If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 208 Sneak attack, a showdown between top geniuses!


A loud noise came.

In an instant.

The sky shook, and a terrifying aftermath spread in all directions, shattering the surrounding dust.

Jiang Chen stood on the sky, one hand behind his back, and drops of blood slowly dripped from his palm.


Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath of cold air.

As everyone knows.

Jiang Chen is the Holy Son of the Wuji Demon Sect!

And the Wuji Demon Sect is a sect that specializes in body training. Few people of the same level can break their physical defense.

And now.

There is actually someone who can injure him with one move.

This is simply unbelievable.

Jiang Chen's eyes were cold, and his face was full of coldness.

He glanced indifferently at the void.


He found a mysterious figure.

The other party was covered in golden divine light, and his face could not be seen clearly, let alone his gender.

But intuition told Jiang Chen.

The person who just made a move must be the other party!


"It could be him!"

The Ninth Princess looked at the figure covered by divine light, and a hint of surprise flashed in her dark eyes.

She was too familiar with this mysterious man!

When the Great Chu Dynasty's Hundred Demons Battlefield was opened, it was this person who found her and exchanged a Shenhai Pill for a place to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield.

But what she didn't expect was that only half a year had passed, and they met again here.

"From the power of the other party's attack just now..."

"Her strength is no weaker than that of a Nirvana cultivator!"

The Ninth Princess narrowed her eyes slightly and said secretly in her heart.

"I heard that something extraordinary happened in the Hundred Demons Battlefield that day."

"And this person attacked Su Chen here again. Could it be that he and Su Chen have known each other for a long time?"

The matter of the Hundred Demons Battlefield was forcibly suppressed by the Great Chu Dynasty.

Even as the Ninth Princess of the Great Chu Dynasty, she only knew some superficial things.


She didn't have as much information as the eldest prince!

Right now.

This mysterious man, whose gender is unknown, appeared. Judging from his attitude, the relationship between the two is definitely not ordinary!

And if he wants to cooperate with Su Chen, he has to help the mysterious man in front of him.

This way, he can get Su Chen's favor, and the cooperation will be smoother.


"A sneak attack on me?"

"Looking at the entire East Wilderness, you are still the first person!"

Jiang Chen laughed instead of being angry, staring at the mysterious man with gloomy eyes, and said coldly.

In front of so many peers, he was caught off guard by a stranger and even suffered a minor injury.

This is a great shame for him, the son of the Wuji Demon Sect!

If he can't kill the other party to vent his anger, then his title as the son of the Wuji Demon Sect will become a joke.

After the words fell.

He raised a big hand, and a shining ancient text appeared in his palm.

The brilliance on the ancient text is like a big sun, shining and shining, and it is impossible to look directly at it.

Just when he was about to make a move.

Several figures blocked Jiang Chen at the same time.


Looking at the people in front of him, Jiang Chen was stunned.

The eldest prince of the Great Chu Dynasty.

The Ninth Princess of the Great Chu Dynasty, the Holy Son of the Tianxin Holy Sect, the Ninth Princess of the Great Shang Dynasty, and...

And the...

Marquis Wen of the Great Shang Dynasty? !

He could understand the people in front of him, and he had even expected it.

But why would the new Marquis of the Great Shang Dynasty block him? !

Jiang Chen really didn't understand.

According to common sense, there should be an endless hatred between the Great Shang Dynasty and Su Chen!

But what does it mean that this Marquis Wen blocked him?

"Yang Kai!"

Shang Feng of the Great Shang Dynasty saw this scene and his face suddenly turned cold.

He stared at Yang Kai with a bad look and said in a deep voice:

"Return back!"

"Your Highness."

"Although I, Yang Kai, am a minister of the Great Shang Dynasty, I am not a family servant!"

"No one can tell me what to do, even if the emperor comes in person, I will say the same thing!"

Yang Kai said indifferently without turning his head.


Shang Feng's face almost turned green when he heard this.

He was just thinking, if he really started fighting, should he help Jiang Chen?

But who could have thought.

The next moment.

The people he brought rebelled first.

First Jiang Chen was embarrassed, and then he was.

Even though Shang Feng was a prince of the Great Shang Dynasty and had been cultivating his energy since he was a child.

But at this moment, he still couldn't hold it back.

His face was as gloomy as water, and he shouted in a deep voice:

"Yang Kai!"

"Don't think that you can disrespect me just because you have the Dukes of other countries standing behind you!"

"You should know that Su Chen killed dozens of marquises and a Duke of the Shang Dynasty!"

"If you help this person now, it is just like helping Su Chen!"

"And you should know the consequences of helping Su Chen, and there is no need for your Highness to tell you directly!"

"Don't ruin your bright future because of a momentary impulse!"


Yang Kai was still unmoved after hearing this, and he said without turning his head:

"Your Highness doesn't need to remind you!"

"I, Yang Kai, know what I am doing."

"Hehe... Hehe..."

Shang Feng laughed in anger after hearing this, his eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Duke Lie did give birth to a good son!"

He had long known that Su Chen had helped Yang Kai once when he entered the capital of the Great Shang Empire.

It seems...

He seemed to have given Yang Kai something.


No one went to investigate this matter at the time.

But now it seems that the thing Su Chen gave Yang Kai is of extraordinary value!

It can even make Yang Kai break with the Great Shang Dynasty!

"Since these people are willing to protect that person, then Brother Shang, why don't you and I join forces?"

"You help me kill the sneak attacker, and I will help you clean up the traitors, how about it?"

Jiang Chen's cold eyes swept over everyone one by one.

He paused for a moment on the Ninth Princess, and finally set his eyes on the mysterious man.

The man was full of light, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, and there was no trace of breath.

But judging from the power of the man's attack just now.

The opponent's strength should not be the Nirvana Realm.

On the contrary, the possibility of the Divine Sea Realm is greater.

Jiang Chen thought to himself that if he faced that person, he would not need to spend any effort to completely kill him.

The most important thing is.

The other party is in front of the eldest prince of the Great Chu Dynasty.

Compared with the Ninth Princess, the eldest prince is more difficult.

Of course.

There is also an equally difficult Tianxin Saint.


Shang Feng nodded slightly after hearing this.

After the words fell.

Within a hundred miles, a sense of killing rose.

Several top geniuses were going to face each other before the God and Demon Sect was opened, which was beyond the expectations of many people.

Even more important is.

The reason for these people to take action was actually the Taixuan Saint, Su Chen, who had been in seclusion for half a year!

For a while.

It made many people who had never seen Su Chen curious.

What is so extraordinary about the Taixuan Saint that he can have such a strong influence?

You know.

The identities of these people are not ordinary. Once they fight, it means that the two major forces will become enemies.

Asking for votes!

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