If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 315 Old dog! When I break through the Saint Realm, I will kill you first!

"Old dog!"

"When I break through to the saint realm, I will kill you first!"

Qin Hao's hair was flying and he shouted coldly.

next moment.

He struck quickly, simply and directly.

Punch out!

The fist light seemed to be carrying a huge amount of force, and it struck with great force.

The manic spiritual power swept out, and the void within a hundred miles was shaking.

"How brave!"

"How dare he!"

"Haha... It's just asking for death!"

"Are you tired of living?"

"He just killed a genius in the Nirvana realm. Who gave him the confidence to take action against a strong man in the Saint realm!"


Seeing Qin Hao taking the initiative, everyone in the Spirit Clan looked angry.

But no one came to help.

on the contrary.

They all showed an attitude of watching the show.

If Qin Hao takes action against others, they may help him a little.

But Qin Hao took action against the Great Elder, and they had no need to help him.

To know.

The great elder is a strong man in the saint realm!

When a mere Qin Hao faced the Great Elder, he was simply an ant provoking an elephant.

Isn't this seeking death?


"Qin Hao! I thought you had good qualifications, and I wanted you to be Yuan'er's number one follower, but you don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing this scene, the great elder of the Spirit Tribe shook his head slightly, with a hint of regret in his tone.

He raised his hand slightly.

next moment.

A supreme coercion came from his body, penetrating the sky, and seemed to be able to collapse the world.

This world seems to be unable to withstand his blow and is about to be destroyed.

"Since you are stubborn, let's hit the road!"

The words fell.

The great elder's palm pressed gently.

In an instant.

It was as if a mountain fell from the void and pressed towards Qin Hao, which was extremely terrifying.

Seeing that this giant palm was about to completely suppress Qin Hao.

But at this moment.

The Great Elder of the Spirit Clan suddenly dispersed all his magical powers and looked up towards the sky, his eyes full of shock.


"Is this the Nirvana Tribulation?!"

"what's the situation?"

"Where did the calamity cloud come from?"

"It is not allowed to survive the tribulation within the clan territory. Who is so bold as to dare to survive the tribulation within the clan territory?"


"At this time of tribulation, you really don't have eyesight!"


"Look, it seems to be Qin Hao's Nirvana!"


Everyone in the Spirit Clan talked about it.

Their faces now looked like they had seen a ghost.

This is too incredible, right?

How old is Qin Haocai?

To know.

The reason why Qin Yuan is so defiant and talented is that he just passed through the Nirvana Tribulation a few years ago, and now he is only in the middle stage of Nirvana Realm.

But what about Qin Yuan?

When he was young, his Immortal Immortal Body was separated, and all the foundations he had laid previously were nullified.

It is equivalent to starting from a useless body.

Just a waste body!

But within just a few years, he caught up again and had to go through the Nirvana Tribulation. This is simply incredible.

For a while.

Everyone doubted if Qin Yuan's double pupils were dug out and given to Qin Hao.

Then his talent will work wonders!


It might be even more terrifying than Qin Yuan!


"Everyone, get back!"

"The Nirvana Tribulation is about to take shape, everyone must not be involved in the Nirvana Tribulation!"

A strong man from the spirit race reacted and shouted violently.


There was no need for him to speak, all the people from the Spiritual Race had already retreated at this moment.

Especially the great elder of the Spirit Tribe, who ran thousands of miles away as soon as he discovered the catastrophe, for fear of being affected by the catastrophe.

He is different from others.

If others are affected, it can only increase the power of the Heavenly Tribulation a little.

But if he is affected, the Nirvana Tribulation will not be as simple as upgrading to the Saint Tribulation.

Especially for a being like him who has survived the tribulation of a saint once, he doesn't want to go through it again even to death.

after all.

Being able to survive the Saint Tribulation the first time does not mean that he can survive it smoothly the second time.


Shortly after everyone in the Spirit Race retreated, a deafening sound came.

The huge Eldar Island seemed to start to tremble at this moment.

A bright red thunder struck from outside the sky, the thunder rumbled, and the thunder sea spread, covering hundreds of miles in radius, reflecting on everyone's face, all of them looked uncertain.

"That is……"

"Blood Thunder!"

"Nine Heavenly Tribulation!"


"How can this be!"

"Impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Qin Hao is just a waste body, how can he cause the ninth level of catastrophe?!"

"No! I must have seen it wrong!"

"Did the Heavenly Tribulation go wrong?!"

Countless people among the Eldar clan roared.

They simply couldn't believe the reality in front of them.

How heavy the heavenly tribulation is is not random.

after all.

God is supreme!

This refers to this point. The heavenly rank that each person who overcomes the tribulation is lowered by the way of heaven is determined based on the strength of the person who overcomes the tribulation.

That is to say.

Heaven sent down the ninth heavenly tribulation because it felt that Qin Hao could survive the ninth heavenly tribulation.

The reason why some people did not get through it was mainly because they did not adjust their state to the best.


Qin Hao's heavenly tribulation is also the nine-fold heavenly tribulation.

Without a doubt.

His strength has been recognized by the Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao believes that he can survive this nine-fold heavenly tribulation, so it sent down the nine-fold heavenly tribulation to test him.

This scene.

Without a doubt, slapped the faces of the people of the Spiritual Clan.

A waste body that was extracted from the immortal body of immortality, now attracted the nine-fold heavenly tribulation.

If his immortal body of immortality is still there.

I'm afraid...

They dare not even think about the heavenly tribulation that came down.

You know.

Qin Yuan, who has double pupils and an immortal body of immortality, is only the nine-fold heavenly tribulation.

"This child..."

"You must not keep him!"

An elder of the Spiritual Clan said coldly.

His eyes swept around, trying to find the young man who helped Qin Hao.

But what puzzled him was.

The young man who was standing next to Qin Hao just now disappeared in just a blink of an eye, as if he had never appeared.


"A person who hides his head and shows his tail!"

The elder snorted coldly and did not investigate further.

In his opinion,

Cao Yun is just a quasi-saint cultivator.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the biggest threat to them is not Cao Yun, but Qin Hao!

Other things can be put aside.


The thunder fell and instantly submerged countless buildings of their spirit race.

A sea of ​​thunder appeared in the land of the spirit race.

Many disciples of the spirit race have been retreating to the rear.

Looking at the heavenly tribulation covered by the sea of ​​thunder, everyone present was trembling in their hearts.

Wait for this heavenly tribulation to pass.

I am afraid that their spirit race will suffer heavy losses.

The sea of ​​thunder is extremely infiltrating, and any lightning can bombard a huge palace into ashes.

Only some palaces with array formations can resist for a while.

At this moment.

I don’t know how many strong men of the spirit race began to regret not arranging array formations inside the spirit race.


Their losses today can be reduced a lot.

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