If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 266 Five major forces resist the Zixia Holy Land!

"It seems that the Golden Crow clan and Su Chen also had some unpleasantness!"

at this time.

An elder from the Wuji Demon Sect spoke in a deep voice.

It is not difficult to tell from the expressions of these people from the Golden Crow clan.

Not only did they have some unpleasantness with Su Chen.

The Golden Crow clan even suffered a big loss at the hands of Su Chen.

after all.

Behind the fourth prince of Jinwu, an elder of the Jinwu clan was seriously injured.

If nothing unexpected happens.

This should have been severely damaged by Su Chen.

"Then Su Chen is really bullying others!"

When the fourth prince heard this, he looked at the people on Ink Island and the Wuji Demon Sect, and said angrily:

"At first, I just wanted to avenge the fallen princes of our Golden Crow clan, but Su Chen actually deliberately stopped us for a piece of fairy gold."

"If that's the case, forget it, but he also seriously injured an elder of my clan."

"With such deep hatred, our Golden Crow clan must be at odds with that Su Chen!"

"Immortal gold?"

Following the voice of the fourth prince.

The expressions of the powerful men from the two major forces of Ink Ink Island and Wuji Demon Sect changed one after another.

At this moment, they could no longer remain calm.

At first, they just thought that the Golden Crow clan and Su Chen were unhappy because of a certain item at the auction.

But no one expected it.

The reason for their unhappy breakup was actually fairy gold!

The price of this thing is too expensive.

Even in ancient times, even the emperor would be moved.

The great saints and the powerful ones in the holy king realm would even think twice about this.

"Is everything you just said true?"

The great elder of Ink Island said in a deep voice.

He had blue hair, and his whole body exuded terrifying power.

It was as if a vast ocean was rippling in the void, unfathomable.


Several elders of the Wuji Demon Sect also showed excited expressions on their faces.

But they didn't ask.


The thoughts of the Golden Crow clan are very simple.

Anyone with a brain can see that the Golden Crow clan wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

But it doesn't matter to them at all.

Anyway, there is an ever-lasting feud between them and Su Chen.

A little more hate actually doesn't hurt these days.

"Of course I take it seriously."

A flash of joy flashed deep in the eyes of the fourth prince, and he nodded quickly.

"That's the case..."

The great elder of Ink Island and an elder of Wuji Demon Sect looked at each other, with a smile on their faces and said:

"Then we are kindred spirits!"

"We all have to deal with Su Chen, but if we want to kill him, we will have to have several strong men join forces, or a strong man in the saint realm take action."

"But the movement caused by a strong man in the saint realm is too big. It would be better if he could kill Su Chen."

"But if we can't kill Su Chen, the consequences..."

"It's not something we can afford."

"But if dozens of quasi-sacred realm experts attack together and arrange some formations, it won't be difficult to kill Su Chen."

"Dozens of quasi-sacred realm experts?"

An elder of the Golden Crow clan frowned slightly when he heard this. He looked around, and after a long time he said:

"Where did the dozens of quasi-sacred realm experts come from here?"

All the quasi-saints present were barely ten people in total.

It's impossible to even reach a dozen.


Su Chen killed five quasi-holy realm experts in succession at the ruins of the Divine Demon Sect.

That scene is still vivid in my mind.

It's only been a year now.

But Su Chen's realm has been completely stabilized.

No one is sure whether dozens of quasi-sacred realm experts can kill Su Chen together.


The greatest chance is that they will be defeated one by one by Su Chen.


Everyone on Ink Island and the Wuji Demon Sect laughed when they heard the words of the elder of the Golden Crow clan.

The great elder of Shuimo Island said leisurely:

“Of course we are not enough together.”

"But what if we add the Qin family and the Ling clan?"

As soon as these words came out.

The eyes of the Fourth Prince and others lit up.

The Qin family...


Although they are monsters.

But they also know very clearly which force is the most powerful among the human race.

Looking at the entire world, the Eldar may be nothing.

But the Qin family.

Even if you look at Zhongzhou, it is definitely the top force in the world.


This is only on the surface.

after all.

Some ancient forces and forbidden areas rarely appear.

These forces are called hidden forces.

Their foundation is very solid.

Few people can tell whether there is horror inside.

"It seems that what happened at the Shenmo Sect ruins made the Spirit Clan and the Qin Family unable to sit still!"

The fourth prince said secretly in his heart.

The news that Su Chen personally said that day in the ruins of the Divine Demon Sect was too shocking.

It even caused a storm in the Eastern Wasteland.

The next generation successor of the Qin family is actually a man-made genius.

Who dares to believe this?

The Immortal Immortal Body on his body actually came from a cousin of the same race.

this matter.

It is undoubtedly a stain on Qin Yuan and the Qin family.

As long as Qin Hao doesn't die, he will remind everyone all the time.

Qin Yuan's aura is half that of Qin Hao's.

And if they want to kill Qin Hao, they must cross the mountain of Su Chen.

"If the Spirit Clan and the Qin Family can really help, then Su Chen's good days will indeed come!"

The Fourth Prince said with a smile.

"Su Chen's brilliance is too great, and he doesn't know how to restrain himself, so this disaster happened."

"Throughout the ages, there have been countless geniuses with the Red Flame Divine Body, but how many of them can truly grow up?"

An elder of the Wuji Demon Sect said coldly.

The elder's name is Tang Shui.

He is Tang Huo's younger brother, and the two grew up together.

Later, they joined the Wuji Demon Sect together, and their feelings for each other are very deep.

Now Tang Huo has fallen.

He has also been looking for an opportunity to avenge his elder brother.


The opportunity is right in front of him.

Wuji Demon Sect, Shuimo Island, Jinwu Clan, Spirit Clan, Qin Family.

Five major saint-level forces have joined forces.

It is expected that Su Chen should have no way to survive.

"This is not a place to talk, let's get on the road first."

"The fellow Taoists from the Spirit Clan and the Qin Family have already arrived at the Purple Cloud Holy Land, and we have to hurry over there."

The great elder of Shuimo Island said in a deep voice.


Tang Shui nodded.

The group turned into streams of light and soared into the sky.


They disappeared without a trace.


Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Outside the Purple Cloud Holy Land.

A golden chariot slowly rolled through the void.

At the front of the chariot.

A purple figure stood with his hands behind his back.

His hair was flying, and his robes were rustling, like a young immortal king, suppressing the world.

"The front is the territory of the Purple Cloud Holy Land!"

Behind Su Chen.

The Son of Yin and Yang was dressed in a black and white robe.

His temperament was very graceful, giving people the feeling of a playboy.

He looked at Su Chen's back thoughtfully and said:

"Brother Dao, I'm afraid this Tianjiao Conference is not that easy for you!"

I will not take leave this month, my hand is almost healed.

The previous content should be supplemented in the following period, and the amount of updates in the following content will depend on the situation. I hope everyone understands.

I will try to complete the content in early July.

As long as it can be completed, I will rush to the list in July, and update five times a day at least!

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