If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 10: Such a junior sister is the easiest to deceive

As one of the top sects in the Great Chu Dynasty, Taixuan Sect is as prosperous as a large city.

In addition to the standard martial arts arena, scripture pavilion, and library, there are also institutions such as the Law Enforcement Hall, the Weapon Refining Hall, and the Medicine Refining Hall.

Due to the large number of disciples, Taixuan Sect even has its own trading market.

Because the sect is strong and occupies a large area, each outer disciple has an independent thatched hut.

Su Chen, who had just left the thatched hut, met many familiar fellow disciples before he took two steps.

"Brother Su!"

"Hello, Brother Su!"

Many disciples greeted Su Chen enthusiastically and actively when they saw him, and Su Chen smiled and nodded in response.

In this area of ​​the outer sect, many disciples have been instructed by Su Chen and respect him very much.

"So Su Chen is my senior brother? He is really handsome."

"Senior Brother Su Chen is so handsome..."

"Aren't you confused about your practice? Now that Senior Brother Su Chen is here, why don't you go and ask for advice?"


"Of course, Senior Brother Su Chen is kind. As long as you ask sincerely, he will definitely give you advice."

Walking along the bluestone-paved road, the figures of outer disciples gradually increased.

Su Chen could hear some conversations from time to time.


"Senior Brother Su!"

Just then, a timid and ethereal voice sounded.

Su Chen's heart moved.

He knew the opportunity had come!

But he remained calm and indifferent on the surface.

He slowly stopped and turned around.

I saw a clean and pretty girl walking towards him under the push of several female disciples.

"Junior sister, what's wrong?"

Su Chen smiled like a spring breeze and said in a gentle voice.

Unlike the indifference and slight superiority of other senior brothers and sisters, Su Chen's smile like spring breeze relieved the tension of this junior sister.


"Senior Brother Su, I have a question about cultivation that I want to ask you."

This little junior sister was a little shy, and her big eyes with clear black and white and watery eyes were a little afraid to look directly at Su Chen.

"Tell me, senior brother will tell you everything you know."

Su Chen nodded gently and looked at the little junior sister in front of him with a smile.

He had never seen this little junior sister in front of him, and thought she should have just joined Taixuan Sect not long ago.

Such a little junior sister is the easiest to deceive...

Oh, no.

It should be the easiest to establish trust.


The little junior sister heard this, and her eyes suddenly lit up and said excitedly.

She thought she would be rejected again.

Before this, she had been rejected by several senior brothers and sisters.

Su Chen smiled faintly and nodded gently, saying, "Of course it's true."

"Brother Su, I always feel that I can't exert my full strength when performing the Taixuan Sword Style..."

"I asked the elders before, but I couldn't break through that barrier. Do you know what's going on?"

The little sister frowned slightly while speaking, her face full of distress.

There are many outer disciples of Taixuan Sect, and no one has a master. Only the elders of the outer sect will collectively teach and preach.

However, the elders of the outer sect are very busy and have limited time to preach, so they can't answer every disciple's question.

This little sister has been confused all the time. The strength of the familiar fellow disciples around her is not much different from hers, and they can't give her any advice.

After she asked three or four senior brothers and sisters for advice and hit a wall in succession, she was completely discouraged.

This time, she was able to muster up the courage to ask Su Chen for advice entirely because of the instigation of several fellow disciples who had a good relationship with her.

"When performing the Taixuan Sword Style, you must grasp the speed of the spiritual power running, and the body must also maintain a high degree of coordination to exert your full strength."

Su Chen looked at the little sister in front of him and said gently.

Taixuan Sword Style is the unique basic sword style of Taixuan Sect, and it is also a required martial art for Taixuan Sect entry.

Su Chen has naturally practiced it before, and has already practiced it to perfection. For this little problem, it is naturally easy to solve.

"How about this, you practice it for me on the spot."

Su Chen looked at the little sister in front of him who seemed to understand but didn't understand, and spoke again.


The little sister took a deep breath and said in a clear voice.

Then, she walked back a few steps, and after a little distance from Su Chen, she began to perform Taixuan Sword Style.

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