If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 352 The true dragon takes off, the best strategy!

"Give us Taixuan Shengzong hundreds of years, how can dark creatures like them and the Great Shang Dynasty have the right to act so arrogantly!"

Among the many elders, Elder Fan spoke calmly.

He is still the same as before, with white beard and hair and a bad temper.

However, his strength has improved, and he is now at the peak of the Nirvana Realm, only one step away from the Quasi-Saint Realm. It seems that he may break through at any time.

But this one step has blocked countless people's life time.

To this day.

Among the many holy places, only Taixuan Shengsong is the only one who has elders in the Nirvana Realm.

"I heard that the Holy Son has become a saint, and there is a strong man at the Holy King level beside him to help him."

"If he could come back now, I guess the Shang Dynasty wouldn't dare to be too presumptuous!"

"And those dark creatures can be easily dealt with."

Another elder spoke.

As soon as these words came out.

A look of loneliness flashed across the faces of the other elders and Lord Taixuan.

to be honest.

There was something unreal in their hearts at this time.


A bit inferior.


Su Chen's reputation in the outside world is too terrifying.

Many forces chose to befriend Su Chen.

Coupled with the reputation of becoming a powerful saint in less than thirty years, they had an illusion.

Did such a genius really come from their Taixuan Sect?


Can the Taixuan Saint Sect, which is at the bottom of the holy power list, really be able to cultivate a true dragon that is so famous in the Eastern Wilderness that it can soar through the nine heavens?

"A few days ago, the Holy Son sent me a message, saying that he would arrive soon."

"If nothing else, the Holy Son is now on his way back to the Holy Land."

Saint Master Taixuan was silent for a moment, then spoke in a deep voice.


Hearing the words of Holy Lord Taixuan, everyone was shocked.

Just now, they were worried that their Holy Son would turn his nose up at their Taixuan Saint Sect and even not come back after seeing the vast outside world.

Hearing the Holy Lord's words now is no less than a shot in the arm for them.

Deep in their hearts, they almost believed that as long as Su Chen came back, the current predicament of their Taixuan Holy Sect would be solved.

To some extent.

Su Chen's current name is even more useful than that of the Supreme Elder.

"Now that the Holy Son has returned, some things should be moved up the agenda!"

Saint Master Taixuan looked around and slowly said:

"I believe that all the elders already know the news that the Holy Son has successfully passed through the tenth level of sainthood and has become a saint."

"With his current strength, it is really too humiliating to continue to be the Holy Son."

Speaking of which.

Saint Master Taixuan stopped and looked at the people around him.


When everyone in the hall heard this, they suddenly fell silent and looked at each other.


They had already thought of this.


Due to the face of the Holy Lord, I never dared to bring it up.

Throughout history, no holy land has ever seen a saintly son in the realm of saints.

They really wanted Su Chen to assume the position of Holy Master.

But the problem is.

Now that the Holy Lord is at his peak, they can't let him abdicate directly, right?

After all, Su Chen also rose up under the leadership of this Holy Lord.


After everyone thought about it, it seemed that only the position of Supreme Elder was more suitable for Su Chen.

But the key is.

Su Chen is less than thirty years old.

Such a young Supreme Elder is simply unheard of.


They felt a little weird when they thought that Su Chen, who was still a junior some time ago, was now superior to all of them in the blink of an eye.

"I wonder what the Holy Master plans?"

An elder asked cautiously.

"My opinion is that the Holy Son should directly assume the position of Supreme Elder of our Holy Sect!"

Saint Master Taixuan spoke calmly.

Say it.

He looked at everyone again and continued:

"The Holy Son is now in a stage of rapid progress, and everything is based on strength."

"It's not that I covet the position of the Holy Lord. It's actually that if the Holy Son is allowed to sit in my position, I'm afraid my cultivation will be disturbed by some trivial matters in the world."

Su Chen has now become the signature of their Taixuan Saint Sect.

If he were allowed to become the Holy Lord.

what can be confirmed is.

The prestige of Taixuan Holy Sect will rise to a higher level in a short period of time.


It can stand shoulder to shoulder with those veteran holy-level forces.

But this way.

Here comes the problem.

If Su Chen becomes the Holy Master, he will definitely need to deal with a lot of things.

In this way, his cultivation level will definitely drop a lot.

It would be a pity if a person who has the hope of becoming an emperor in the future is delayed due to some trivial matters.

He, the Holy Lord, cannot overcome the obstacles in his heart.

In his opinion.

Letting Su Chen serve as the Supreme Elder of the Taixuan Holy Sect was the wisest decision.

The Supreme Elder is just a name and does not need to deal with those trivial matters.

After becoming the Supreme Elder, Su Chen could continue to practice hard.

This is a win-win situation for both Su Chen and the Taixuan Holy Sect.

When Su Che becomes emperor, even if he does nothing, their Taixuan Saint Sect will naturally reach a higher level and become an emperor-level force.

"What the Holy Lord said makes sense."

Some elders agreed and spoke.

"Yes, if the Holy Son is allowed to assume the position of Holy Lord, his cultivation will inevitably fall. To be on the safe side, let's follow what the Holy Lord says."

"Having a Supreme Elder is indeed the best policy for the Holy Son at this time."

"Since the rise of the Holy Son, he has been fighting for glory for our Taixuan Holy Sect. According to his temperament, it is naturally impossible for him to stay in the sect forever. I agree with letting the Holy Son serve as the Supreme Elder!"

"The Holy Son is a true dragon and should not be trapped in one position in our Taixuan Sect."

"With the Holy Son's temperament, he will definitely not be able to stay idle. Even if the Holy Master gives up his position as the Holy Master, I'm afraid the Holy Son will not accept it."

"It seems that the position of Supreme Elder is indeed very suitable for the Holy Son!"


Many elders in the field spoke one after another.

All the elders agreed with the suggestion of Lord Taixuan.

None of the elders in the entire hall had any objections.

They are all smart people.

Knowing that Su Chen was a real dragon, they would feel very sorry if he was trapped in the position of Holy Lord.

For Su Chen.

For their Taixuan Saint Sect, letting him serve as the Supreme Elder is indeed the best strategy at the moment!

"In that case, when the Holy Son returns..."

Saint Master Taixuan glanced around the crowd and spoke slowly.


Before he finished speaking, a core disciple in purple robes hurried in from outside the hall.

After entering the main hall, he stopped and spoke anxiously, without even having time to salute, and said:

"Holy Lord!"

"Oh no, something big happened!"


As soon as these words came out.

All the elders in the hall frowned, and everyone looked at the Holy Lord.

Saint Master Taixuan's heart sank, he looked at the purple-robed disciple and said in a deep voice:

"What happened?"

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