The boy was so angry that he couldn't help crying.

"This is not true, this is not true..."

The clear and bright eyes that Gu Zike had finally possessed turned gray at this moment.

The boy's eyes seemed to have experienced a long time and were covered with rolling dust.

His mind was blank in an instant, and he kept muttering in his mouth; "Little stupid pig, you lied to me, you big liar..."


With a "thump", Gu Zike fell to the ground as if he had lost his strength, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Big stupid pig!" Liang Yinan was so scared that her heart was pounding and tears were pouring down.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Doctor! Doctor! Someone fainted!"


The spring breeze brought a hint of coolness, blowing on Wutong Road, making the branches and leaves on both sides of the road sway gently.

"Big stupid pig, where are we going to play later?"

The summer wind brought rolling heat waves. In this hot summer, Jian'an City was like a steamer. As soon as the steamer was opened, the rolling heat waves hit the pedestrians.

"It's so hot, let's go have a cold drink."

"I want less ice and more sugar lemonade, big stupid pig, what do you want to drink? This lady treats you today!"

The autumn wind rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, it was like a dancing girl, as graceful as a startled swan, beautiful beyond description.

"Big stupid pig, I know you are very busy with your business, but can you spare some time to come and play with me?"

"One day, half a day, no no no... half an hour is fine, sometimes I really want to see you, big stupid pig, I miss you..."

The winter wind is blowing, and Jian'an City, which rarely snows, also snowed for a while today. It fell on the ground and melted in the blink of an eye, but you can still vaguely feel the traces of snow.

"You hateful big stupid pig, are you bullying me?!"

"I knitted a scarf for you with good intentions, why don't you tie it on?"

"When I knitted a scarf for you, I pricked my finger, you hateful big stupid pig, do you think the scarf I knitted is not good-looking?"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, just like this, all year round...

The figure of the boy is always accompanied by a full-of-energy girl.

This is a two-way love, the boy loves the girl, and the girl also loves the boy.

The girl would hold the boy's hand and walk on the romantic Wutong Road.

The boy would take the girl to eat at every delicious snack stand...

But this beauty was fleeting.


Jian'an City, which had just been clear, suddenly had thunder and heavy and huge dark clouds wrapped the entire Jian'an City.

It can be said that the dark clouds were pressing down on the city and the city was about to be destroyed...

The boy and the girl came to Jian'an No. 1 Middle School in a blink of an eye. The two did not appear in the library, but in front of the teaching building.

This is where Gu Zike and Liang Yinan often say goodbye.

"Big stupid pig, I'm really sorry, I lied to you from the beginning..."

"Uncle Liang and Aunt Yu are my mother..."

Liang Yinan's pretty face was covered with hot tears, and a few disobedient hairs also had adsorption power and stuck to the corners of her mouth.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I really don't want to make you sad every day during the last days we spend together..."

"I tried to leave you, but..."

"But I really can't do it, I really can't do it, big stupid pig, can you forgive my little selfishness?"

Liang Yinan walked forward and gently pulled the corner of Gu Zike's clothes, "Big stupid pig, I'm leaving. Do you remember what I told you before, that we will part one day?"

"That time I was giving you a shot of prevention. I don't want you to throw away the sunshine and walk into the darkness again in the days without me..."

"I don't want you to be unhappy. I miss you. Live happily and go see the world that I can't see for me."

"Big stupid pig, will you promise me?"

Gu Zike's face was covered with tears and his body was shaking, "Why... why is it like this?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? !"

"Maybe... maybe I have a way to save you, I was reborn!"

Liang Yinan's pretty face was like sunshine, and it seemed that at this moment, the tears on her pretty face turned into smiling stars.

"Big stupid pig, there is no way, you can't save me, this is fate..."

"However, it can be regarded as fate's favor that I met before I left

You, a boy that I will remember for a lifetime, two lifetimes, and forever."

"Thank you for accompanying me through these days."

"Big stupid pig, promise me... promise me that you will live a happier life."

"After today, forget me, just as if I had never been here."

Gu Zike collapsed and pulled his hair, "Liang Yinan!"

"How do you want me to forget you!"

"It's you! It's you who pulled me out of the abyss of darkness, and it's you who gave me the sunshine, letting the sunshine shine on me for the first time."

"But...but why did you take it away..."

"Why is this happening..."

Liang Yinan, who tried to calm down and said goodbye to Gu Zike properly, also completely broke down and cried at this moment, "I don't want to, I don't want to..."

"I don't want to lose sight of my parents, and I don't want to lose sight of my big stupid pig. ”

“But…but I can’t do anything…”

Ring, ring, ring…

At this moment, the familiar bell for the end of get out of class rang.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

Crash, crash…

At the same time, the dark sky emitted bursts of thunder, and the heavy rain swept across the city of Jian’an like a waterfall.

“Big stupid pig, I have to go. Remember to promise me that you will live a good life in the future.”

Gu Zike yelled madly, “No! No!”

This was the first time he showed such a bad mood in front of Liang Yinan. He reached out to grab Liang Yinan, but found that he couldn’t hold it.

“Big stupid pig, go back, it’s time…”

Liang Yinan’s clear voice like an oriole reached Gu Zike’s ears.

“I don’t want you to leave. I have a way. I must have a way! "Gu Zike said as he hugged Liang Yinan tightly.

But no matter what he did, he could no longer touch the girl.

It was as if the girl was like air, impossible to hold.

Gu Zike was numb, Liang Yinan's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if she had never existed.

The heavy rain was still pouring down, and the cicadas were calling in the nanmu bushes in front of the teaching building. Everything was the same as usual, but everything was different from usual.

"How could this happen? !"

"Liang Yinan, come out! Come out!"

Gu Zike shouted around, but got no response...



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