If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 137: Sending demon pills thousands of miles away, special physique? [Please read on! ]

"Bastard thing!"

Elder Wang jumped up and down in anger, pointed at the dragon and cursed.

On weekdays, the dragon that was always invincible was actually hit hard today.

This is simply unacceptable to Elder Wang!

To know.

He spent a lot of effort and resources to cultivate this dragon.

But now.

This dragon was defeated many times in Su Chen's hands.

"Su is very grateful to you for sending the demon pill thousands of miles away."

"Since you are so kind, Su will accept it."

Su Chen said with a faint smile.


next moment.

The energy and blood in his body boiled and penetrated the sky.

A black light shot up from his Heavenly Spirit Cap and pierced the sky.

Everything around was stained with a sense of destruction, as if a god had descended into the world.

Even the Azure Dragon Sword in his hand was covered with a layer of destruction.


"This is...the law of destruction?!"

Seeing the strange phenomenon on Su Chen's body, Elder Wang seemed to have thought of something. His pupils suddenly dilated, his face was full of disbelief, and his dry throat forced out four words:

"The Law of Destruction!"

No matter what it is, as long as the word "law" is attached, it will not be simple!

"That's it, that's it..."

"It turns out that his talent is so incredible..."

Elder Wang suddenly understood what he couldn't understand in the past.

No wonder Su Chen's strength is so incredible...

No wonder he can fight against more than ten geniuses on his own in the Hundred Demons Battlefield...

He has understood the power of the law of emotion!

If he had known that Su Chen had understood the Law of Destruction, he would not have dared to offend Su Chen even to death.

Even if the other party kills their Wuji Sect's genius.

They can only swallow this bitter pill.

Being able to comprehend the power of law in this realm...

Such talent is rare forever!

The rise of such a being is unstoppable!


Everything is irreversible now.

The only thing he can do now is to kill Su Chen here before he fully rises.


Just a few more years.


Maybe it won't take a few years, maybe it will only take a year, and their Wuji Sect will be buried with Situ Feng!


Think of this.

Elder Wang no longer hesitated.

He shouted loudly, and his whole aura increased to the extreme at this moment.

He bit his finger, used the blood as a medium, and quickly carved a rune in the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Quickly drive the runes into the dragon's body.

"hold head high!!!"

The dragon looked up to the sky and roared, its body full of divine splendor rising into the sky.

Half of the originally black scales turned into gold, and even his strength increased dramatically.

The extremely rich dragon power fell overwhelmingly, sweeping in all directions.

"So what if you understand the power of the law?"

"If you provoke me, you will die!"

Elder Wang's voice was cold, and his eyes flashed with a murderous intent.

He commanded the dragon to kill Su Chen quickly.

This time.

The dragon's speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to react.

hard to imagine.

This is the speed that a dragon with a length of several hundred feet can possess.

Su Chen turned sideways slightly, and the dragon's claws rubbed his body and clawed towards the mountain peak not far away.


There was a loud noise.

The mountain peak was grabbed into powder by the dragon's claws.

Dragon Claw attacked continuously and captured dozens of mountains in a row.

For a while.

The rocks penetrated the sky, and the smoke and dust filled the air, covering dozens of miles in radius.

Su Chen, who had temporarily avoided the sharp edge, also saw some clues.

He did not continue to dodge, he held the sword in one hand and struck out decisively.


The red flame meteor slashes out!

There was a loud bang.

The entire sky was flooded with blazing light, carrying the terrifying meaning of the Law of Destruction.


The Red Flame Meteor Slash and the Flood Dragon collided together.

The huge body was knocked out in an instant, the bones all over the body creaked, and the blood filled the sky as if it was free.

After smashing into a mountain, the dragon's huge body was completely buried underneath.

"Little Jiao!"

Elder Wang shouted loudly, his whole body dripping with cold sweat, his face pale and weak.

His biggest support is the dragon.

But at this moment, his biggest supporter was beaten to death by Su Chen.

If he is the only one left...

Before he could figure it out, the sky was instantly covered in blazing red light.

Su Chen stepped forward, raised the Canglong Sword high, and slashed straight at Elder Wang.

With this blow, all directions will be destroyed!

Elder Wang's whole body was glowing with light, and he pushed forward with both hands, but as soon as he came into contact with the Red Flame Meteor Slash, his muscles and bones were instantly broken, and his whole body was blasted into the depths of the earth.


The earth trembled, and ripples appeared on the ground like an ocean, spreading in all directions.

Looking at Elder Wang and the dragon who were no longer moving below, Su Chen was still a little worried.

He slashed out several more red flame meteors one after another.

For a while.

The ground cracked, and the rocks shattered high into the sky like smoke, forming a vast expanse that blocked the sky and the sun.

a long time.

Only then did Su Chen stop what he was doing.

He estimated in his heart that this wave should be stable. He glanced below and then looked at the other two places to slash out.

Because it was shrouded in the secrets of Dayan World, the situation on the battlefield was one-sided.

The two elders of Wuji Sect could only passively take the beating, and it was only a matter of time before they fell.

Without any worries in his heart, Su Chen slowly fell downwards and began to look for Elder Wang's storage ring.


At the same time.

In the distance.

The Great Shang Dynasty's Changping Marquis withdrew his gaze in shock.

He tried to calm himself down, then looked at Wu'an Marquis beside him and whispered:


"You are right!"

Back then.

When Guanjun Marquis killed the first late-stage Divine Sea Realm powerhouse, he was only one step away from entering the middle-stage Divine Sea Realm.


They have witnessed new history again!

That is, the Tianjiao who had just broken through the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm killed a veteran late-stage Divine Sea Realm powerhouse!


The most terrifying thing is that he killed two at once!

Elder Wang and the dragon under his feet are both late-stage Divine Sea Realm powerhouses.

At the moment.

But they were killed by Su Chen alone, which is a very remarkable news.

If it were spread out.

I'm afraid that the entire Great Chu Dynasty will set off a tsunami!

What's even more terrifying is.

They found that this Tianjiao who had just broken through the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm seemed to have comprehended the power of the law!

You know.

The power of the law, that is something that only the Quasi-Saint Realm can touch!

The Divine Sea Realm comprehended the power of the law...

If this news spreads, I'm afraid even the Great Shang Dynasty will be shaken.

This is even rarer than a special physique!

"You said..."

"Is there a possibility... He also has a special physique?"

Wu Anhou pondered for a moment and suddenly spoke.

Hearing this, Changping Hou was stunned.

Special physique?

Like the special divine body of Guanjun Hou?

"Should... right?"

Changping Hou looked at Su Chen who was looking for Elder Wang's storage ring and said slowly.

If it wasn't a special physique, how could he explain the fact that he comprehended the power of the law in the Divine Sea Realm?

They both didn't believe that a mortal's talent was so amazing that he could comprehend the power of the law in the Divine Sea Realm!

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