"Shang Zhou, are you crazy?"

The dark creature that looked like a champion was completely shocked.

Today's incident simply refreshed his outlook.

Although they are dark creatures, they also fight among themselves.

Available at critical moments.

They also understand who is the enemy and who is the friend!

But Shang Zhou was not good.

What does it mean to kill one's ancestor as soon as he shows up?

Will it be your turn next?

"No, I'm not crazy."

Shang Zhou shook his head slightly, a smile appeared on his face, and he said lightly:

"I'm just walking on a path that the ancients have already walked!"

The path traveled by one great emperor may not be walked by another person.

But one thing is undeniable.

That is.

This is the right path!

As long as you don't reach the end of this road, nothing will happen!

"What way?"

When the dark creature heard this, his heart trembled.

His instinct told him that something bad was going to happen next!

He wanted to run for his life now.

But in front of him was Shang Zhou, and behind him was Su Chen.

Neither of these two people would let him leave easily.

"The road to becoming an emperor!"

Shang Zhou spoke softly.

He formed a seal with his hands. He shouted loudly:


As these words fell, they were like the sound of the great road, vibrating in all directions.

A radius of thousands of miles, a hundred thousand miles, a million miles...

Within the endless distance, they vibrated together.

The palace beneath his feet collapsed, and a bright red sun appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

With this sun as the center, it spread crazily in all directions.

Looking down from the sky, there is no end in sight.

No one knows how vast a land these red lines cover.

"What's this……"

"The formation! It must be the formation!"

"I didn't expect Shang Zhou to have laid out such a grand formation before this! It seems that he was well prepared!"

"Such a mysterious formation makes me feel a hint of the aura of the emperor!"

"Could this be a killing array?!"


The moment countless red lines appeared, everyone was shocked.

Look around.

There are formation patterns everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

The entire sky was covered with a layer of crimson, as if in the Nine Nether Purgatory, giving people a feeling of panic all day long.


Someone has already seen that this formation may be related to a great emperor!

But the good thing is that this formation was not arranged by the powerful emperor himself.

The materials used were nothing but fairy gold.


This can only be regarded as a remnant formation of the Great Emperor.

But even so, it's scary enough.

Such a terrifying and powerful formation cannot be compared to the previous national defense formation in Dashang Imperial City.

According to other people's speculations, this formation can at least trap and kill a powerful person at the level of a great sage.

Even if a strong man at the level of a Holy King comes, he will most likely drink his hatred.

As for whether they can control the quasi-emperor, that's not something they can speculate on.

"What a great gesture!"

"Shang Zhou has been hiding behind the scenes all this time, just for this moment!"

A saint spoke.

There was a hint of fear in his voice.

Before this, no one thought that Shang Zhou had such a trump card.

after all.

In the history of the Great Shang Dynasty, there has never been a great emperor!

There are not even strong men in the quasi-emperor realm.

But who would have thought that they would have a formation left by the Great Emperor in their hands.

If this had been known earlier, the forces coming today would probably have brought Japanese soldiers with them.

An imperial weapon emerges, which is enough to easily shatter the formation in front of you.

But when things have reached this point, it is no longer possible to go back and bring the imperial soldiers.

"Ha ha……"

Just when others were worried, the dark creature that looked like a champion monkey looked up to the sky and roared loudly, with a very happy voice:

"The backhand that fellow Daoist Shang was referring to before turns out to be this one!"

"With this formation here, I'm afraid we can bury all the enemies who invaded today!"


At this point, he stopped.

His eyes moved around and finally fell on Su Chen, with a greedy look deep in his eyes as he said:

"Please also keep this person's body, I will be of great use!"

The champion's body is in the first echelon, not to mention the entire Eastern Wasteland, even the entire world.

After all, he is also a divine body!

But after comparing this kind of physique with Su Chen, the gap is a bit too big.


He coveted Su Chen's body very much.

If he could get this body, his original body could almost be given up.

With Su Chen's body, he could even become an emperor in this world!


The time to become emperor is still calculated based on the current world.

If things go wrong, he can become emperor in just a few thousand years.

This was something that his original body couldn't compare to.

after all.

Dark creatures are too restricted.

Just becoming a saint takes tens of thousands of years.

It takes hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to become an emperor.

A comparison between the two can be said to be a judgment call.

"No need to stay."

After listening to this, Shang Zhou's face was calm. He shook his head gently and uttered four words casually.


The dark creature who looked like a champion marquis froze his smile on his face.

He originally wanted to play it safe and ease the awkward atmosphere between him and Shang Zhou.

Although Shang Zhou killed his ancestor not long ago.

But no matter what.

At this moment, the two are still allies in the same camp.

He didn't think that Shang Zhou would choose to attack him after killing his ancestor.

But Shang Zhou's answer at this time made him a little uneasy.

"What do you mean?"

The dark creature who looked like a champion marquis spoke in a deep voice.

"It doesn't mean anything, but you may not need it."

Shang Zhou took a step forward, and the brilliance on his body was dazzling. The deep red luster almost merged with the altar behind him, like a red sun burning and tearing the void.

He formed seals with both hands again, and the nine ancient characters were brilliantly played, as if nine big stars were rotating, shining with immortal glory.

This is the secret method left by the former Emperor Tianyou, which can activate the formation under his feet.

The moment he cast it, the entire formation began to rumble.

"Is this the Tianyou Blood Evil Formation?"

Su Chen spoke slowly.

His voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the void.

Countless years ago.

Emperor Tianyou suddenly appeared, and he did not have the appearance of becoming an emperor.

His final achievement was just the peak of a great sage.

But in his twilight years, he created the Tianyou Blood Evil Formation, a shocking formation.

With this formation, he sacrificed the entire ancient domain with blood.

Every ancient domain sacrificed by him can be compared to the current East Wilderness.

I don't know how many lives have fallen under the Tianyou Blood Evil Formation.

Relying on the origin of these lives, Emperor Tianyou went against the sky, broke through his own shackles, reached the peak of the quasi-emperor in one fell swoop, and even survived the calamity of becoming an emperor.

From then on, he became an emperor who suppressed the ages!

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