 Xuanbing warriors marching forward in formation did not even realize that Lu Jing was in the sky not far from them at this time.

  This is the second Kunpeng primordial star supernatural power besides [Dragon Swallowing]... [Hidden into Nanming]!

  Nan Mingzhe, deep sea also.

  Compared to Kunpeng, who is the true master of heaven and earth, the world is the vast Nanming!

   Lu Jing entered Nanming without a trace.

  The miraculous avatar of Yuxuanlou was standing beside Lu Jing at this moment. He clearly saw Lu Jing's body, but he didn't notice Lu Jing's existence at all!

   Yuanxing supernatural powers are so mysterious and mysterious.

  Yu Xuanlou couldn't help but take a deep breath. If he really entered Lu Jing within a radius of 500 miles, with the help of celestial powers and the ability of double pupils, he might be able to detect Lu Jing, who is at the second level of shining stars.

  But if you want to capture the traces of Lu Jing thousands of miles away...


  Thinking of this, Yu Xuanlou couldn't help but look down at Yuan Qishou and more than six hundred Xuanbing soldiers, and then his face became calm, and the avatar radiated a burst of brilliance.

  His divine sense incarnation is about to dissipate.

   "Since you're here, why don't you stay a little longer, Your Highness?"

   While Lu Jing was speaking, amidst the blood-colored mist in the sky, there was a sudden storm.

  The supernatural powers of attracting wind and summoning rain came one after another.

  The slanting wind and drizzle also summoned vitality, and it turned into a cage, tightly locking the spiritual sense of Yuxuanlou.

   "The slanting wind and drizzle don't have to return, but it should be the occasion."

   Lu Jing talked to himself.

  The calmness on Yu Xuanlou's face was shattered in an instant, and he just stared at Lu Jing like this, not knowing what he was thinking.

   It's just that Lu Jing ignored Yu Xuanlou's gaze.

  When Yuan Qishou played with the silver needle and rode a famous horse, he led more than 600 Xuanbing soldiers through the blood fog.

  In an instant...

  When there is blood in the cavity, it is about to spill, and the shadows move the stars!

   But I saw!

  The majestic sword light is like a cloud hanging from the sky, and like a galaxy descending from the cloud, with wisps of thunder light, it easily tore through the cloud and mist, and slashed fiercely towards the more than 600 black ice soldiers!

  When the Xuanbing warriors were on their way, they had already formed a battle formation.

  The armor on their bodies and the silver guns in their hands also gave off a chill...

  However, not all of them are Lu Jing, and not everyone can recover in just over two months.

  Before the burial in Dragon City, the broken-legged old dragon ball shattered, whipping up a strong wind, burning vitality forever, and rolling up dust for dozens of miles!

  Yuan Qishou and the eight hundred Xuanbing warriors faced the power of the dragon ball bursting, and they were all seriously injured.

   Eight hundred Xuanbing soldiers killed and injured more than a hundred people, and their armor and spears were all damaged.

  The strength of the more than 600 Xuanbing armored soldiers here is far from the peak, and so is Yuan Qishou.

  So when Lu Jing's light-supporting sword energy burst out with dazzling light, it came rushing like a thunder dragon, and then brought the surging sword light, and erected peaks!

  The two stars Gouchen and Kunpeng in the sky reflected on Lu Jing's Yuanshen. When the stars spread and fell, the Yuanshen activated the scripture of calling wind and rain, and Lu Jing felt that the vitality around him was endless.

  Besides the strong light-supporting sword energy, the hundreds of sword peaks scattered from the Rain Calling Sword are as bright as a white rainbow and as bright as snow!

   In a moment!

  Sword light is all over the sky, and thunder light is floating again!

   Until this time, Yuan Qishou suddenly raised his head, his expression changed, the silver needle in his hand had already turned into a silver spear, and he was holding it in his hand.

  But... Lu Jing was too close to them.

   Lu Jing's sword mixed with his life's cultivation was too fast.

  Under the fearless sword spirit, Lu Jing's sword light roared like a tide.

  Yuan Qishou hadn't used his supernatural powers yet, the overwhelming sword light poured down like a torrential rain, falling straight on the six hundred black ice soldiers!


Strands of blood-colored flowers bloomed on the barren land. In the distance, blood spattered, and the battle formation forcibly supported by more than 600 Xuanbing soldiers collapsed under Lu Jing's sword, and dozens of people died in the aftermath. This Fu Guangjian is angry.


  The Rain Calling Sword flew swiftly, turning into a stream of blue light, sparks splashed, under the control of Lu Jing Yuanshen, the Rain Calling Sword grew on the already shattered black ice armor, smashed the remnant armor, and took a life.

   Lu Jingyuan pinched the magic seal with his divine hand, and the two supernatural powers of attracting wind and summoning rain came one after another, completely covering the six hundred soldiers.

  It was also at this time that a cold light lit up below, like spring rain condensing, and the cold light burst towards Lu Jing with fierce and unparalleled power.

  The soaring qi and blood pierced the sky, fierce and domineering, surging in Yuan Qishou's body.

   This shot seems to be able to pierce through mountains, and it is as fast as a shooting star!

  Lu Jing stood proudly on the spot, and behind him, Zhaoxing's dual primordial spirit jumped out. The ten-foot-tall Brahma Bodhisattva dharma body glared majesticly, and opened his mouth and said, "Screw!"

  A mysterious Buddhist text was uttered by the Bodhisattva, but the mere word was transformed into eight syllables in an instant.

  A wave appeared in the void.

  The Brahma Dharma Body also took a step forward, with a palm as long as a human being, carrying violent vitality, heavy golden light, and streaks of thunder, and slapped Yuan Qishou.

   And Lu Jing also drew his sword at this moment...

  The two fates of Dou Xingguan's Fate and Gentleman's Fury are suddenly triggered.

   Open the road to Shu!

  Arise Chunlei!

  The spring thunder exploded, as if a **** and man were showing their power, and the innate blood and martial arts spirit in Lu Jing's body were all absorbed into the spring thunder.

  The black blade of the exhaling wind knife brings vitality and blood to practice!

   Startled the red sun and spring thunder!

  If there is a **** holding a spring thunder to open the road to Shu.

  Before the spring thunder, the Bodhisattva explored the way, wiped away the little gun lights, and wiped out the blood in the void.

   Yuan Qishou, who was already injured, was covered by the palm of the Bodhisattva and swallowed by the spring thunder.

  In the gap between the spring thunders, he vaguely saw that he was loyal to the Seventh Prince.

   "Your Highness..."

  Yuan Qishou hadn't lost his mind before he was beheaded by Lu Jing's destructive Spring Thunder Saber Intent!

  Lu Jing killed the second leader of the Huai Gang, without stopping his figure, and the Rain Calling Sword was still flowing like a streamer, wantonly flowing among those Xuanbing soldiers.

   And Lu Jing holds the Hufeng Dao and rides Zhao Ye, like a young general, galloping his horse and rushing into the enemy's line again, making a happy show!

  Yu Xuanlou frowned and watched this scene, feeling depressed in his heart.

  He suddenly regretted it.

  Today, he probably shouldn't have come.

  ps: There will be more later, if you are willing to support, vote for the monthly vote first, this chapter is difficult to write, it is difficult for me to write, and I have to take a day off.

  Of course it’s okay not to vote.

  (end of this chapter)

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