The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Liang Yinan blinked her smart eyes twice and looked at Gu Zike. The panic gradually dissipated. "Are you also from Jianan No. 1 Middle School?"

"You too?"

This question confused Gu Zike. Now, who in Jianan No. 1 Middle School doesn't know him?

Liang Yinan finally breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Da Huang in her arms, pouted and stood up,

"Classmate, you really scared me! If you weren't wearing a school uniform, I would have thought you were sent by the teaching department to get rid of dogs."

There are often stray cats and dogs around Jianan No. 1 Middle School, and occasionally they will break into the campus.

Even if these stray cats and dogs came in because some students in the school fed them, they would leave after eating, just like Da Huang.

However, some parents are still afraid that their children will be bitten, so they report all this to the school, and they have to drive them away under pressure.

Gu Zike shook his head and smiled; "No, I am now the administrator of the library, and I am on duty here to sort books at night."

"Then don't you have to go home?" Liang Yinan's eyelashes trembled slightly, her cherry lips opened slightly, and doubts flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"I..." Gu Zike choked for a moment, and then slowly spoke, "I thought about adapting to the life of a person in college in advance, and I can also earn some living expenses. My family is also more supportive, although my grades are not very good."

"But if I am lucky enough to go to college, this money can also cover my living expenses for two months."

Even if he was reborn, it would be difficult for him to tell the scars in his heart.

"So you are also in the third year of high school."

Liang Yinan blinked her smart eyes, "How about I help you with your lessons, and you do me a favor?"

"Ah? You help me with my lessons?"


Before Gu Zike could react, Liang Yinan grabbed his hand and trotted out of the library. When she opened the door, Liang Yinan looked around carefully.

The girl's hand was as soft as jade, and the warm temperature washed over Gu Zike's palm.

In terms of face and figure, she is probably inferior to the school beauty Liu Ruyan.

The library is located on the top floor of the teaching building.

The girl led him out all the way, looking cautious, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

"Why do I feel like we are thieves?" Gu Zike couldn't help asking; "Which class are you from?"

Liang Yinan kept walking and turned her pretty face, "Liang Yinan from Class 1, Senior 3, which class are you from?"

Class 1, Senior 3 is the top class of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, and all the students in it have excellent grades.

Except for Gu Tianlai who got in by cheating.

"Class 5, Senior 3, Gu Zike."

Gu Zike blurted out, forgetting that he had long been notorious in the whole school.

Next, Liang Yinan will look at him with strange eyes.

But it doesn't matter, he has long been used to it.


Liang Yinan's performance was not as Gu Zike thought. She still pulled him and took every step carefully. The girl's hands were very soft.

"Gu Zike, the stairs to the next floor are darker, go slowly, don't fall."

Gu Zike was slightly startled, "You don't know me?"

Liang Yinan's reaction surprised him. Yesterday, Gu's father and mother made a scene at school, and many people should know him.

Except Wang Tie, many people stayed away from him.

"What's the matter, are you famous?" Liang Yinan stuck out her tongue at Gu Zike.

The moonlight was covered by dark clouds, the breeze swayed the branches, and the rain dripped on the asphalt road in the school.

Gu Zike was pulled by Liang Yinan to the big nan tree of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, "You are not going to take me here to take shelter from the rain, are you?"

Recalling Liang Yinan's innocent look in the library.

It seems that this is the most reasonable explanation.

Liang Yinan gently let go of Gu Zike's hand, tucked a few unruly hairs behind her ears, and pointed to the dark night sky.

"It wasn't at first."

"But just now it looked like you wanted to be famous."

"If there's thunder in a while, we'll be sitting ducks. Tomorrow we'll be on the news in Jian'an City, and we'll definitely be famous."

Gu Zike was completely stunned, "This... is unnecessary..."

"Okay, I'm just kidding."

Liang Yinan moved the messy weeds under the big nan tree, "There are also several puppies, I hid them here."

"But I don't know how long this rain will last. If we leave it there, we'll be fine."

They can't stand it here."

She checked the puppies in the box and found that they were not missing. She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Gu Zike beside her.

"Great librarian, let me borrow your library for a while."

"You won't drive them away, right?"

The girl's clear eyes seemed to have a galaxy.

"Of course not."

Gu Zike bent down and picked up the box. He would not refuse Liang Yinan, who felt the same way.

When Gu Zike and Liang Yinan returned to the library with a litter of puppies, their school uniforms were soaked.

"Gu Zike."


"Pin it up." Liang Yinan stretched out a little finger, tilted her head slightly, and a strand of hair fell on her shoulder. "This is an agreement between the two of us."

"You are not allowed to violate our agreement, and you are not allowed to lie to me. "

Gu Zike subconsciously hooked her little finger, "Actually..."

"Actually, you had a conflict with your family, and you are hiding here."

Liang Yinan's eyelashes were curved, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she had known all this for a long time.

Gu Zike was a little surprised. Logically, no one should know about this. "That's right, but how did you know?"

Liang Yinan's other hand gently poked Gu Zike's forehead, "I have superpowers."

Gu Zike nodded silently.

Liang Yinan blinked her smart eyes, "Hey, tell me about the process, let me be happy."

"Are you still going to pull this hook? If not, I will ask the teaching department to get rid of this bunch of dogs tomorrow."

Gu Zike said a little depressed.

"La La La, I just want you to say it out and comfort you! "

Liang Yinan pouted, as if she was afraid that Gu Zike would really report this to the school, and quickly hooked Gu Zike's little finger,

"Pink and hang for a hundred years, don't change!"

"Pink and hang for a hundred years, don't change."


"Ke Ke, because of your bunch of brats, my school uniform is wet, and I will be scolded when I go home."

