If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 1 A great start, bragging about the system!

Eastern Wilderness.

Taixuan Sect, Outer Gate.

In a low thatched hut, a pale young man leaned quietly on the bedside, receiving a memory that did not belong to him in his mind.

After a long time.

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, looked at the furnishings in the hut with helplessness, and sighed softly:

"I probably traveled through time..."

After two and a half hours, Su Chen finally accepted the fact of traveling through time.

In his previous life, he was a 996 social animal on Blue Star.

He was still working overtime to make a plan the previous second.

Unexpectedly, he came here the next second.


His start was not good!

His current identity is an outer disciple of Taixuan Sect.

Not long ago.

In order to complete the sect mission, he took four fellow disciples to the wild mountains to form a team to train.

But he did not expect that the hostile sect Wuji Sect had set a trap early.

He was poisoned and crushed the sect token at a critical moment, attracting the rescue of the nearby elders.

After that, the original host's memory was gone.

Su Chen estimated that the original host should have died at that time.

"What a pitfall!"

"At the beginning, he was poisoned, his meridians were damaged, and he couldn't move. Is this different from being dead?"

"What a sin! It's better not to travel through time like this!"

"Other people's travels are all Long Aotian's scripts, but my travels feel like a script of a passerby!"

Su Chen looked up at the sky speechlessly.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that his body was as if there were millions of ants gnawing at him.

Now, except for his mouth, no other part of his body could move.

"I don't want to travel through time like this!"


At this moment, Su Chen's heart trembled suddenly.


[God-level boasting system, binding. ]

[God-level boasting system binding successfully! ]



Su Chen heard the mechanical sound in his mind, and his body was immediately shaken.

"Sure enough, as a time traveler, the system is standard!"

"System, quickly introduce your function."

[Dear host, this system has only one function, that is bragging! ]

[As long as others continue to flatter the host, the system will assume that the boasted things have come true and reward the host! ]

[The number of people who brag depends on the difficulty of the boasted things! ]

[Note: The host himself cannot have any verbal or physical hints to let others brag about him! ]


"Isn't this just bragging to get stronger?"

"By the way, are the systems of time travelers so fancy now?"

Su Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the introduction of the system.

This system is really a bit novel for Su Chen, who had read all the online articles in his previous life.

[System testing...]

[Host: Su Chen]

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation Realm Seventh Level (Death at Any Time)]

[Arts; Taixuan Jue]

[Martial Arts: None...]

Su Chen: "..."

Seeing this system panel, Su Chen suddenly wanted to ask:

System, are you polite?

"By the way, Tongzi."

"I see that other people's novice gift packs are all kinds of magical tools and skills. Why haven't I found my novice gift pack yet?"

Su Chen asked impatiently.

In his current situation, if he wants to continue to survive, he can only put his hope on the system's novice gift pack.

[Ding! This system does not support novice gift packs for the time being! ]

Su Chen: "..."

"I thought it was awesome after hearing the introduction, but I didn't expect you to be a copycat system!"

Hearing the system's mechanical and cold prompt sound, Su Chen couldn't help but complain.

Is this system manufactured in Huaqiangbei?

It doesn't even have a novice gift pack.

Without a novice gift pack, he may be broken at any time.

It can be said that...

There is almost no difference between having this system and not having it!

He still can't escape death after all!


Just when Su Chen gave up completely and was ready to wait for death, the system's prompt sound suddenly came from his mind:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host, the boasting host was found! 】

[Boasting content: Senior Brother Su Chen will definitely be able to return to normal: 1/25]

Hearing the system prompt sound coming from his mind, Su Chen was stunned.


Is someone bragging about himself?

According to the system prompt sound, as long as twenty-five people brag, the poison in his body will be completely eliminated?

Thinking of this.

Su Chen's face showed joy.

The family behind the original host is the one behind the city.

On weekdays, he would often exchange cultivation experiences with other disciples.

Occasionally, he would distribute some cultivation resources to his junior brothers and sisters.

So his popularity is very good, and he is deeply liked by some junior brothers and sisters.


His current situation has spread throughout the outer sect of Taixuan Sect.

Twenty-five people...

It shouldn't take long for him.

"It's really a village with light after darkness!"

Su Chen said excitedly in his heart.

[Boasting: Senior Brother Su Chen will definitely be able to recover: 2/25]

[Boasting: Senior Brother Su Chen will definitely be able to recover: 3/25]


A series of system prompts sounded in Su Chen's mind.

His heart was finally at ease.

All he had to do now was to wait quietly.

At the same time.

The outer gate of Taixuan Sect was about three kilometers away from Su Chen's residence.

A group of outer disciples gathered together and were talking about Su Chen:

"Wuji Sect is really abominable!"

"Yes! They actually poisoned Senior Brother Su Chen. I heard that even the elders were helpless against the poison in Senior Brother Su Chen..."

"Wuji Sect is really shameless to the extreme!"

"Senior Brother Su Chen is so kind on weekdays, how could he offend their Wuji Sect? They actually asked them to send out dozens of outer disciples to plot for Senior Brother Su Chen!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around them were silent instantly.

It is well known that Taixuan Sect and Wuji Sect have always been at odds.

Frictions often occur between disciples, which is commonplace.

But they never dare to kill people openly.

It's just.

I didn't expect that they would dare to plot poisoning.

"Humph! Anyway, I don't believe that Senior Brother Su Chen will get into trouble!"

Just then,

A disciple dressed in the outer sect uniform of Taixuan Sect spoke in a cold voice with a firm tone.

As soon as the voice fell, several other disciples echoed:

"I don't believe it either!"

"How could Senior Brother Su Chen be in trouble? Anyway, I don't believe it!"


These disciples have all received favors from Su Chen and have great respect for him.


They don't want to believe that Su Chen will really get into trouble.

"Everyone, rest assured, Senior Brother Su Chen will definitely not get into trouble."

"He has encountered danger more than once or twice, and he has survived every time?"

"It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, so we must believe it this time too!"

Cao Yun looked at the many outer sect disciples in front of him and said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

Since Su Chen joined Taixuan Sect for three years, he has indeed encountered too many dangers, but he survived every time.

He even got a lot of benefits from a blessing in disguise.

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