If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 359: The Four Beheadings of King Zhou of Shang, Su Chen's Harvest! [Please give me a mo


next moment.

A big black hand pressed down from the sky.

Everything below was crushed to pieces, and countless buildings were turned into powder.

In the imperial city, many residents turned into a mass of blood mist at this moment.

Shang Zhou didn't care at all about the death of ordinary people.

In his opinion.

Now that he has become a saint, he is qualitatively different from these ants.

They are no longer the same creature.


When Mr. Wang saw this scene, he did not panic and made a seal with one hand.


Thousands of divine lights flew out and collided with the big black hand above.


This will not help at all, it will not shake it at all,

And he himself was easily knocked away by the giant hand.

This palm seemed light, but after colliding with Mr. Wang.

His whole body suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, half of his body was completely shattered, and only a piece of soul was left, which escaped from the body and flew quickly towards the end of the sky.

This change happened quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a strong man at the pinnacle of the quasi-holy realm was easily blown away, leaving only a trace of his soul missing.

Upon seeing this, many powerful men from the Great Shang Dynasty flew in all directions, trying to search for Mr. Wang's soul.


Before they left the imperial city, Shang Zhou's cold voice echoed in the world:

"It's just a dying person, there's no need to chase him."

Shang Zhou sat high on the dragon chair in the main hall and continued to speak:

"From now on, the imperial city will be sealed off!"

"No one is allowed in or out, and any offender will be killed!"

"Those who spread rumors in the imperial city will be killed!"

"Those who want to betray the Great Shang Dynasty, behead them!"

"At the same time, track down this person's accomplices and kill him immediately if you encounter him!"

"Subordinate, follow your orders!"

Upon hearing this, countless princes and princes from the Great Shang Dynasty knelt on the ground and spoke respectfully.


What they can't figure out is.

Why did the always strong Emperor Shang let that person go after he was offended by someone today?

after all.

He is just a quasi-sacred person.

They didn't think that this person could escape from the clutches of the Great Shang Emperor.

What made them even more confused was why the Dashang Dynasty didn't let them chase him.

To know.

That person now only has a soul left.

It's just a soul, but its strength is insignificant. As long as they pursue him, that person will definitely die.

Even a monk in the Nirvana realm can kill him.

But the Great Shang Emperor stopped everyone.

This confuses many people.

But at the same time.

They were very helpless.

after all.

He is the emperor, they are just subordinates and can only obey orders.

Time flies.

Half a month passed.

During this time.

The legend of Su Chen has been left behind by everyone in the Taixuan Holy Sect.

This newly appointed Supreme Elder is completely different from the previous one.

Ever since the previous Supreme Elder became a saint, he has been in a state of chaos.

On weekdays, let alone ordinary disciples, even if the Holy Master wants to meet, it is not possible to do so.

But when it was Su Chen's turn, things became different.

He has been wandering around the holy land on weekdays.

Everyone from the elders to the outer disciples had the honor to see Su Chen's face.

There are even more lucky ones who get personal guidance from Su Chen.


There are also some lucky people who have been rewarded by Su Chen.

To know.

That is the reward from the Supreme Elder!

A saint!

Even if something casually leaks out from between the nails, it is enough for these disciples to benefit from it for a lifetime.

For a while.

Throughout the Taixuan Holy Sect, voices of respect for Su Chen could be heard everywhere.

At this time, anyone who dared to say a bad word about Su Chen would definitely be attacked by those disciples.

Back mountain.

After Su Chen became the Supreme Elder, he no longer lived in the original Saint Child Peak, but changed to a peak dedicated to the Supreme Elder.

On this mountain peak, he built himself a residence.

Although it is not very gorgeous, it is more simple and natural, and has a charm that is consistent with the way of heaven.

At this time, Su Chen was sitting on the futon.

There were countless items placed in front of him, and almost all kinds of rare treasures of heaven, materials, and earth could be seen.

If Long Wu saw this scene, he would probably be very shocked.

Good thing.

Long Wu had already gone to retreat and did not see this scene.

"Tens of millions of spiritual stones, hundreds of bottles of elixirs, and more than two hundred strains of elixirs..."

"It's just that the only flaw is that there is no holy medicine."

"There are also more than fifty earth-level martial arts and supernatural powers, more than a hundred low-grade spiritual treasures plus medium-grade spiritual treasures, ten high-grade spiritual treasures, and three Taoist weapons."

"I have to say, the stuff in this class is really not good!"

"I can't even brag."

Su Chen counted the items in front of him and murmured in a low voice.

These things are what he has gained in the past half month.

He walked around the Taixuan Holy Sect, constantly distributing wealth, and had been secretly reminding many disciples to brag.


These things are too useless for him now and are of no use at all.

"I should have known that I would spend money like this when I was in the Wang family, and then lead them to brag about it."

"Judging from the population base of the Wang family, if we can successfully guide them to brag in various ways, it is estimated that the harvest will not be much different from what the Taixuan Holy Sect has achieved today."

Su Chen murmured softly.

Originally, he planned to spread the wealth when he was with the Wang family, and then guide them to brag and use the system to gain rewards.



He is just an outsider and cannot give items to them.

after all.

It's okay to give it to one or two people, but if you give it to hundreds of people as soon as it comes up, even if the Wang family doesn't say anything on the surface.

But they might be suspicious of themselves behind the scenes.

They will definitely think that by doing so, they are either trying to win people's hearts or have ulterior motives.

At first.

Su Chen didn't do this in the Wang family, but it still hurts to think about it now.

"Next, it's time to think about how to deal with the Great Shang Dynasty."

"The Great Shang Dynasty mobilized its troops to attack the Taixuan Holy Sect, so it seems that it should be confident."

Su Chen frowned slightly.

During this period, it was those forces that had issues with him before.

For example, the Wuji Demon Sect, the Golden Crow Clan, the Qin Family, and many other forces remained silent and pretended to be dead.

after all.

He is now sanctified.

If he continues to provoke him, he can bring Long Wu to the door.

With a holy king sitting in charge, it would be difficult for these forces to do anything to him.

But the Great Shang Dynasty did the opposite.

If he said that the other party had no trump cards, Su Chen wouldn't believe it.

"Is it because there are dark creatures supporting you?"

Su Chen murmured to himself.

From his perspective, he felt that the Dashang Dynasty was backed by dark creatures.

But the problem is.

In today's world, there are many dark creatures crossing borders.

But overall, there is still no existence beyond the saint realm.

If there is a great sage or a dark creature from the Saint King realm attacking, then the opponent can completely attack in a large scale. There is no need to rely on the Great Shang Dynasty to make a small fuss. (End of chapter)

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