"You must make your bunch of puppies obedient, otherwise your nest will be overturned by some big bad guy."

"Forget it, I don't know if you, silly Ke Ke, can listen to it."

Liang Yinan squatted down and touched Da Huang's dog head, whispering.

Gu Zike leaned over slightly and fiddled with Liang Yinan's wet hair, "Hey, stop talking nonsense."

"Besides, why do you call him Ke Ke? "

Liang Yinan fiddled with a few puppies with her little hands, "It's too troublesome to name it. It's a Corgi. I can't call it Jiji."

"This... seems to make some sense." Gu Zike curled his lips.


Liang Yinan stood up and made a face at Gu Zike in a sly and cute way.

"Retarded." Gu Zike's mouth curved inexplicably.


Liang Yinan seemed not to hear it. She pulled her eyelids with her index fingers, continued to make faces, and stuck out her tongue twice.


Gu Zike didn't know why, but he subconsciously imitated her, as if to find a little comfort in his heart.

"How about I perform a magic trick for you?" Liang Yinan stretched out a slender finger, eager to do it.

"You can do this too? "Gu Zike felt incredible.

Liang Yinan smiled mischievously and pushed his nose with her finger, "Of course, you will become a pig now."

Seeing that the plan was successful, he turned around and ran away.

"You are waiting for me here, and you still want to run?"

Gu Zike's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he would be fooled by her just after his rebirth.

He took a step forward and grabbed Liang Yinan's two earlobes, gently pulled them, and suddenly choked up when he looked into Liang Yinan's clear eyes.

At this time, he and Liang Yinan were only a fist away. What he exhaled was carbon dioxide, and what he inhaled was still carbon dioxide...

Liang Yinan's beautiful eyes blinked, her little face was red, and her two little hands were nervously buckling her trouser line.

"That...that, you are also very cute." Gu Zike also felt that this seemed a bit ambiguous.

He coughed dryly and quickly let go of his hand.

"You don't need to say it! Big stupid pig! "

Liang Yinan stamped her feet and walked out. Suddenly, she paused and turned her head and said;

"I'm telling you, take a look at the questions you don't know, and I'll explain them to you tomorrow."

Gu Zike smiled faintly, "I have a school uniform, do you want to change into it? Otherwise, you will be scolded by your family."

After that, he took two steps and took out another school uniform from the woven bag.

Liang Yinan's heart was obviously moved, "But you are also soaked, don't you want to change?"

Gu Zike took

The hand holding the school uniform was extended forward, "It's okay, I still have clothes."

Liang Yinan opened her cherry lips and asked cautiously; "Will you peek?"

"Don't worry, I will cover Da Huang's eyes." Gu Zike joked.

"Tsk, you are just trying to cover your ears and steal the bell." Liang Yinan pouted her lips, and finally pulled the school uniform from Gu Zike's hand.

Although it is a little big, it is not impossible to get away with it by tucking it in, "Anyway, I don't think you dare."

The library of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School is actually a classroom conversion.

Gu Zike walked into the corridor, leaned against the wall, and muttered to himself; "If at this time, if I push the door in..."

But he would naturally not do that.

After all, a gentleman is not lustful, starting from emotion and stopping at etiquette.


Liang Yinan changed her clothes and came out. It seemed that she could get away with it. She was in a good mood, and two dimples were always on her face.

"Thank you, Gu Zike, for today. Don't worry, with me by your side, your grades will definitely improve. By then, uncles and aunts will praise you."

Ring, ring, ring...

At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

The end time of each class in the third grade of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School is different, depending on the class teacher.

So the bell will still ring at 10:30 in the evening.

Liang Yinan hurriedly tiptoed, and poked Gu Zike's nose with her hand, "Big stupid pig, don't be unhappy because of this."

This time she was smart, and turned around and ran away after flirting.

"Gu Zike, see you tomorrow!"

Looking at Liang Yinan who had already run to the end of the corridor, Gu Zike whispered; "See you tomorrow."

After saying goodbye to Liang Yinan, Gu Zike sat in front of the administrator's computer in the library and turned it on.

As Zhao Dachui said, the library's computer is connected to the Internet and can be used to check learning materials.

This computer is indeed much more convenient to use than his second-hand mobile phone that often freezes.

But he didn't check the learning materials. As a score-controlling academic master, he didn't need this.

Gu Zike sent a lot of emails and sat in front of the computer in a daze, "I hope there will be a reply..."

It was drizzling today, so the stall on the overpass was put on hold for now.

He turned around and fiddled with the puppies born by Da Huang, and suddenly thought of Liang Yinan, always feeling déjà vu.

"Big stupid pig, don't be unhappy about this."

Thinking of her comfort, Gu Zike felt a little comforted in his heart.

Under the night, raindrops fell on the ground, and circular ripples continued to form in the puddle.

At this time, in the bedroom of Gu's father and mother, Gu's family.

"Wow... Is this child really not coming back?" Sun Liping looked out the window with tears in her eyes.

She really couldn't imagine how Gu Zike could be so cruel.

Perhaps he was too good to him, which made him too strong. Sun Liping was furious and said, "Shanhe! This child really doesn't know what's good for him. If we don't take care of him, he will be really useless!"

Gu Shanhe, who was watching the news with a relatively stable mood, suddenly clenched his mobile phone and was furious, "I think he was too good to him!"

"It's natural for a father to beat his son. Last night, he wanted to burn us to death!"

"This little beast!"

Sun Liping said arrogantly, "In my opinion, his adoptive parents should deal with him! Otherwise, they won't remember our kindness to him!"

She didn't know that in Gu Zike's heart, the Gu family was hell.

"That's right! I'll call his adoptive parents right now!"

Gu Shanhe also agreed and dialed the number immediately.

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