If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 188 The power of the physical body, taking all the credit?


Duke Qi, who was in the late stage of Nirvana Realm, used all his strength to meet Su Chen's attack.


He didn't take any advantage, and both palms shattered in the void.


In the sky.

The Duke of Qi stood proudly here, and the strong wind blew his robes, making a hunting sound.

His dark eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Su Chen below, with a solemn expression, and murmured in a low voice:


"Is this the Nine Transformations Golden Body Technique of Xiaoleiyin Temple?"

He has seen the Nine-turn Golden Body Art, one of the two top-level holy powers in Xiaoleiyin Temple.

He also participated in the battle that destroyed Xiaoleiyin Temple a hundred years ago, and he had seen an eminent monk using this high-level sacred power.

Under the realm of saints.

It is difficult for anyone to break through the physical defense of the Nine Turns Golden Body Art.

In general.

Xiaoleiyin Temple only allows eminent monks in the Divine Sea Realm to practice.

But even so.

There are still not many monks who can get started quickly.

at the moment.

Su Chen disappeared for only half a year.

But look at the power flowing through him...

It seems that his Nine Turns Golden Body Technique has been completed?

This speed is simply incredible!

To know.

The Nine Transformations of the Golden Body Technique is a high-grade divine power at the holy level 1

Even a strong person in the quasi-sage realm would find it very difficult to comprehend.

And Su Chen is only at the peak of Nirvana!

How could he cultivate the magical power of a high-ranking saint to a small level in just half a year?

His understanding...

How outrageous is it?

"Good vision."

Su Chen spoke calmly.


The void fluctuates.

The Canglong Sword appeared, its snow-white blade flashing with cold light.

The terrifying evil aura spread crazily from the Canglong Sword, covering hundreds of miles in an instant.

Su Chen held the Canglong Sword in his hand, and his whole aura changed.

In the dark.

There seems to be an aura that destroys everything in the world.

"Tao soldiers!"

Duke Qi's heart sank instantly.

Now that Su Chen has taken out the Taoist soldiers.

That proves that one of them must die in this battle!

"It seems that the Great Shang Dynasty still doesn't know much about you!"

Duke Qi said in a deep voice.

The words fell.

A snow-white thin sword also appeared in his hand, and he rushed towards Su Chen.


Su Chen was not afraid at all and stepped up into the sky. The Canglong Sword in his hand drew a mysterious trajectory and collided with the thin sword.

In an instant.

Sparks shot out and sonorous sounds came.

Endless power swept across all directions.

Mountains were violently shaken into dust, centered on the place where the two men met.

The area within a thousand miles is completely boiling!

Under the sky.

The two figures collided together and started a shocking showdown.

Su Chen directly used the Nine Turns Golden Body Technique to challenge the Duke of Qi with physical force.

He had long wanted to test the power of the Nine Turns Golden Body Technique, and it would be a good idea to test it with the Duke of Qi.

Although Su Chen's Nine Turns Golden Body Technique was only a small success, Duke Qi still had no chance of winning.


There was a loud noise.

In the brilliance that filled the sky, Duke Qi flew out upside down.

Su Chen followed Qi Guogong leisurely.


He took one step forward and was at Duke Qi's side in an instant, with the Canglong Sword sweeping out.


There was suddenly a dark light between heaven and earth.

The surrounding mountains and rivers were trembling at this moment.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Rays of divine light shot out.

Each one is several feet long, and it kills quickly with endless brilliance.

Not close yet, but it gives people a creepy feeling.


"How can this be?"

The Duke of Qi was shocked.

He couldn't believe that Su Chen could be so strong with just his physical strength.

Logically speaking.

If Su Chen doesn't use his spiritual power, although he can't take advantage, he won't be at a disadvantage!

But now.

The fact is here, he can't help but not believe it.

In the fight with Su Chen.

He has been completely put at a disadvantage.

I'm just afraid that after a while, he will be completely defeated!

"You can't be too trustworthy!"

Duke Qi casually smashed several sword lights around him.


A jade slip appeared in the palm of his hand, and he quickly edited two messages and sent them out.

The other two princes were not far away.

As long as he persists for a while, as long as Su Chen doesn't use his spiritual power.

Wait until the other two princes arrive.

By then.

The three of them can definitely kill Su Chen together.

at the same time.

Hundreds of miles away in the void.

An old man in gray robes, holding two bloody heads in his hands, restrained all his aura and stood in a very hidden space, staring at the battle not far away with his dark eyes.

"You can fight like this with a strong person in the late stage of Nirvana just by relying on the power of your physical body..."

"Isn't this Su Chen a little too scary?"

The old man murmured softly.

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"I have long said that my little master is too unfounded. Now it seems that what I said is indeed right. Even without me taking action, the Holy Son Taixuan can defeat these three princes!"

The old man looked down at the two bloody heads in his hands, with a look of helplessness on his face.

In order to win the battle quickly and not attract the attention of others, he almost used all his strength when fighting against the two dukes.

Although he killed the two dukes very quickly, he also suffered some injuries.


The old man smiled and murmured:

"It's all worth it!"

The dukes of the Great Shang Dynasty, even if they are hereditary, are not comparable to ordinary people.

Each of them is in the late Nirvana realm, or even the peak!

There are even quasi-saints!

However, Su Chen can suppress the opponent with just the strength of his body.

This shows Su Chen's potential.

There should be no doubt that he will become a saint in the future.

As long as Su Chen can successfully break through the saint realm.

By then.

With this thigh, the young master will have fewer obstacles on the road to becoming the empress of the Great Shang Dynasty.

Retract the thought.

The old man looked at the battlefield not far away and murmured in a low voice:

"If nothing unexpected happens, the Duke of Qi will escape!"

The two helpers of the Duke of Qi have not arrived yet.

He will naturally notice something wrong.

But he was no match for Su Chen, and there was no other way to go except to escape.


The sound of the clashing swords rang out again, shaking the eight directions.

Duke Qi retreated rapidly in midair.

The knuckles of his right hand cracked, blood kept dripping, and there was horror in his eyes.

"So strong!"

Duke Qi couldn't help but panic.

Su Chen had not yet used his spiritual power, but he had completely suppressed him.

Is this the power of the minor success of the Nine-Turn Golden Body Art?

"Why haven't Duke Wang and Duke Liu arrived yet?"

Duke Qi was extremely anxious. While dealing with Su Chen's skills, he spread his spiritual sense and kept observing the surroundings.

But an incense stick of time passed.

He still didn't see any trace of the two dukes, as if they had not arrived at all.

"Could it be that they, like me, planned to take all the credit from the beginning?"

I don't know why.

Duke Qi thought of this inexplicably.

My mentality exploded...

When I wrote the last chapter, I was live streaming and didn't pay attention to the word count. I thought the word count was about right, so I uploaded it directly...

After I finished, I felt something was wrong, so I quickly checked the word count.

Wow, more than 1,900...

Fortunately, I have plenty of time, so I can still update this chapter!

Please give me some votes to comfort me!

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