Su Yan's hand rested on his lap.

made He Ling feel a burst of heat.

This feeling....

Let her hormones secrete rapidly!

There was an instinctive idea to make Su Yan more presumptuous.

And Su Yan found ......

And Auntie, it is indeed very obedient to her own words.

Dress according to your own requirements.

Looking at He Ling with her eyes closed, Su Yan felt more and more that Zhang Zhenyu's mother was so beautiful and good-looking.


After the traffic light ended, Su Yan drove with one hand.

The left hand is sticking out of the window.

With a gust of wind blowing.

He felt the top of his index finger.

There was a hint of coolness ......

"Su Yan, in fact, my aunt has seen a lot of houses before. "

"I'm planning to make a down payment recently. "

He Ling, who had a blush on her face, chatted with Su Yan about the house.

Looking at the ...... of the house

She does have some experience.

"Aunt He, it's right to make a down payment. "

"Because in the future house prices will skyrocket. "

Su Yan also had no intention of doing real estate business.

Because the payback period is too long.

He mainly plans to do business with a rate of return of at least tens or hundreds of times.

After all, ......

I have multiple gold fingers.

If you want to make money, it's too easy.

"Do you think house prices will skyrocket?"

He Ling looked at Su Yan's eyes, and she was a little different.

It was ...... in her heart before

Su Yan is a lucky and bold little boy who has made money outside.

But what I didn't expect was ......

Su Yan also has his own opinions on real estate.

"There are a lot of people on the Internet who say that real estate is going to plummet, and I still want to wait for the price to be cheaper before buying. "

Su Yan smiled and ......

In 08, buying a house at this time is simply brainless.

After a while, you will find that the money in your hand is simply not enough for a down payment.

"Aunt He...... I don't think you need to believe what is being said on the Internet. "

Su Yan tasted his index finger.

The taste is a little weird......

"Now, the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis is getting bigger and bigger on the side of the United States. "

"Especially after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. "

"The United States has completely entered an economic winter. "

Su Yan's professional terminology.

He Ling fell silent.

She's just an employee of a stock market exchange.

She really doesn't know much about the subprime mortgage crisis.

"What is the subprime mortgage crisis?".

"To put it simply, housing prices in the United States are now very high. "

"Basically everybody is taking out a loan to buy a house. "

"And not everybody gets approval from the bank, and these people are collectively referred to as subprime lenders. "

"Those investment banks, like Lehman Brothers, which collapsed some time ago, have their eyes on these subprime lenders. "

"They lend money to these people to buy houses. "

"The interest charged is also very high. "

"It's a high-risk ...... Accompanied by a high-yield industry. "

He Ling looked at Su Yan beside her.

There are some uncontrollable feelings of worship in my heart!

Although Su Yan is a young man.

But ......

He really knows a lot of things!

"The interest rate calculation method in the market of subprime mortgages in the United States is a combination of fixed interest rate and floating interest rate repayment. "

"In previous years, it was a fixed interest rate. "

"After that, the interest rate is to repay the loan as the interest rate fluctuates. "

"In those previous times, because of the rapid development of real estate in the United States. "

"So ......


"The economy and the market are booming. "

"But at the beginning of last year, as the real estate in the United States cooled down, the interest rate was raised. "

"The amount of money that subprime borrowers have to repay has also increased dramatically. "

"A large number of lenders have no way to repay the loan, so they can only put it in a mess. "

"And the creditor repossesses the house, but cannot sell it for a price. "

"All kinds of bad debts and bad debts are squeezed. "

"It has put the economy of the United States in a mess. "

"This is the subprime mortgage crisis. "

"...... over there".

"Now I can only print money like crazy to save the world. "

"Because of the hegemony of the Mi Yuan. "

"The pressure...... It has also been passed on to the whole world. "

"The current financial tsunami in the world actually comes from the United States. "

"The market value of the Internet industry is declining like crazy. "

"It's just an effect of the financial tsunami triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis. "

Su Yan, who looked at the car, said so many words that he didn't understand.

He Ling's heart ......

The feeling of worship became more and more irrepressible.

How could I worship a little kid who is more than twenty years younger than me!

"That'...... Why is the real estate in the country rising? "

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