If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 201 Saints are everywhere, and Nirvana is worse than a dog!

Su Chen didn't know much about things in ancient times.

It is said that in ancient times, this world was very prosperous.

Saints walk everywhere, and Nirvana is not as good as a dog. It is common even for powerful people in the Great Emperor realm.

Legendary true immortals even often set foot in the world of mortals.

It was a very prosperous era.

In that era, the powerful sects were not like they are now. Anyone with a strong saint status would be renamed the Holy Sect or the Holy Land.

after all.

The strong men in the saint realm in ancient times are just like the strong men in the nirvana realm now. They are very common.

But long ago.

A great change occurred in the world. Dark creatures invaded in large numbers. Even Zhongzhou was not spared.

The battle between local monks and dark creatures caused the entire world to become incomplete.

Since then, the world has completely changed.

The true immortals are almost extinct, and there are not even a few powerful ones in the Great Emperor realm.

Saints, great saints, holy kings, quasi-emperors and other powerful people have become the top powerful people in this world.


As long as there are saints in some sects, they can become the top power.

"I wonder what the status of this God and Demon Sect was in ancient times?"

Su Chen thought secretly in his heart.


at this time.

Mu Qingxue seemed to see through Su Chen's confusion, her red lips parted lightly and said:

"Senior brother."

"As far as I know, even if this Divine Demon Sect was not a first-rate force with the Great Emperor in ancient times, it should still be ranked as a second-rate force."

"In the inheritance they left behind, you may be able to find the inheritance of the Great Saint Realm, and it is also very likely that there will be the inheritance of the powerful Saint King Realm."

"Is that so?"

Su Chen asked curiously after hearing this.


Hearing this, Mu Qingxue nodded slightly, and then continued:

"The ruins of the God and Demon Sect are most likely located in the wild mountains south of the Great Chu Dynasty!"

"I'm afraid that it will be born soon, and the token in the hand of senior brother is the fourth one!"

As soon as these words came out.

Mu Qingxue herself felt a little embarrassed.

These things were all told to her by her master.

Her realm is too low, and being able to see through the origin of this token is already considered well-informed.

If one could infer that this was the fourth piece based on one token, or even know the location of the ruins of the God and Demon Sect, there would be something wrong with this.


The only thing that made her happy was that Su Chen didn't ask any questions, which made Mu Qingxue secretly relieved.

If Su Chen continues to ask.

She really didn't know how to explain it.

You can't expose the mysterious master in your mind, right?

"Junior sister, do you really want to give this thing to me?"

Su Chen looked at Mu Qingxue with a smile and said.

Mu Qingxue was willing to give such a valuable thing to herself. It seemed that this time it was not in vain!

"This thing can be regarded as repaying the kindness of senior brother for taking action this time."

Mu Qingxue nodded gently, her pretty face full of solemnity, and said.

In her opinion.

It's just a token from an ancient sect, it's nothing at all.

Senior Brother Su Chen's action this time was a great favor to her, and she had to express it to some extent.

"Then I'll accept it."

Su Chen nodded lightly and said.

The words fell.

He put the token into the storage ring.

"Senior brother..."

Mu Qingxue said hesitantly.


Su Chen looked up at her with some confusion.

"In recent years, there have been many opportunities within the Chu Dynasty."

"But many opportunities are very weird."

Mu Qingxue frowned slightly and said.

She thought of several things she had experienced.

The Chu Dynasty had a vast territory, and there were countless opportunities from ancient times buried within it.

after all.

Everything left behind by a powerful person in the quasi-sacred realm can be regarded as a chance.

And with the huge base of practitioners, no one can tell clearly how many opportunities are hidden there.

"I have found several ancient ruins by chance."

"But the most precious things among them seem to have disappeared!"


Mu Qingxue thought of the ruins of the ancient Tianpuppet Sect that suddenly appeared a few months ago.

It was a very large sect.

According to the mysterious master in her mind, the ancient Celestial Puppet Sect had at least a Saint King Realm powerhouse in charge in ancient times.

It's just that it was destroyed for some unknown reason.

But even if it is destroyed, there should still be good things in the ruins.

The appearance of the ancient Heavenly Puppet Sect attracted countless strong men to fight for it. Even the Great Chu Dynasty sent several strong men.

But when they go to the place and take a look.

Good guy!

The ruins of the ancient Tianpuppet Sect had actually been swept away long ago.

But the strange thing is that the formations on the periphery of the ruins are intact, and it doesn't look like anyone has entered at all.

This is very confusing to many people.

An opportunity that never existed was unexpectedly taken advantage of.

Countless people have thought about it for a long time, but they haven't come up with any results.


Many people thought it was just an accident.


What many people did not expect was that in the next period of time.

As soon as many opportunities are born, it is discovered that all the most precious treasures are missing.

It doesn't matter if this happens once or twice, it is considered to be just an accident at most.

But as the number increases, the hidden tricks inside become a bit bigger.

"I doubt……"

"The inheritance left by this God and Demon Sect was also taken away in advance!"

Mu Qingxue pondered for a moment and said.

Logically speaking.

Without collecting these four tokens, it is impossible to open the inheritance left by the God and Demon Sect.

But the problem is.

Many ancient sect inheritances that appeared previously also require certain conditions before they can be opened safely.

But it was eventually snatched away.

No one can say clearly whether there are any valuable things left in the current God and Demon Sect.

The reason why she said this was just to remind Su Chen to be prepared to return empty-handed.

Lest the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

"Is there such a thing?"

Su Chen looked a little moved when he heard this.

A beautiful figure appeared in his mind involuntarily.

This issue……

Could it be Ye Ruxue who did it?

He had long guessed that Ye Ruxue, as a reborn person, would rely on her foresight to plunder opportunities and inheritance everywhere.

But he didn't expect Ye Ruxue to be so cruel!

Judging from her posture, is she planning to plunder all the ancient opportunities within the Chu Dynasty?

"With so many opportunities and accumulation of inheritance, coupled with the memories of her previous life."

"I'm afraid Ye Ruxue is no longer weaker than me, even..."

"Stronger than me?"

Su Chen said secretly in his heart.

Immediately, he waved his hand and continued:

"I already know about this, you go and recover from your injuries first."


After hearing this, Mu Qingxue nodded slightly, landed on the ground, found a high mountain, crossed her legs and began to recover from her injuries.

Su Chen saw that Mu Qingxue was beginning to recover from his injuries, and he glanced at the remnants of the Huanyun Sect not far away.

He didn't choose to leave.

If they leave at this time, this group of people will surely loot all the valuables in Huanyun Sect.

If Su Chen wants to leave, he must at least wait until Elder Fan comes over.

He looked down at the people below, pondered for a moment, and walked into the golden chariot.


next moment.

A jade slip appeared in his hand.

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