Obviously, Su Chen's entry into the forbidden realm caught Mu Qingxue's master off guard.

When Mu Qingxue's mood was already turbulent, her reminder came.

"Yes, Master."

Mu Qingxue heard this and let out a long sigh of relief, responding softly in her heart.

"This is the last time!"

"My mood must not be disturbed again!"

Mu Qingxue said secretly in her heart.

Su Chen made her mood fluctuate one after another. If it weren't for her master's reminder, I'm afraid she would have broken her skills long ago.

Seeing that the Three Thousand Qing Palace Jue was about to enter, she must not break her skills and ruin it!

"Old Xie!!!"

In the distance.

Elder Li and Elder Wang turned their heads at the same time and stared at Elder Xie.

That look made him want to eat Elder Xie in one bite.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I didn't say he entered the forbidden realm, but I didn't say he wasn't!"

Elder Xie spread his hands innocently and said.

Because they had known that Su Chen had entered the forbidden realm, he was the calmest among the elders, without any shock.

Elder Wang saw Elder Xie's innocent face, and his mouth twitched fiercely.

Thinking carefully, it seemed to be true.

Elder Xie did not admit that Su Chen had entered the forbidden realm, nor did he deny that he had entered the forbidden realm.

It was just that they heard some outer disciples' boasting, and coupled with the impression that Su Chen was still in the seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm two months ago, they formed a wrong judgment.

They thought it was impossible for him to break through the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm and enter the legendary forbidden realm in such a short time.

"You old sinister..."


Elder Wang's face flushed, and he held it in for a long time, ready to burst out a swear word.

But thinking carefully, there were so many outer disciples watching, which would damage his image, so he had to hold it back.

Elder Li also looked at Elder Xie deeply.

Although he was mentally prepared, when the incident really happened, he was still a little unbelievable, and the excitement in his heart could not calm down for a long time.

In two months, he jumped from the seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm to the ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm, and at the same time, he also stepped into the legendary forbidden realm.

This kind of thing is simply outrageous!

But it happened right in front of his eyes!

In fact.

What Elder Li didn't know was that Su Chen didn't spend two months to achieve this step, but completed it in just one day!

If Elder Li knew the truth, I'm afraid his shock would reach an unprecedented peak.

Not only him, but the entire Taixuan Sect would be shocked by it.

Different from the shock of the elders and many outer disciples.

There is such a group of people, they are excited, and their eyes are full of fanaticism when looking at Su Chen.

That is almost the expression when facing faith.

This group of people are Su Chen's most staunch supporters!

They are either full of goodwill and trust for Su Chen, or full of admiration, or secretly affection, or a combination of multiple emotions.

They firmly believe that Su Chen has entered the legendary forbidden realm, and they also argue with reason when facing doubters.

But the supporters of Liu Yang, Lu Zhen, Mu Qingxue and others continued to question and even ridicule, which inevitably made them angry.

They also hoped that Su Chen could quickly enter the first level to show his true strength and shut up the doubters with facts!

Now, their wish has finally come true!

Su Chen shocked the audience with his cultivation in the forbidden realm, and there was no more doubt in the audience!

The excitement of Cao Yun, He Jing and others almost reached its peak.

The depression and anger caused by other people's doubts also disappeared at this moment.

Looking around, you can still see the shock left on everyone's faces.

He Jing looked at Su Chen's figure in the field, his heart pounding, and the blood in his body accelerated.

Cao Yun's eyes were filled with extreme doubt.

When everyone is full of doubts or even sarcasm about your words, you feel aggrieved but helpless.

However, the next moment, the other party was slapped in the face.

And the person who helped you slap your face is the person you admire the most. Is there anything more gratifying than this?

Cao Yun didn't know, but at this moment he felt that this was the most gratifying moment. He felt that his mood was relaxed, and all the pores in his body were dilated.

He always believed that Su Chen had entered the forbidden realm.

Facts proved that his belief was not wrong!

In addition to Cao Yun, He Jing and other people who had been instructed by Su Chen, their goodwill and trust in Su Chen had reached the peak.

There were also some people who did not have a particularly high degree of goodwill and trust in him, at least they would not fanatically praise him.

These people did not believe that Su Chen had entered the forbidden realm before, and they had always been skeptical in their hearts.

But at this moment, the doubts in their hearts had completely disappeared.

"The first level..."


The shock caused by Su Chen lasted for a long time, and the voice of the monitoring elder came late.

As the voice of the monitoring elder fell, Su Chen slowly walked towards the second formation.

This level is a practical level, and soon everyone will know how powerful the cultivators who entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm are.

"If I remember correctly, Senior Brother Su Chen's training should also be the upper-grade Yellow Rank Phantom Moon, right?"

An outer sect disciple who had received Su Chen's instruction twice suddenly asked.

The emotion and excitement still remained on his face.

"That's right, it's Phantom Moonlight!"

A junior brother next to him nodded and said.

"Then what state do you think Senior Brother Su Chen's Phantom Moon has reached? Great achievement or perfection?"


"It must be perfect!"

Another junior brother shouted with determination.

He had just joined Taixuan Sect not long ago, and he didn't know what it meant for a Qi Gathering monk to cultivate a yellow-level high-grade Phantom Yuexia to perfection.

But because of his blind worship, he believed that a monster like Su Chen should cultivate Phantom Moon to perfection!

[Perfection under the Phantom Moon: 1/150]

[Perfection under the Phantom Moon: 1/150]

Before formally entering the second level of the formation, the virtual panel popped out in front of Su Chen's eyes.

"Senior Brother Su Chen has definitely cultivated Phantom Moonlight to perfection!"

After hearing what this junior brother said, Cao Yun nodded seriously and then began to analyze.

"Most monks in the Qi Gathering Realm practice low- to middle-grade Huang-level body and martial arts skills. If you can master the mid-to-low-grade Huang-level body and martial arts skills in the Qi-Gathering Realm to a small degree, you can be called a little genius!"

"And the top geniuses, such as Senior Sister Mu Qingxue, they practice high-grade Huang-level body movements and martial arts. They can usually practice them to great achievements, and they are only one step away from perfection!"

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