If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 282 You don’t take me seriously at all!

In the midst of the smoke and dust, Huo Xi made a quick move.

She put her fingers together to form a sword, and divine light burst out from her palm, like the sharpest divine weapon in the world, splitting the entire void in two, and slashing towards Qin Yu in mid-air.


"You're courting death!"

Seeing this, Qin Yu snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

He took out a spear without any hurry.

The moment this spear appeared, the surrounding heaven and earth essence was instantly absorbed.

He swung the spear and collided with Huo Xi's fingers, making a cold sound, like the roar of Huang Zhong Da Lu.

After the fight, Huo Xi's body did not move, but Qin Yu flew backwards.

He only felt a violent vibration from his tiger's mouth, and wounds appeared one after another.

The bright red blood flowed down the spear in his hand, splashing a miserable scene in the void.

"What a terrifying power!"

Qin Yu said with shock in his eyes.

He did not expect Huo Xi, who had just broken through, to be so terrifying.

Especially the opponent's physical strength.

Using two fingers to fight against the Dao soldiers can actually gain the upper hand...

Isn't this too incredible?

"It is said that in ancient times, the Eternal Forbidden Body was famous for its physical strength."

"Now it seems to be true!"

"Although the physique of the Eternal Forbidden Body is not tolerated by the Heavenly Dao, the special features of its physique are still there. Now Huo Xi is only in the Nirvana Realm, but she can fight against the Dao soldiers..."

"If she becomes a Saint Realm or a Great Emperor, how terrifying this physique will be, no one dares to guarantee!"

A quasi-saint elder of the holy land spoke in a deep voice.

While speaking, he also looked deeply at Su Chen, who was always smiling.

At the same time.

Most people present had the same idea in their hearts:

From the point of view of judging people, everyone present has lost!

Before Huo Xi passed the tribulation, almost no one was optimistic about her.

But Su Chen was willing to spend a huge price to help her pass the tribulation.

If nothing unexpected happens, Huo Xi may not fall so easily in the future.

It can be seen from today's performance.

Perhaps the future sainthood tribulation may not be able to stop her.

And a great eternal forbidden body...

Every time the people present thought of this, they couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.


A muffled sound rang out.

Huo Xi's hair was flying, and the body was shrouded in brilliant divine light, and she walked forward step by step.

Although there was no trace of mortal breath, she carried a kind of pressure that was difficult to explain.

"Your Nine Revolutions Battle Body, it looks just like this!"

Huo Xi looked at Qin Yu in front of her with disdain and shook her head.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yu's face rose with anger.


"Arrogant and ignorant!"

Qin Yu shouted.

His robes rustled, and he started again.

He turned into a black light and waved the spear in his hand, killing Huo Xi.

The spear crossed the sky, as if it was a pillar of heaven, stirring up the wind and clouds in the sky.

Huo Xi slowly raised his head.

She pinched the seal with one hand, and the whole person turned into a divine phoenix, surrounded by colorful rays of light, as if a real divine phoenix fell from the sky and collided violently with the spear.

Clang clang clang!

In just a moment, the two fought dozens of times.

Huo Xi's power became more terrifying with each fight, and by the last blow it was so powerful that it was difficult to surpass.

"Isn't the Eternal Forbidden Body a waste body? How can it have such a terrifying power?"

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, his face full of disbelief.

He felt the increasingly heavy power, and his arms were about to be broken, and he almost vomited blood.


Another blow fell.

The Taoist soldier in Qin Yu's hand collapsed.

His eyes, which were originally full of shock, could only see a white palm rapidly enlarging in his pupils.



Qin Yu screamed loudly with horror on his face.

He wanted to withdraw.

But unfortunately...

It's too late now!


Just see.

A head flew up, and blood reversed the sky several times.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.



"Isn't Qin Yu of the Qin family at the peak of Nirvana? How could he be defeated so quickly?"

"No, it would be fine if he was defeated, but how could he be killed by the Eternal Forbidden Body?"

"Unbelievable! It's simply unbelievable!"

"Qin Yu's strength should be the second among the younger generation of the Qin family, right? How could he die so quickly?"

"The Eternal Forbidden Body is worthy of being the Eternal Forbidden Body. Even if it has declined, not everyone can challenge it."


The people around were talking about it.

For a long time.

The Qin family and others on the side came back to their senses from the huge blow.

"You are looking for death!"

Qin Li shouted.

He simply couldn't believe that Qin Yu was killed so easily.

But no matter how unbelievable he was, Qin Yu's death had become a fact, and he couldn't help but believe it.

He brought Qin Yu out of the Qin family, and the fight between Qin Yu and Huo Xi just now was also under his instruction.

Now that Qin Yu has fallen, I'm afraid he won't have a good ending when he returns to the Qin family!

After all.

The power of Qin Yu's clan members in the Qin family is also very large.

If Qin Yu's ancestor asks him, even he can't resist.

Qin Li almost didn't hesitate. He gathered divine light with his five fingers and grabbed Huo Xi.

Even if Qin Yu has fallen, he must give an explanation to Qin Yu's clan members.

And Huo Xi is obviously more suitable for this explanation.

If he can snatch the fairy gold from Huo Xi, maybe he will be praised after returning to the clan.


The black hand covered hundreds of miles.

The moment it appeared, it imprisoned the sky and the earth, turning into a huge cage to seal Huo Xi in it.

This change came too suddenly.

So that no one had time to react.


Qin Li shouted again.

His five fingers pressed slightly downward, as if five mountains fell, with a breath of annihilation.

Just when Qin Li thought he could completely wipe out this eternal forbidden body.

A voice came to his ears:

"You are totally ignoring me by doing this!"


Hearing this, Qin Li's whole body trembled suddenly.

A huge sense of crisis surged from his heart and spread wildly.

He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was cold.


Su Chen was bathed in divine light, like a god, with a heroic figure. The long sword in his hand was raised high and slammed down in the air, as terrible as the collapse of the sky.

At this moment.

A breath of destruction began to spread, as if everything had returned to the time before the creation of the world.

Under this sword, everything seemed to return to its original state.

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