If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 170: Factional strife, it seems that it is time to start [Please read on! ]

In the imperial capital of Great Shang, many people were talking about it.

There are people who can't stand the champion, and of course there is no shortage of supporters of the champion.

In the crowd, everyone held their own opinions.

For a time, no one could convince anyone.


Everyone's eyes fell on the golden chariot.

Wherever the chariot passed, pedestrians on the street gave way and lined up on both sides in tacit understanding.

Just when the golden chariot was slowly moving forward under the leadership of the blond eunuch.

The end of the road.

There was an uproar.

Thousands of people stood together in front of them, completely blocking the road.

Only the roads on both sides are left, which can only accommodate two people.


The blond eunuch looked at the commotion ahead, with a sneer on his lips and murmured in a low voice.

If you compare the Dashang Dynasty to a sect.

At this moment, the Great Shang Imperial Capital at your feet is where the sect’s headquarters is!

Here, there are a lot of Nirvana Realm experts, including several Quasi-Saint Realm experts.


Deep in the imperial capital, there are still strong men in the saint realm!

And the identity of the champion can be regarded as the holy son of this great force!

Su Chen's defeat of Champion Hou was equivalent to a slap in the face for everyone in the younger generation of the Great Shang Dynasty.

If Su Chen can enter the residence smoothly today, then there will be a ghost!

"Little friend Su Chen, there seems to be some commotion ahead. We may not be able to pass in a short time. How about I take you on a detour? Is that feasible?"

The blond eunuch turned around, looked at the golden chariot, and said very thoughtfully.

He is only responsible for leading the way and does not care about other things.

Opening his mouth now is just to remind Su Chen.

If Su Chen really had a conflict with the person in front of him, he would have his own excuse.

After all, he had already tried to persuade her.

If there was a conflict, it would just be Su Chen's insistence on going his own way.


If Su Chen agreed to take a detour, everything might be fine today.

But come tomorrow, I am afraid that Su Chen will not be able to pass safely in the capital of the Shang Empire.

If he gave in the first time, he must give in the second time!

Back and forth.

What Saint Son Taixuan cannot do in the capital of Shang Dynasty will spread to all the major forces around him.

By then.

The prestige of Taixuan Holy Sect, the newly promoted holy land, will become a complete joke.

By then, no one will take Taixuan Shengsong seriously.

The air was slightly stagnant.

The golden chariot also stopped.

There was a stream of light on the chariot, and curtains were fluttering. Among them was a slender figure wearing purple robes, sitting in it.

He was like a banished immortal coming to this world, with a divine light shining through his dark eyes.

"Who is blocking the road ahead?"

Su Chen said calmly.

He had expected what happened today.

Not to mention being a champion, if you were defeated by others, but the winner had to enter the Taixuan Holy Sect openly, you would probably encounter such a situation.

"To be honest with the Holy Son, the people causing the commotion on the road ahead are none other than the Duke of Qi, Qi Poyue, and several other young princes."

"The other one is Yang Kai, the concubine of Duke Lieguo!"

The blond eunuch smiled and explained.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the situation ahead.

It's just a group of princes' children bullying another prince's children.

Due to the high status of both parties, no one in the entire street dared to come forward to persuade them. They could only stand aside and watch the excitement.


"So this is ah!"

After hearing this, Su Chen said meaningfully.

Before coming to Dashang Dynasty, Su Chen had some understanding of all the powerful people in Dashang Dynasty.

Especially the existence of those titled Dukes.

after all.

Dynasties are different from sects.

In the final analysis, the dynasty is a replica of the imperial court in the secular world.

The struggle for power and intrigues in the court are no less than those in the ordinary court.

Since these people all have long lifespans, the competition is naturally more cruel.

Behind Qi Guo Gong represents the founding nobles, while Lie Guo Gong represents the new nobles.

Both factions dislike each other.

Before Su Chen came, the two factions were at war with each other.

Now that Su Chen is here, I guess the young Duke of Qi wants to suppress Yang Kai and at the same time cause some trouble for Su Chen.


The blond eunuch seemed to have remembered something and continued:

"If I remember correctly, the Champion Hou was a subordinate of the Duke of Qi in the past, and the Champion Hou and the Little Duke of Qi had a close relationship."


"is that so?"

Su Chen understood in his heart and glanced at the blond eunuch again.

Is he hinting to himself that today's disaster must be carried out?

The relationship between Xiao Qi Duke and Champion Hou is irreversible.

He can make people do it!

But he could not let himself alone.

"I wonder if we can take action in the imperial capital?"

Su Chen pondered for a moment and then asked.

The words just fell.

The blond eunuch didn't even have time to answer.


at this time.

There was a loud noise.

among the crowd in the distance.

A pitch-black figure flew backwards like a cannonball.

The opponent is very fast.

Before anyone had time to react, the figure quickly hit the golden chariot where Su Chen was.


"It seems we can take action."

Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him and whispered.

The words fell.

The red energy and blood all over his body burst out, and the light shone in the night sky. The powerful energy was like a vast ocean covering all directions.

Everyone couldn't help but tremble.

When they looked at the golden chariot, they couldn't help but show a look of fear in their eyes.

It was as if there was a supreme god sitting inside, capable of annihilating countless living beings in an instant.

Su Chen looked at the flying figure and flicked his finger.


An invisible force emitted, catching the flying figure firmly and placing it on the ground.

Land on your feet.

Only then did Yang Kai come back to his senses.

He took a deep look at the golden chariot in front of him, with endless gratitude in his eyes, and slightly cupped his hands and said:

"My majesty, Yang Kai, thank you very much, Holy Son Taixuan, for coming to the rescue!"

"It's just a little effort."

Su Chen responded casually.

The words fell.

A jade box flew out of the chariot.

The jade box is enveloped in endless light, blocking out the prying eyes of the divine consciousness, making it impossible for outsiders to see clearly what is in the jade box.

"Meeting is fate, and the things inside are given to you."

Since the people around the champion are looking for trouble.

Then Su Chen wouldn't mind playing with them and making them sick by the way.

They insulted Yang Kai.

Then help Yang Kai!

As his plain words fell, the jade box slowly floated in front of Yang Kai.


Yang Kai suddenly froze on the spot.

At this time, he looked very embarrassed, the hair crown on his head had been knocked off, and there was a particularly eye-catching footprint on his chest.

He straightened his clothes, raised his hands towards the golden chariot again and said:

"The sage said that receiving salary without merit can easily lead to greed. Today is just my first meeting with the Holy Son. How can I be casual..."

"Oh, he's still a Confucianist!"

Su Chen chuckled.

Third update!

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