The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Sister Gu, don't you..."

Before Liang Yinan finished speaking, Gu Wancheng interrupted with a sweet smile, "Let's go, little sister, I'll go with you."

Gu Zike, who was half sitting on the bed, frowned, his face full of confusion, "Gu Wancheng, what medicine did you take today?"

He sent a text message to Gu Wancheng, saying that he wanted to meet with Gu Wancheng to talk about Dong Jianshen.

This kind of thing naturally needs to be discussed alone, not because Liang Yinan is not trustworthy.

But Gu Zike doesn't want the lively and happy Liang Yinan to know that there is such a dark possibility.

"No matter what, you can't help me with the discharge procedures, you have already..."

Gu Zike said halfway, and then signaled Gu Wancheng with his eyes, "You have already entered my ward, and now you have to help me with the discharge procedures."

"At this time, if Gu Shanhe knew about this, it would inevitably alert the enemy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Wancheng's footsteps paused. She naturally saw what Gu Zike meant.

She smiled and said; "It doesn't matter."

From Gu Zike's current performance, Gu Wancheng could see that Gu Zike didn't want his girlfriend Liang Yinan to know about this.

"After all, I am your elder sister."

She also gave Gu Zike a reassuring look, as if to say "Everything is under my control, I can solve this little thing in a minute."

"So, you don't have to worry."


Gu Zike's sentence "I'm fine now, let's forget it together." has not been finished yet.

He felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and the pain made him feel weak instantly.


"Big stupid pig!"

Gu Wancheng and Liang Yinan saw Gu Zike holding his stomach with a very bad face, and ran over quickly.

"What's wrong, big stupid pig?" Liang Yinan bit her thin lips tightly, feeling panic.

Gu Wancheng felt sour in her heart, "Does your stomach hurt? Wait, I'll call a doctor!"


Gu Zike exhaled heavily, "I'm fine, just take a rest, go and help me get a discharge certificate."

Liang Yinan shook her little head, "Big stupid pig, your face is not good, you just listen and let the doctor take a look at you."

"You don't lack anything now, you don't have to be stubborn." Gu Wancheng said truthfully; "Money, connections, we don't lack anything."

The sharp pain, like a fleeting firework, disappeared without a trace.

Gu Zike rubbed his stomach twice and smiled faintly, "It's okay, it's really okay."

"It's just an old problem. It hasn't happened for a long time. Maybe it's because I didn't eat well today."

He didn't expect that the little lie he just told Uncle Liang would actually be verified on him.

But Gu Zike didn't think it was a big deal. It was just the root of the disease he had in the Gu family.

During the year in the Gu family, Gu Zike was often locked in the toilet, the shortest was one night, the longest was one day and one night.

And during the time he was locked in the toilet, most of the time he didn't eat a grain of rice.

He was so hungry in there that Aunt Yu would secretly open the toilet door to give Gu Zike something to eat when the Gu family was not at home, but only a few times.

After all, Sun Liping, this crazy woman, had nothing to do all day and rarely went out.

It was also because of this that Gu Zike became malnourished and occasionally had stomachaches.

It was not until Gu Zike severed his relationship with the Gu family that his symptoms gradually eased.

Sometimes, Gu Zike even felt that the hell of the Gu family was much more painful than the hell of the alcoholic adoptive father and the gambling adoptive mother.

"Remember to eat well in the future, don't... don't get malnourished like before." Gu Wancheng lowered her head in shame, she gently patted Liang Yinan's shoulder and said softly;

"Little sister, you stay here with him, I'll go get him a discharge certificate."

After that, Gu Wancheng walked out of the ward alone.

When Gu Wancheng just stepped out of the door, Liang Yinan suddenly said; "Sister Gu, I'll go with you."

Gu Zike was slightly startled, he couldn't understand why these two people were so close when they met for the first time.

Questions flashed through his mind, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

Gu Zike looked at Liang Yinan's beautiful back, little

"This little stupid pig..."

"I want to talk to Gu Wancheng, let me and Gu Wancheng ease the relationship..."


After Liang Yinan and Gu Wancheng completed the discharge procedures for Gu Zike.

Just as Gu Zike thought, Liang Yinan gently pulled Gu Wancheng's wrist, whispered softly with a hint of pleading, and said with cherry lips;

"Sister Gu, I heard Gu Zike talk about his family."

"I don't know why, each of you treats him like that."

"He is really a very good boy."

She looked at Gu Wancheng seriously and said; "Sister Gu, I saw your attitude towards Gu Zike after you appeared today."

"I know you want to reconcile with Gu Zike."

"But when I came into contact with him It will be hard for him to forgive you. I will talk to him more. "

"Sister Gu, I hope you will treat him well if you really ease the relationship with him in the future."

"Don't misunderstand him, ignore him, and bully him like before."

Liang Yinan continued to speak with emotion and reason; "After all, Sister Gu, you have the same blood in your body."

"You are his biological sister, and he is your biological brother."

"So, Sister Gu, can you promise me?"

Liang Yinan's words lingered in Gu Wancheng's ears for a long time.

Gu Wancheng did not respond directly to Liang Yinan, but looked at her steadily. After a long silence, she smiled and said, "Little sister, why do you say this as a parting gift?"

"I... I am afraid that if I am not by his side one day, he will be alone again." Liang Yinan bit her lips lightly, her little hands buckling her trouser line,

"I don't want him to step into the darkness again."

Hearing Liang Yinan's words, Gu Wancheng's long-sealed heart felt very depressed.

She couldn't help but think of her first love, and the boy who treated her well in every way.

But because of Gu Shanhe, he disappeared without a trace...

"Little sister, what are you talking about?!" Gu Wancheng held Liang Yinan's hand and said earnestly;

"I don't know what trouble you are in, but you must remember that if you miss it, you will miss it forever..."

"You are also in Jian'an City, I believe you should know me."

"Little sister, so what trouble did you encounter?"

"Tell me, I will help you... I will definitely help you..."



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