If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 391 Qin Hao takes action, sneak attack!


"Speaking of which..."

A relatively young monk looked around and asked in confusion:

"Why haven't we seen Senior Su Chen yet?"

"With his terrifying strength, he should have arrived long ago, right?"

"Maybe he's still on the way..."

Someone said so.


"There is also a possibility that he doesn't dare to come!"

Just then.


A harsh voice came.


Several young men stepped forward, and their auras were not weak. They were all in the Nirvana realm.

It's just that there is a certain gap between them and some saints or princes.

But even so, it's enough to make people afraid.

Because their voices didn't avoid anyone, many people looked over here curiously when they heard it.

"Is that..."

"Disciple of the Shadowless Palace?"

Someone recognized their identities and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Shadowless Palace is too powerful, almost daunting, even some holy places don't dare to provoke them easily.

After all.

They have connections with the legendary fairyland.

In the past few months, several great emperors have walked out of the Shadowless Palace.

In addition to the great emperors they cultivated themselves, some great emperors visited the Shadowless Palace after they became enlightened, wanting to inquire about the fairyland.

In summary.

The status of the Shadowless Palace on the mainland has almost reached a transcendent level.

Even the Qin family, after the emergence of a genius like Qin Yuan, gave up their own training at the first time and sent him to the Shadowless Palace to practice.

"It would be fine if Su Chen didn't come, even if he came, it would be useless. The result of today's battle has long been determined, and Senior Brother Qin Yuan will definitely win!"

"And Qin Hao, there is only one way to die!"

The young disciple in the lead, with sharp eyes, looked down on all directions, and sneered:

"If I were Su Chen, I would not come here to cause trouble today."

"This is actually quite good, out of sight, out of mind."



Deathly silence.

Along with the voice of the young disciple, Luo Xiai, many people in the surrounding void frowned and looked over.

Most of the many forces present had a close relationship with Su Chen.

Now they heard someone humiliating Su Chen like this, and they were extremely angry.

But just when some people were about to get angry, a cold voice came from not far away:

"Are you looking for death?"


The young man who was the leader of the Shadowless Hall heard this and his expression changed slightly.

He turned his head and looked.


Before he could see the face of the visitor clearly, he was directly locked by a breath of death.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


A sharp whistle came.

I saw that dense feathers of light appeared above the sky, as if flying swords were slashing down, blazing and dazzling, turning into brilliant divine rays, covering several disciples of the Shadowless Hall.


For a while.

Mountains collapsed and tsunamis collapsed, the sky collapsed and the earth sank.

This is a kind of wild and domineering breath, as if a piece of ocean exploded, and the waves swept the whole land.

The area within hundreds of miles was completely boiling.

Many people's faces suddenly changed, and their expressions were uncertain.

Over the years, it is not that no disciples of the Shadowless Hall have died outside.

But in public, wanting to kill the disciples of the Shadowless Hall is a very incredible thing.

Not to mention.

This place is only a few thousand miles away from the mountain gate of the Shadowless Hall.

What's the difference between this and killing people in front of the mountain gate of the Shadowless Hall?

This is equivalent to slapping the face of the Shadowless Hall nakedly!


An old man from the Shadowless Hall, with a bad face, wanted to raise his hand to resist this move.

But before he could start to move, a terrifying pressure instantly enveloped him.

This old man has a high status in the Shadowless Hall and is also an elder-level existence.

His strength has reached the peak of the quasi-saint realm, and he is only one step away from the realm of the saint.

But even so, the omnipresent killing intent still made him feel terrified.

His intuition told him that if he dared to make a move and block this attack.

He would be the first to die!

There is a very terrifying existence hidden in the dark!

In an instant.

This thought flashed through the old man's mind.


Ten thousand sword lights poured like mercury, piercing through the void of a hundred miles. Several disciples of the Shadowless Hall inside had no time to resist, and several were beaten into a ball of blood mist.

Only the leading disciple, relying on his powerful cultivation, barely resisted this attack.

But even so, he was torn and covered with scars. There was a deep wound on his chest that could see the bone, and blood kept flowing.


"May I ask who is coming? How dare you attack my disciples of the Shadowless Hall?!"

"You are so brave! You dare to attack me, are you looking for death?!"


Two roars came in succession.

The young man from the Shadowless Palace kept scanning the crowd around him, trying to find the person who had acted in secret.

He didn't have to wait long before a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

He stood on the sky, motionless, his hair flying, and the whole person was as steady as a rock that had existed for eternity.

"Just based on what you just said, dying a hundred times is not enough!"

"Qin Hao!"

Seeing the figure appear, the young man had a ferocious look on his face and roared in a low voice.

He never thought that he would be hit so hard by a junior on his own territory.

The strength Qin Hao showed just now was beyond his expectations.

You know.

Qin Hao is only a teenager now!

And he has been practicing for more than a hundred years. Originally, he wanted to help Senior Brother Qin Yuan and strengthen his momentum.

If Qin Hao was lured out, he could take advantage of the situation and defeat Qin Hao directly.

But who would have thought.

Qin Hao would be so powerful. Just a face-to-face encounter, he fell into such a situation.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully looked at Qin Hao in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The opponent's cultivation was not as terrible as he had imagined.

He was only in the middle stage of Nirvana!

He was also in this realm.

In a head-on battle, he thought that even if he was not as good as Qin Hao, he would not be defeated so quickly.

The reason why it became like this was mostly because of the sneak attack.

Thinking of this.

His expression became cold and fierce, and a divine light spit out from his mouth, as thin as a hair, and it was difficult to detect.

Moreover, the speed of this divine light was extremely fast, and it would be hit if you were not careful.

This scene happened very suddenly.

No one expected that such a change would happen before the decisive battle between Qin Hao and Qin Yuan today.

If Qin Hao was seriously injured before the battle, I am afraid that today's battle would end in vain.

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