If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 216: The power of laws and the ways of the world!

"You still dare to attack little friend Su Chen?"

When Yan Jun saw this, his expression became stern.

He swayed and appeared in front of Su Chen, with a talisman condensed in his hand.


Before he could take action, Su Chen took action first.

Su Chen grabbed his palm out of the air, and the same large square seal appeared.

This big seal is like a mountain, majestic and rising against the sky with an aura of simplicity and vicissitudes.

But there is a difference.

On the surface, the big seal condensed by Su Chen contained a hint of the aura of destroying everything in the world.


The two seals collided, causing a thunderous roar.

Violent aftermath swept across all directions.

boom! boom! boom!

The strong man from the demon clan took a few steps back in the air.

One of his palms trembled slightly, a few drops of bright red blood oozed from the fingertips, and there was a look of disbelief in his demonic eyes.

How is this possible!

I had never underestimated Su Chen from the beginning.

The move he just made was almost done with all his strength.

But he still didn't defeat Su Chen, but he suffered a big loss.

"What you just used was not the power of artistic conception!"

The strong man from the demon clan suddenly raised his head, as if he noticed something, and his voice was full of shock.

There was nothing surprising about the magical power that Su Chen had just used.

But the aura lingering on that big seal is extremely extraordinary, with an aura that destroys everything in the world.

Even though this strong man from the demon clan has reached the quasi-saint realm, it's still a bit creepy when you think about it carefully.

"Good vision."

Su Chen said calmly.

To this day.

I have used the power of law several times, but this is the first time that someone has recognized me.

"I see!"

The strong man from the demon clan frowned.

He glanced at Su Chen, then at the two fellow apprentices Yanjun, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

It was very difficult for him to deal with Yan Jun alone.

If Su Chen is added to the mix, then he is no match at all.

Think of this.

He snorted coldly, did not stay here any longer, and directly turned into a rainbow and left.

Lord Yan watched the strong man from the demon tribe leave, and once again he cupped his hands towards Su Chen and said:

"Little friend Su Chen really helped me a lot!

"If you're grateful, I won't say much more. If my little friend has any difficulties in the future, just call me."

Say it.

He threw out a message slip.


Su Chen took the jade slip and said:

"Su has important matters to attend to, so he won't stay here any longer."


"Little friend, walk slowly."

Yan Jun said with a smile.

Su Chen nodded lightly and did not continue to reply.

He turned around and returned to the golden chariot, driving the chariot towards the distance.

Yan Jun stood there, watching Su Chen leave, and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

"The posture of an emperor!"

"Why is such a genius not from my Flame Holy Land!"

Yan Jun said with emotion.

"Senior brother."

"You mean that Saint Taixuan may become emperor in the future?!"

Behind Yan Jun.

A middle-aged man asked with curiosity on his face.

His strength is much weaker than that of Lord Yan, and he is only at the early stage of Quasi-Saint Realm.

Against the powerful monster from the demon clan just now, he was just a support player.


Yan Jun nodded lightly.

His mind was still recalling Su Chen's blow just now.

If the strong man from the demon clan hadn't warned him, he wouldn't have noticed at all.

But when the powerful demon clan man reminded him, he realized it later.

The big seal that Su Chen just made seemed to be entangled with the power of law!

And the power of law...

Only strong men at the Holy King level can touch it.

Su Chen can now use the power of law.

Even if it's just scratching the surface, it's still incredible.

"Although Holy Son Taixuan is not from our Flame Holy Land."

"But fortunately, we were lucky and formed a good relationship with him."

Yan Jun pondered for a moment and touched the storage ring in his hand.

There lay a sword grass quietly inside.

It was the Taichu Sword Grass that Su Chen gave him just now.

"Brother, I heard that before the ruins of the Divine Demon Sect were opened, the Holy Son Taixuan had some disputes with the Great Shang Dynasty."

"I speculate that the Great Shang Dynasty is likely to take action against Saint Taixuan. Do you think we should..."

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with excitement and he spoke excitedly.

The power of the Great Shang Dynasty has been passed down for a long time.

If they were to attack Su Chen, they would at least have to use several quasi-sacred realm experts.

With Su Chen's strength, he would be able to deal with a quasi-holy realm with ease.

But it would be a bit difficult to deal with several powerful people in the quasi-sacred realm.

If their Yanhuo Holy Land lends a helping hand at this critical moment, wouldn't it directly deepen the relationship between Su Chen and the Yanhuo Holy Land a lot?


When Su Chen becomes emperor in the future, their Flame Holy Land will also benefit from it.


"Junior brother, you are a bit too utilitarian!"

"Then little friend Su Chen gave me a Taichu Sword Grass. I should help him both emotionally and rationally."

Yan Jun coughed lightly and said in a deep voice.

He raised his head and glanced at the direction Su Chen left, thought for a moment, turned around and said:

"Let's go to that place too!"

"First, we can try our luck and see if we can find an opportunity. Second, if friend Su Chen is in danger, we can help him in time."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, senior brother."

The middle-aged man nodded, followed Yan Jun, and flew in the direction Su Chen left.


At the same time.

On the golden carriage.

Ye Ruxue sat beside Su Chen, and hesitated several times.

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Su Chen saw through the other party's mind and said.

"Why did you give the things you got to others along the way?"

Ye Ruxue asked curiously.

The Yan Jun just now was not the first one.

Since Su Chen entered the ruins of the God and Demon Sect, he would give away all the good things he got.

Before this.

Dozens of holy land elders or holy land disciples in the Nirvana realm have been helped by Su Chen.

Among them.

There is even a lack of holy lord-level figures.

Although the things Su Chen gave away were not expensive, the help to Su Chen was almost negligible.

But for others, it is very valuable.

If it is placed in the outside world, it can be sold at a sky-high price!

But in Su Chen's hands, he actually gave it away.

This is incredible!

"Cultivation is not about fighting and killing, but about human relations!"

"I have many enemies in the ruins of the God and Demon Sect this time, but there are almost no people who can help me."

"If I don't accumulate some connections, how can I help you snatch the essence of Xuanwu?"

Su Chen said lightly.

"Are you waiting for them to repay you?"

Ye Ruxue thought of the key point in an instant.

But soon, she shook her head.

Not everyone pays attention to human relations, and not everyone will repay.

Su Chen's actions are likely to be in vain again.

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