If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 293 If you don’t have any backup plan, then leave your life here

Su Chen's sword was very simple.

It was extremely simple, without any fancy magical powers, just a single sword.

But it contained endless terrifying divine power.



Seeing this scene, Tang Shui's expression suddenly changed, and he screamed in horror.

Just now, when Su Chen fought with the dark creatures, he was not so strong...

But his strength suddenly increased several times after he appeared!

What does this mean?

This means that Su Chen has been waiting for them from the beginning!

And the five dark creatures are just bait used by Su Chen.

If he had shown this strength before.

Not to mention five dark creatures, even ten dark creatures in the quasi-saint realm are just dead souls under Su Chen's sword.

"Fellow Daoist Tang!"

Behind Tang Shui.

The spirit clan leader and others also changed their faces when they saw this.

They wanted to step forward to rescue.

But now it is too late, because they are not sure to block Su Chen's sword.

So they can only watch the blue dragon sword fall.


The long sword split the sky, and the void collapsed.

Endless black cracks began to spread from the sky, and the entire Demon Slaying Platform fell into a scene of destruction.

Everyone present was frightened.

The strength shown by Su Chen was too terrifying.

If they appeared in front of Su Chen, I am afraid that all of them would not be Su Chen's opponent.

As the dust cleared.

A moment later.

Tang Shui's body seemed to evaporate from the world, leaving nothing behind.

Only Su Chen stood quietly in the center of the world.

His aura was like the scorching sun, extremely hot, shining in all directions.

Anyone who saw this scene would not be able to help but worship.

Just one sword!

One sword made a quasi-saint strongman of the Wuji Demon Sect disappear into ashes.

Everyone present knew Tang Shui's strength.

Tang Shui was a strong man in the late quasi-saint realm, not even far from the peak of the quasi-saint realm.

But he was not as good as Su Chen, and even if he used his killing magic, he still couldn't escape his fate.


"Did he hide his strength just now?"

Not far away.

The three dark creatures that were blown up by Su Chen recovered their bodies at the same time.

They stood together behind one of the strongest and asked hoarsely.

At this moment. ,

They understood even if they were stupid.

It seemed that neither side had won the fight with Su Chen just now.

But that was just Su Chen acting with them.

If Su Chen wanted, they would have fallen long ago.

Even if they could be reborn by dripping blood, they could not withstand Su Chen's attack.

"This human race is very strong, and should be the pride of the human race."


"He is still the top batch, and I didn't expect to meet him..."

The dark creature in the lead spoke in a gloomy voice.

His heart was very complicated.

After looking at Su Chen, he turned his head and looked at the spiritual tribe leader and others not far away, and said coldly:


"Looking at them, it seems that they are caught in internal strife among the human race. We are not without a chance to kill them."

Su Chen ignored these dark creatures.

He glanced at the spiritual tribe leader and others with a slightly dissatisfied look.

His eyes were like swords, and everyone who collided with his eyes shuddered, and a sense of fear rose in their hearts for no reason.

"You are trying hard to deal with me, but this is the only trump card you have?"

As soon as these words came out.

The spiritual tribe leader and others shuddered again.

The pressure Su Chen put on them was too great.

They knew that their strength was only comparable to Tang Shui.

This means that Su Chen has the strength to kill them with one sword.


Su Chen took a step forward, and the terrifying and incomparable pressure swept out instantly, surging like an abyss and a sea, causing the area within a thousand miles to begin to shake.

Countless pieces of gravel turned into powder in an instant.

Su Chen walked forward step by step, and the almost suffocating pressure fell from the sky on everyone.

Whether it was the head of the Spirit Clan or the dark creatures not far away, they all felt like they were falling into an ice cave.

At this moment.

They had only one thought in their minds.

That was to run!

They seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying.


"How could this happen..."

"How could Su Chen be so strong?"

A strong man of the Spirit Clan said in horror.

He couldn't help but retreat backwards.

He really didn't think that there would be such an amazing gift among the younger generation.

He didn't expect that his achievements today after practicing for a thousand years would not be as good as a prodigy who had just practiced for a few years.


Su Chen had completely crushed them.

He didn't even doubt that if there were no two trump cards of the Spirit Clan and the Qin Family today, the final result of all the people present would only be killed by Su Chen!

"If you don't have any back-up, then leave your life here."

Su Chen's words were very plain.

He seemed to be telling a very simple story, but the murderous intent in his tone was creepy.

Look at Su Chen's expression.

He seemed to have known the plan of himself and others for a long time.

Thinking of this.

Everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder Su Chen used those dark creatures to act out just now.

It turned out that he had known their plan for a long time.


Su Chen is still sure of winning!

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to stay here and wait for them to come.

"Su Chen!"

"Do you really think you have a chance to win?"

The leader of the Spirit Clan said in a cold voice.

He is very powerful.

He was much stronger than the other quasi-sacred realm experts present.

He has almost reached the pinnacle of the quasi-sacred realm.


Today's affairs are all led by him.

"Su Chen!"

"You just don't know what you are about to face."

"It's still too late for you to kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, the Taixuan Holy Sect behind you will only be destroyed!"

A quasi-holy realm expert from the Wuji Demon Sect gritted his teeth and said.

First it was Tang Huo, then Tang Shui.


Their Wuji Demon Sect has already lost several quasi-sacred realm experts to Su Chen.

To know.

A strong person in the quasi-sacred realm is no big deal.

Any one of them will take a thousand years to cultivate!

Now that so many people have fallen all at once, even the Wuji Demon Sect's great cause is somewhat unbearable.


Another person sneered and spoke.

With disdain in his eyes, he said lightly:

"It's too late to kneel down and beg for mercy now. After you hit the road, everyone in the Taixuan Holy Sect will go to the underworld to accompany you."

This is a strong man from Ink Island.

They have already made up their mind.

As long as Su Chen falls, they will take action against the Taixuan Holy Sect and carry out liquidation.

after all.

The Taixuan Saint Sect has only one saint despite all its efforts.

And the breakthrough didn’t take long.

Among the many forces present, several saints can be pulled out at random.

By then.

Su Chen does not exist in Taixuan Holy Sect.

How many people from the forces that were good friends with Su Chen in the past would be willing to lend a helping hand?

Please vote!

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