


In the field, a long sword appeared in Su Chen's hand at some point.

The long sword exuded a chill and carried spiritual power in the air, creating a stream of light.

"Broken Star Slash!"

As Su Chen shouted softly, thirty puppets fell to the ground.

Su Chen was as light as a swallow. He leaped over the fallen puppets and landed gently in front of them.

He looked calm and calm, standing there indifferently.


The whole field remained silent for several seconds.

"Xuan! Level! Lower! Grade! Broken! Star! Slash!"

After a long time.

An inner disciple looked at Su Chen in the field and spoke word by word, breaking the silence completely.

"Star Shattering Slash! This is definitely Star Shattering Slash!"

"How is it possible?! How could Su Chen, who is just an outer disciple, perform a mysterious martial art?"

"This is impossible! How could he have so much time and energy to practice a mysterious martial art?"


When the silence was broken, the whole audience seemed to have a chain reaction, with waves of shock one after another.

"Old Xie!"

Elder Li and Elder Wang turned their heads together and stared at Elder Xie.

Even the two monitoring elders couldn't help but look sideways, looking at Elder Xie with a serious expression.

"Don't look at me, I don't know when this kid practiced Star Shattering Slash..."

Elder Xie on the side was confused and spread his hands innocently.

He really didn't know when Su Chen practiced Star Shattering Slash and practiced this low-grade mysterious martial art to perfection!

He hasn't even come back to his senses until now.

Elder Wang looked at Elder Xie doubtfully, and seeing his bewildered face, he retracted his gaze and looked at Su Chen in the field, his expression gradually becoming serious:

"Perfect level of Star Shattering Slash!"

Elder Wang said word by word.

He knew that he had completely lost...

Su Chen and Mu Qingxue were far better than Lu Zhen in both the first and second levels!

There was no need to think about the third level, Su Chen would definitely crush them again!

To be able to practice the lower-grade Mysterious Star Shattering Slash and the upper-grade Yellow-grade Phantom Moon to perfection...

Such a monster must be a super-quality talent!


"I lost! I lost with my heart."

Elder Wang sighed helplessly and spoke slowly.

With Su Chen's current strength, he could kill ten Lu Zhens with one sword!

Elder Li looked deeply at Su Chen in the field.

Today, Su Chen brought them too many surprises. Even if he was mentally prepared, every surprise Su Chen gave them was beyond his imagination.

Two months...

From the seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm, he entered the forbidden realm, and cultivated Phantom Moon and Star Shattering Slash to perfection!

He had never heard of such a thing!

"This boy is definitely a person with great luck!"

Elder Li said secretly in his heart.

Only a person with great luck can accomplish such a feat in two months!

"This... is really a surprise..."

At this moment, Elder Xie finally came back to his senses and murmured in a low voice.

"Maybe I am wrong, he is really a person with great luck!"

Elder Xie looked at Su Chen on the stage and said.

As soon as this was said, Elder Li and Elder Wang nodded in agreement.

Apart from a person with great luck, they really couldn't imagine what else could allow a person to accomplish such a feat in just two months!

Not far away, Mu Qingxue's pale blue eyes flashed with shock, but she quickly suppressed it.

If she hadn't been silently reciting the Three Thousand Qing Palace Secrets all the time, I'm afraid she would have completely broken her skills at this moment.


"I never thought that one day, my master would make mistakes twice..."

Just then, the familiar voice in her mind sounded again, with endless emotion in her tone.

"His talent is really terrifying. Not only can he enter the forbidden realm in the Qi Condensation Realm, but he can also practice the Star Shattering Slash to perfection. He deserves the word "monster"!"

"My master said before that your achievements would be higher than his, and even become the existence he looks up to, but now it seems that his future achievements will definitely not be weaker than yours..."

"It seems that you have to awaken and experience it as soon as possible and enter the Three Thousand Qing Palace Secrets!"

Obviously, Su Chen's perfect-level Star Shattering Slash caught Mu Qingxue's master off guard.


She didn't expect it at all.

She didn't expect to meet such a monster in this place!

Even compared to her beloved disciple, Mu Qingxue's talent is not much inferior!

Mu Qingxue was a little surprised when she heard it.

This is the first time she has seen her master say that he made mistakes three times in a row in one day.

In the past, the master's evaluation of a person was almost a microcosm of that person's life, and there would basically be no other result.

But I didn't expect that it would be ineffective on Su Chen...

Thinking of this, Mu Qingxue's beautiful blue eyes swept across Su Chen's body, and finally took a deep breath and responded:

"Yes, Master, after the outer sect trial is over, the disciple will definitely start retreat!"

"The perfect level of Star Shattering Slash!"

"How could he have Star Shattering Slash, and he also practiced it to perfection?!"

Lu Zhen looked at Su Chen in the field in disbelief.

Among the martial arts he learned from the mysterious stone tablet was Star Shattering Slash!

He knew the difficulty of practicing Star Shattering Slash. With his talent, he would not be able to practice it to perfection without one or two years!

And Su Chen, who was in the Qi Condensation Realm, actually cultivated the Star Shattering Slash to perfection!

The perfect level of Phantom Moon, the perfect level of Star Shattering Slash, the strong cultivation of the forbidden realm...

Lu Zhen suddenly felt a little desperate, and recalled the words of Su Chen's supporters in his mind again.

I'm afraid that Su Chen's combat power at this moment can kill ten of him in seconds!

"How did he cultivate? Freak! This is definitely a freak!"

Lu Zhen screamed wildly in his heart, but on the surface he was silent as death.


"No, he is a freak more terrifying than a monster!"

Liu Yang, who was like a hill, looked at Su Chen in the field and murmured in a low voice.

Then, his head drooped deeply.

At this moment, he was extremely desperate!

He knew that even with the qualifications of Mu Qingxue and Lu Zhen, they could not always catch up with a perverted freak like Su Chen...

In the future, Su Chen will surely be famous in the East Wilderness!

And they may only be elders in Taixuan Sect like Elder Wang and others.

Different from the shock of others.

The excitement of Cao Yun, He Jing and others rose to a new level.

At this moment, they felt very comfortable.

They had waited for so long, wasn't it just for this scene in front of them?

He always believed that Su Chen had the strength to kill Lu Zhen in one second!

Now the strength shown by Su Chen was more than enough to kill ten Lu Zhens, not to mention one Lu Zhen in one second!

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