In Su Chen's opinion.

This Great Shang Dynasty is estimated to be not glorious for long.

Under the prosperous surface of the Great Shang Dynasty, there is a darker world hidden.

Those who collude with dark creatures usually have no good end.

"Thank you for your help!"

Su Chen waved his hand and said.


The next moment.

A terrifying pressure came out, shaking the world.


The Great Sui Emperor took a step forward and slapped his palm forward.

"My friend should have done this long ago!"


After the words fell.

More and more strong men took action together.

For a time.

Various magical powers filled the sky, and various colors of divine light flashed.

This scene was very exaggerated.

Hundreds of quasi-saint realm strongmen took action together.

Among them, there was even a strong man at the peak of the quasi-saint realm.

Such a grand scene can usually only be seen when a super power is destroyed.

But today.

It was truly discovered in front of everyone.

"I didn't expect to see such a grand scene in my lifetime!"

"Yes! Hundreds of quasi-saints attacked together. Even if a saint came in person, I'm afraid he would die here!"

"It's hard to say. Saints are very terrifying. Their strength is beyond the reach of those of us in Nirvana."

"Well, the only thing that is certain is that no one in the quasi-saint realm can withstand this attack!"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"It has to be Brother Su Chen!"

"Yes! Brother Su Chen can command so many strong men with one order. From now on, I'm afraid no one will dare to go against Brother Su!"


"Brother Su is really awesome!"


"It's over..."

The quasi-saint behind Shang Feng was full of despair.

He was stunned in place.

Facing such power, he didn't even think about resisting.

Because he knew very well that he couldn't withstand the attacks of so many strong men.

His strength could still hold up against a quasi-saint.

But now there are hundreds of quasi-saints, what virtue and ability does he have to deserve such treatment?


Shang Feng shouted in his heart.

He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

Why would so many powerful people obey Su Chen's orders? !

So many powerful people were bribed with just one technique?


Even the existence of the Great Sui Emperor was helping Su Chen...

Although people outside were talking about it, it was a worthy death to die at the hands of so many powerful people.

But if you don't experience it yourself, you can't experience this despair.

Looking around.

There were terrible magical powers everywhere, leaving them no way out.

It can be said.

The place where Shang Feng was located, within a radius of 100 miles, became a Jedi.

Anyone who stayed there would have no way out.

"I am the prince of the Great Shang Dynasty, you..."

Shang Feng sacrificed a spiritual treasure to resist in front of him.

But this spiritual treasure didn't even last a breath, and it turned directly into dust.


He himself did not even make a scream.

He and the quasi-saint behind him were reduced to ashes.


Countless magical powers poured down on the earth, like a river pouring down from the sky.

The earth within a hundred miles of radius shattered, and the terrifying power swept in all directions.

The void began to twist.

Countless mountains turned into dust, floating between heaven and earth.

All those who saw this scene trembled all over.


The people of the spirit race vomited blood and retreated.

There was an unbelievable look in their eyes.

Just now, hundreds of quasi-saints joined forces, although they did not target them.

But because they were too close to Shang Feng and the others.


They were more or less affected.

"It's so terrifying!"

Behind the young man of the spirit race, an old man spoke, his eyes full of fear.

Just the aftermath made them consume countless trump cards to resist.

If all these magical powers were aimed at them.

I'm afraid that they are now like Shang Feng of the Great Shang Dynasty, reduced to ashes.

"Your Highness, this is not a place to stay for long, let's leave as soon as possible!"

A quasi-saint realm expert from the Spirit Clan said.


The young man from the Spirit Clan looked at Su Chen unwillingly.


He set his eyes on Qin Hao beside Su Chen and shook his head helplessly.

He was very jealous of the holy-level skills and magical powers that Su Chen had just obtained.

In addition.

The goal of his mission was right in front of him.

He didn't want to give up this opportunity anyway.

But the problem was.

The power that Su Chen controlled was too terrifying now.

A full hundred quasi-saint realm experts obeyed his orders.

Let alone him at this moment.

Even if it was a force like the Qin family that had produced a great emperor realm expert, they would need to think carefully.

If he continued to oppose Su Chen.

Then it would not be as simple as not being able to leave this place.


Everyone from the Spirit Clan who came in this time would have to stay here!

Thinking of this.

The young man from the Eldar tribe made up his mind and said:

"Let's go!"

After saying that.

He turned and flew away without any regrets.


Just as they turned around.


A blood-red long sword pierced through the void and blocked in front of them.

The long sword was blood-red and carried a terrifying murderous aura.

In an instant.

The area within a hundred miles was turbulent again.

Countless mud and gravel rushed up to the sky.

"Zixia Holy Land, Qixia Holy Land..."

A quasi-saint realm strongman of the spirit race turned his head and looked at the blood-red long sword, shouting with anger on his face.

The next moment.

He stretched out his palm and met the long sword.


The long sword and the palm collided with each other.

The hasty resistance of the elder of the spirit race could not stop all the power.

One of his arms turned into a ball of blood mist under the long sword.

In the distance.

The people who thought that the matter had been completely settled looked over.

There was curiosity in their eyes.

The forces of Zixia Holy Land and Qixia Holy Land confronted the people of the spirit race.

This is shocking news.

These three forces are not weak.

If they really have to fight, I am afraid no one dares to be sure who is stronger and who is weaker.

"If I remember correctly, the people of the Spirit Clan should have stood on the side of the Great Shang Dynasty just now?"

"Now that the people of the Great Shang Dynasty are dead, it is their turn."

Some people guessed the reason why the forces of Zixia Holy Land and Qixia Holy Land took action, and said with surprise.

"The fate of the Spirit Clan should not be too tragic. After all, they have no grudges against Su Chen. They are not helping the Great Shang Dynasty. They should not be guilty of death!"

A casual cultivator in the Nirvana Realm murmured.

Although his voice was not loud, it fell clearly into the ears of everyone.

"It depends on Su Chen's mood!"

A casual cultivator next to him spoke again.

"Looking forward to it!"


While everyone was talking.

An old man with extraordinary demeanor walked out of the crowd of the Spirit Clan.

His name is Lingyu, and he is also an old figure in this Spirit Clan.

At this moment.

His appearance made everyone in the Eldar feel relieved.

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I have been really busy lately, and I have done my best to update. It will take about five days to finish. I hope everyone understands!

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